Castle System, Castle Federation
13:00 December 16, 2735 Earth Standard Meridian Date/Time
DSC-078 Avalon, Vice Admiral Tobin’s Office
Dimitri was in the middle of reviewing the files of the three women, two men, and one hermaphrodite – a common affectation among those who’d traveled further along the path once called ‘Transhuman’ than the rest of humanity – who commanded the six ships being entrusted to his protection when Judy Sanchez knocked on his office door and entered.
“Senior Fleet Commander Solace is here to see you, sir,” she told him crisply. “I setup the appointment with her as you requested.”
The Vice Admiral paused, regarding his Chief of Staff levelly. “I don’t recall requesting an appointment, Commander,” he said mildly.
“You said you wanted to get a feel for Roberts’ subordinates,” Sanchez replied cautiously. “Part of your concerns about his inexperience, sir.”
He paused. He really didn’t remember saying exactly that, and even if he had, it was quite a jump to go from that to setting up an appointment with his Flag Captain’s XO. He had, though, probably expressed some sentiment along those lines. It appeared he was going to need to be careful just what he suggested to his new Chief of Staff.
“Since she’s here, you may as well send her in,” Dimitri finally allowed. “Please make sure to run appointment requests through me first in future? Not every casual thought requires a formal meeting with the Admiral, after all,” he said gently.
“Of course, sir,” Sanchez said with a small, hopefully somewhat abashed, bow of her head. She stepped out and returned a moment later with the slimly elegant black woman who served as Dimitri’s flagship’s XO.
“Thank you, Commander Sanchez,” the Admiral told her. “If you can have a steward bring us coffee? Or would you prefer tea, Commander Solace?”
“Coffee is fine, sir,” Solace said primly. “Black, please.”
“Of course,” Senior Fleet Commander Sanchez agreed before bowing herself out of the Vice Admiral’s office.
Dimitri gestured for Solace to have a seat. After a moment’s hesitation, the Commander obeyed.
“Commander Sanchez wasn’t clear why you wanted to see me, sir,” she said after a moment. While Sanchez and Solace were both Senior Fleet Commanders, and Solace could certainly tell Sanchez to take a hike, she couldn’t do the same to the Admiral.
The steward thankfully arrived before Dimitri had to answer Solace’s implied question, delivering two cups, a carafe, and a small jar of the wildflower honey the Vice Admiral himself preferred. After the young man withdrew, Tobin picked up the cup – sweetened to the perfect level as the young man was one of the few carry-overs from Corona.
“May I be frank with you, Commander Solace?”
“You’re the Admiral, sir.”
Translation: I can’t tell you what to do, but this whole interview is making me uncomfortable. Solace communicated better with intonations on the word ‘sir’ than Dimitri had seen some people manage with hundred page essays.
“What is your impression of Captain Roberts?” Dimitri finally asked, figuring that cutting to the chase was probably easiest. “Having reviewed both of your records, well, it would appear that you are more qualified for his role than he is.”
“It is not my place to speak to my Captain’s qualifications, sir,” Solace told him, her voice calm.
“Commander, I’m not asking you to speak to his qualifications,” he replied. “Just… your impressions. I’ve been asked to take a Flag Captain who’s on his first major command. I am… concerned.”
Solace was quiet for a few moments. Dimitri couldn’t read her. He knew he wasn’t as intuitive as some other officers he’d served with, and for a moment he wished he had a little bit more of that gift. He could have just accidently offended one of his key officers.
“Sir, your question skirts the limits of what is appropriate to ask of an officer,” she said finally. “I understand your concern. I will admit to sharing it, as this is a powerful vessel, an unusual first command.
“But while I may have concerns about Captain Roberts’ experience, I do not question his qualifications. Captain Kyle Roberts earned his planet winning a battle I do not believe another could have. He is a hero, and earned a command the hardest way possible.”
Dimitri smiled grimly. Apparently backbone wasn’t going to be in short supply aboard his flagship.
“All of that said, Commander,” he said quietly, “do you think he’s worthy of Avalon?”
“I don’t know if he’s worthy, Admiral,” Solace replied, “but I do know this: he’s earned the right to be judged for his actions and not your fears, sir.”
Dimitri raised his coffee cup in the ancient touché symbol. She had a point. There were those who blamed him for the extent of the losses at Midori – and his superiors judged him to have done the best he could. Roberts was owed a similar allowance.
“Thank you, Commander,” he told her. “Your sense of loyalty is appreciated – and I think you may be wiser than I. I appreciate your insight.”
She nodded stiffly.
“Is there anything else, Vice Admiral?” she asked. “If we are to leave with the convoy in seventeen hours, there are munitions and supplies we need from the surface. Captain Roberts and I are pulling together a list, but our time is limited.”
Dimitri gestured her out, and returned her salute crisply as the tall woman exited his office as stiffly as she’d entered.
The Vice Admiral shook his head. It was hard to be certain if Roberts had managed to inspire his XO’s loyalty in a week, or if Solace had had the stick inserted before she arrived. Either way, she was right. He shouldn’t be judging Captain Roberts based on fear, but on the man’s actions.
With a sigh, he glanced at the coffee tray. Shaking his head with a chuckle, he returned to his work.
Solace hadn’t even touched her coffee.