CASSANDRA TERESA VELEZ-SALDAÑA entered the world two weeks ahead of her due date. In a hurry to be born and exercising her lungs to full velocity, as her father commented as he cradled the pink-faced squalling infant before transferring his daughter to her mother’s chest where, with a subsiding hiccup, she quieted and nestled comfortably.
Dark hair, exquisite features and a mind of her own, Raúl mused, when she protested volubly as a nurse tucked her into a crib and trundled it to the nursery.
‘Gracias di Dios.’ The words teased the tendrils of Gianna’s hair as he spoke them close to her ear. ‘My beautiful wife,’ he said gently. ‘Believe you’re the love of my life.’
They were words he reiterated often…words she never tired of hearing. Gianna smiled, and lifted a hand to lay it against his cheek. ‘Same goes.’