Kematian System
03:00 January 1, 2736 Earth Standard Meridian Date/Time
DSC-078 Avalon Main Flight Deck
It had been a long and emotionally exhausting flight home.
Michael had set the computer to fly the simple course back to Avalon and tried to sleep, but it wasn’t happening. Victory had turned to ashes in his mouth, and when he closed his eyes, his mind insisted on replaying his implant’s picture-perfect record of the missiles striking home.
Having a good idea of what was going to be waiting once he returned to the ship, he’d eventually ordered his implant to force him to sleep. It wasn’t as restorative as natural sleep, for reasons he was assured were as much psychological as anything else, but it let him feel somewhat rested as he settled his Falcon into its docking cradle and exited into the flight deck.
He was completely unsurprised to find Senior Chief Petty Officer Olivia Kalers waiting for him. His Acting Deck Chief with Hamond on medical leave was an older woman with a shaven head and a permanently sour expression.
“The Captain wants to see you,” Kalers said quickly. “He wants me to make sure we have a detailed list of everything we need to bring the Group up to full strength by the time we hit orbit.”
Stanford winced. They were still in the process of retrieving fighters, and the Kematians still hadn’t retrieved all of his people’s emergency pods. They would soon, he was assured, but there were a lot of escape pods in the debris of Force One’s running battle with the Kematian Navy and subsequent destruction.
“Do your best,” he told Kalers quietly. “Pull whatever resources you need – Stars know the crews coming back in could use a distraction.”
“Wasn’t their fault, sir.”
“It wasn’t anyone’s fault but the Commonwealth’s, Chief,” Michael replied. “Keep an eye out for anyone who’ll need to see Cunningham’s people,” he added after a moment’s thought, shaking his head. “This isn’t something everyone is going to be able to compartmentalize.”
His only response was silence, and the CAG looked over at his Acting Deck Chief. Kalers’s gaze was focused on the floor, and the woman looked old.
“Not sure I’m going to be able to compartmentalize,” the Chief admitted. “My God, sir – half a planet?!”
“It’s evil, Chief,” Michael told her, very softly. “It’s evil, and we will hunt down the bastard like the sick dog he is. But put yourself on that list for Cunningham,” he ordered. “I need you fully functional.”
“Will do, sir,” Kalers acknowledged.
03:15 January 1, 2736 ESMDT
DSC-078 Avalon Captain’s Office
Michael entered the Captain’s office to find Solace and Roberts clearly in the middle of a video conference. Solace shushed him with a finger to her lips as he opened the door, then gestured him to a seat waiting for him.
Avalon’s Executive Officer looked shattered. She was in full dress uniform – Michael was suddenly all too aware that he was still in his combat flightsuit – but the collar was askew and she’d spilled coffee on it at some point.
Roberts, on the other hand, looked as unflappable as ever. He gave Michael a small wave, but his attention was focused on the wallscreen showing a dozen other senior officers, and one old, exhausted, man in a business suit.
“I assure you, Mister President,” Vice Admiral Tobin was saying, “we have no intentions of leaving Kematian unprotected! I am breveting Captain Alstairs to Force Commander and leaving all of Battle Group Seventeen except Avalon behind.”
Force Commander was an odd rank, one that didn’t appear on the tables and was never permanently granted. It acted as an O – Seven point Five, a brevet-only rank between the Federation’s Captains and its Rear Admirals. The only reason for its existence was to allow an Admiral to designate a specific Captain to command a sub-force.
“Only Avalon has the upgrades to the Alcubierre drive that make a pursuit even remotely possible,” Tobin told the President of Kematian.
“We need all the help we can get,” the man told him. “With explosions of this size, my advisors are warning of catastrophic ecological damage, even on the side of the planet that was untouched.”
“We have at least a partial solution to that,” Captain Aleppo of the Zheng He told him. “The Factor had a terraforming expedition going on in an uninhabited system we’d claimed. Given the circumstances, we’d already ordered them back the Rembrandt system – but they can and have been re-directed.
“I am advised by my government that the terraforming vessel Mona Lisa should be arriving here within three days,” she concluded. “They have the equipment and the specialists to be able to minimize the long-term damage.”
The old man visibly slumped in relief.
“I will pass my thanks to your government,” he said softly. “Whatever this service costs, we did not think such a team would be available in time.”
“The Factor Board has already decided that we will carry the cost,” Aleppo told him. “There are times and services when friends are more valuable than profit. This is one of those times.”
“Vice Commodore Stanford has joined us,” Roberts interrupted as everyone was silent for a moment to digest the somewhat unusual generosity of the Factor. Born of a union of corporations that owned planets rather than planetary governments, profit was always at least second or third in the Board’s thought processes.
“Ah, good,” Tobin replied, turning his gaze on the screen linking him to Roberts’ office. The Admiral’s eyes belied his energetic words and motions – they were bloodshot, surrounded by wrinkles Michael was certain hadn’t been there before.
“Avalon cannot leave until your starfighter group is fully up to strength,” the Vice Admiral told him. “I want to be on our way within two hours of making Kematian orbit – every hour, every minute, that passes runs the risk of that ship escaping us.”
Before Michael could say anything, the Captain dropped a note onto his implant.
“We identified the battleship,” he said. “Triumphant, one of the last Resolutes built. Intel is digging into the Captain.”
“My staff are already working on a list,” Michael told them. “Off the top of my head, we could use a munitions resupply, but our biggest issue is fighters and crews. I lost sixteen starfighters in the battle, and while half of those crews are fine, they won’t catch up to us in that time frame.”
“Force Commander Alstairs,” Tobin said briskly, glancing at Camerone’s commander. “Once we’re in orbit, I’ll want you to transfer pilots and crews from your own group to make up Stanford’s strength.”
“Understood, Admiral,” the newly breveted Force Commander replied. “I presume you’ll want complete squadrons?”
“If you’ve got them,” Michael said cautiously. His own losses were scattered through his Wings, but he’d have a more functional weapon if he integrated two complete squadrons into his Group than if he tried to insert new fighter crews into his existing squadrons.
“Two of my squadrons took no losses,” she confirmed. “I’ll have them aboard Avalon as soon as we’re in orbit and they’ve managed to catch some sleep.”
“What about pursuit vectors?” Roberts asked. “Did we get a line on where Triumphant went FTL?”
“We did,” a shaven-headed man in a dark burgundy uniform unfamiliar to Michael replied. A quick implant query informed him the man was the Fleet Admiral commanding the Kematian Navy – and currently aboard one of the cruisers sweeping the debris for survivors.
“We got our drones into position before the bajingan warped space,” he continued. “Both Triumphant and the transports are on a vector for KG-779. It’s a brown dwarf system, nothing there, but it makes a useful navigation relay.”
“Captain Roberts,” Tobin directed his attention back to the Captain. “Have you had a chance to discuss the Alcubierre upgrade with Commander Wong?”
“I have,” the Captain replied. “And he and I both managed to raise Rear Admiral Klein, who’s running the upgrade project back on Castle.
“The reasons the upgrades aren’t being pushed to the entire Navy is that the speed boost is minimal,” he continued. “We’re talking one point one light years per day squared instead of one. It’ll add up, though. We won’t catch them at 779,” the Captain warned. “But we will catch them.”
That reassurance seemed to hit home as Michael saw a lot of nods and grim expressions that could charitably be called smiles on the wall.
“We’ll be in orbit of Kematian in five hours,” Tobin told the President. “We’ll transfer fighters and munitions as necessary, and drop most of Avalon’s small craft to assist in the search and rescue. By then, the convoy will also be inbound and set to rendezvous.
“I suggest that those of you can get what you rest you can,” the Federation Vice Admiral told his people, then glanced back to the Kematians. “Once we hit orbit, we’re all going to be very busy.”
Slowly, with a series of acknowledgements and final orders, the various screens winked out. When the screen faded back to plain metal at last, Roberts heaved a huge sigh of relief and turned his gaze on Stanford.
Somehow, despite everything, Roberts still looked energetic and engaged.
“Mira, go get some sleep,” he ordered, taking in the shattered state of the XO. “Belmonte should be back on duty in an hour, I can hold the fort down until then. I’ll need you fresh when we hit orbit.”
“What about you, sir?” she asked, and Michael was surprised by her gentle tone.
“Rank hath its privileges – in this case, stimulants – and its detriments – in this case, too many duties,” he replied cheerfully. “I’ll sleep once we’re en route out of the system. Go.”
With a quick nod to both men, the exec slipped out of the room, leaving the two friends sitting together.
“Starless Void, what a disaster,” Michael said quietly. “How bad, Kyle?”
“Twenty-four cities,” Roberts replied, his voice equally quiet. “Average population fifteen million. But that’s… being ignorant. One-gigaton explosions don’t just hurt what they destroy. Ash. Acid. Debris. The regions for a hundred kilometers around each impact are toxic death zones. Including the countryside and smaller cities in the debris zones and those overlaps…”
The big Captain sounded more tired than Michael had heard him since they’d thought they were going to die at Tranquility.
“Current estimates are at half a billion dead and rising,” he said simply. “If Mona Lisa arrives in time, they should be able to minimize the damage, but…” Roberts’ hand closed on an empty coffee mug, and threw it against the wall in a convulsive motion.
“Even minimized Kematian could see a billion dead from this massacre,” the big Captain snarled. “I could have stopped it. Should have argued harder. Dammit, Michael, we failed.”
“We couldn’t see this coming,” Michael objected. “The Commonwealth’s worst are usually the true believers, the ones willing to sacrifice anything for Unity – this is as Voids-cursed anathema to them as you or I.
“Even if Triumphant eludes us, the fucker won’t survive,” he told his friend. “Some of the higher ups might be willing to let it slide, but Starless Void knows Walkingstick is a true believer. This kind of blood doesn’t help their cause, and he knows it.”
“It changes nothing, Michael,” his Captain replied. “Half a billion and more dead. What’s revenge to that? What’s justice to that?”
“You’re not sleeping because you can’t, aren’t you?” Michael demanded. “This isn’t your Voids-cursed fault, Captain Kyle Roberts,” he snapped. “It isn’t even Vice Admiral bloody Tobin’s fault, though I bet you diamonds to donuts he’s fighting the same demon you are.”
Roberts quirked his lips in something that might have been a smile and bowed his head.
“I also have work to do,” he said. “But you’re not wrong.”
“Then let’s get to that work, boss,” Michael told him. “Because one thing I do know – justice may be a frail shield against something like this, but by all the Stars, I still plan on killing the son of a bitch who did it.”