Chapter Two

One year later . . .

Exactly five minutes until midnight.

Perched at the edge of her bed, Rose stared at the clock sitting on her desk. Dread coursed through her, as did anticipation. And fury—so much fury.

Would she or wouldn’t she?

Would he be there or not?

In the twelve months since meeting Vasili, she’d had time to build him up and tear him down.

Romanticize and vilify him. She’d had time to accept what had happened and rationalize what couldn’t possibly have happened.

After his parting words, she must have slipped into a deep sleep, because the next thing she’d known, she’d woken up in the hospital, groggy and incoherent, her parents frantic. She hadn’t responded to their morning knock or subsequent shaking, so they’d cal ed 911.

The doctors claimed she’d suffered from a drug overdose, though they hadn’t been able to identify the drug. Clearly, Vasili had slipped something into the wine he’d forced her to drink.


Four minutes.

Something had happened to her that night. Something besides the drugging. In the weeks that fol owed, she’d tried to move on with her life. Tried to forget. Only, everything had changed. She’d been irritable, hungry, aching unbearably, unable to focus or sleep. Her parents had tried to talk to her, and at first, she resisted. But final y she’d broken down and hinted at what she’d seen. They told her she’d hal ucinated. She insisted. They asked her if she was stil using. She really insisted, giving them every single detail.

They had her committed.

Upon her release, she’d begun searching online for others like her, desperate to prove herself sane. What she found shocked her. There were others like her, and their experiences matched her own. Their description of the world—Nightmare, they cal ed it—matched, too.

Sometimes people “stepped over” and never returned, she’d been told, and the other Dimension Walkers suspected the monsters had butchered them. Which was why they were looking for ways to sever the “birthday bond.” So far, no luck.

She’d spent so much time researching, she’d failed to enrol in col ege. She hadn’t gotten an apartment with Claire, either. And Hoyt . . . The first time he’d kissed her upon her return, she’d begun to sicken. And the more his tongue had twined with hers, the sicker she’d felt—until she’d final y had to pul away altogether. Miraculously, she’d felt better an instant later.

Stil . She’d assumed she had caught a virus. Until he tried to kiss her a few days later. That time, there’d been no warning. She’d jerked away, her body wanting no part of him, and vomited.

A few days later, she’d tried to kiss him, hopeful, perhaps desperate to make things work. But once more, she’d vomited.

There’d been no fooling herself after that.

And there’d been no keeping him. He’d moved on, leaving her brokenhearted. For a few months, at least. Eventual y, she’d gotten over him and tried to move on herself. That ache . . .

Then a new guy had final y caught her eye. Nick. Handsome, sweet, with blond hair and brown eyes—she now avoided guys with dark hair and light eyes because they made the ache so much worse—and, best of al , six foot one and a Dimension Walker.

Three minutes.

Everyone used fake names online, but after trading war stories with Nick, she’d given him her phone number. Their first date had been amazing. They’d understood each other, talked, laughed, connected. He’d walked her to her door, and she’d hugged him, once again hopeful for the future.

Until their second date. He’d walked her to her door, and that time, she’d tried to kiss him.

Immediately, her stomach had threatened to rebel. She’d jerked away and barricaded herself inside. She’d avoided his cal s ever since.

The only time she left the house anymore was to train. Guns, knives, hand-to-hand combat, just as Vasili had instructed. She would never be so helpless again.

Two minutes.

A cold sweat beaded over her skin. Each minute seemed to tick by faster than the last.

Would she even see Vasili this go-round? According to her sources, she would land in a different place every time she traveled.

One minute.

Rose stopped breathing, stood. Steady. She had a semiautomatic stashed in the waist of her pants, extra clips in her pockets, blades sheathed inside her boots, kil er barrettes in her hair, and an innocent-looking pen strapped to her thigh. That pen was actual y a syringe fil ed with enough sedative to knock out an elephant.

Kill as many of those monsters as you can, so many Walkers advised. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t, unless they threatened her. Vasili, though . . . she owed him.

Twelve o’clock.

Would she—

In a single heartbeat, the world around her vanished, a new one taking its place. Indigo wal s were replaced with the white fabric of a tent, and her bed and desk with furred rugs. This time, there wasn’t a table. Not even a single chair. The books and tub were gone, too. There was only open space and that fur. And rather than a crackling fire, torches hung along the wal s.

But she’d landed in Vasili’s tent. She knew it.

“Wel , wel , wel . The mouse took my advice and armed herself like a lion. I’m impressed.”

Rose nearly swal owed her tongue as she spun. And there he was, golden lamplight caressing him. The dark prince of her nightmares. He hadn’t changed. Same inky hair, though the strands were now wet and slicked back, and same feral eyes. Same imposing height and muscled width.

Same haunting beauty.

Just as before, he clutched a glass of liquid amber and ice, sipping as he studied her. He wore a black shirt that hugged his massive biceps, and black pants that were ripped and stained with . .

. blood?

“Forgive my appearance, darling.” Oh, sweet heaven. There was his seductive purr, al magic and moonlight, shivering over her. “I had to race to get here.”

Her gaze snapped up, and his lips lifted in a slow, sensual smile, revealing those perfect teeth.

Her heart final y kicked back into motion, fluttering wildly against her ribs. He’s a self-professed murderer. Don’t forget.

But, God, he’s gorgeous.


I’m trying, damn it. But already the ache, that constant, cloying, demanding ache, had sprouted wings.

“What? Nothing to say? Wel , no matter. I’m not done talking. Happy birthday, darling. You’re a stunning nineteen. Almost a woman.”

The mocking tone hadn’t changed, either.

“Did you do as I asked?” A casual question. “Did you search for others?”

“Yes. I did. And you were right. There real y were others like me.”

He stiffened. “Their names. Tel me.” No longer casual, but almost . . . desperate.

“I didn’t get them,” she lied. The only name she had was Nick’s, and she wasn’t sharing that.

The hand at Vasili’s side fisted.

Attack him before he attacks you. She merely shifted from one foot to the other, glaring over at him. Too wel did she recal how he’d frozen her in place. And she would learn how he did that—

and how to combat it. “Plan to kil me now?”

Disappointment and anger battled for supremacy on his face, but al he said was, “I’m feeling generous. I’l punish my bad, naughty girl for not doing as she was instructed rather than kil her.

How’s that?”

“How about you answer my questions, before I punish you.” He would find she wasn’t as easy to intimidate this time. “What did you do to me last time I was here?” No one else had experienced anything like that stupid ache or comalike sleep. Not even a little.

“Better question. What kind of greeting is that? We’ve been parted for so long, yet chastisement and an inquisition are the best I get?” He tsked quietly. “Someone in this room needs to work on their manners, and I’l give you a hint. It’s not me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Did I fail to make a proper introduction?” She closed some of the distance between them, that ever-present temper making her braver than was probably wise. She didn’t stop until she could smel the peat smoke and the wildflowers that wafted from him. God, she’d missed that scent.

Missed? No, no, no. Wrong word. She’d dreaded that scent. Better. “Here, let me fix that,” she said. “Rose’s knee, meet Vasili’s bal —”

With a laugh, he stepped backward, out of reach. “None of that, now.”

God. Even his laughter was perfect, taking his sexy voice and mixing it with velvet and melted chocolate. Her nipples pearled, the ache intensifying. Concentrate. “If we’re done with introductions, then, why don’t—”

“Vasili’s turn,” he interjected, serious again. “Has anyone contacted you? Asked you to hurt me?”

“No.” Truth. No one had contacted her specifical y. But a lot of Walkers wanted the creatures here destroyed. Some even bragged about the ones they had kil ed.

“That’s good.”

“I answered you, so answer me. What the hel did you do to me?”

“I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean. Explain.”

“Liar! You know!” Steady. Slowly she reached back and curled her fingers around the handle of her gun. Good, that’s good. “You did something. I can’t desire a man without—”

“Sickening. Yes. I know,” he said dryly. “But, darling. One thing you should know about me. I never lie. There’s no need. Lying is for those who fear consequences. I do not. Now, then. What type of man—men?—did you desire, hmm? Whom do I have to kil ? The boyfriend you mentioned last time?”

She didn’t know Vasili wel enough to know whether or not he was teasing about the men he needed to kil , or whether he could even travel to her world. “Answer me. Please, Vasili. What did you do?” Hopeful y her pleading would keep him distracted while she did . . . this—metal whizzed through air as she aimed the barrel of the gun at his chest. She tried not to smile at her success.

“Tel me or I’l shoot.”

He rol ed his eyes. “Put the gun away before you hurt yourself.”

Not the reaction she’d expected. Why wasn’t he scared? Did he think she lacked the guts to squeeze the trigger? Could he freeze her finger in place before she moved? Or would bul ets not hurt him?

Her stomach twisted into hundreds of little knots. She hadn’t considered that possibility before, but . . . Was he even human? Or was he more like those monsters than she’d realized?

“Rose. Gun. Now.” Gone was the charmer, and in his place was the commander. “Right now, there’s only one thing you need to know about me. I wil slaughter an army before heeding an enemy’s demand. Put the gun down and ask nicely for the answers you want. That’s the only way you’l get them.”

“So I’m the enemy?” Another distraction meant to keep him talking despite his objections.

One that failed. “Gun,” he growled.

Clearly, he’d answer nothing until she complied. Biting the inside of her cheek, she sheathed the weapon and waved her empty fingers at him. “Happy?” If he made an aggressive move in her direction, she could withdraw a blade and gut him. Simple, easy. I’ve got this.

Negligent shrug.

Al that protest, and that was what he did when he won? Bastard. He real y hadn’t changed. But at least he wasn’t gloating. “What. Did you. Do to me?”

“Now. Isn’t that better?” He tossed his glass over his shoulder. “I did what was necessary. I bound you to me.”

She watched the ice scatter across the furs. Anything was better than peering at Vasili. As he’d spoken, heat had sparked in his eyes. So much heat. Her skin tingled, pul ing tight over her bones, and she had to fight the urge to rub her arms, her thighs. Had to fight the urge to beg him to rub her arms and thighs. “What does that mean? Bound me to you?”

“Anytime you enter this world, you wil come directly to me.”

“Imposs—” No. She had long since struck that word from her vernacular. Nothing was impossible. “How? How did you do that?”

“Remember the words you spoke? The wine you drank?”

“The poisoned wine,” she snapped, at last facing him again. He was closer to her, so close.

More tingling . . . no fear . . . “Because of you, my parents thought I was doing drugs.”

He reached out and smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear. “And that pained you. I’m sorry.”

Ignore the contact . . . the fever now spreading . . . the shock of his words. “Thank you,” she said, backing as far away from him as she could get. “Now stop threatening and stop stal ing. The wine? What was in it?”

Another shrug. “My blood, among other things.”

“Blood?” No. No way. She would have known. Wouldn’t she?

“Afraid so. Must say, watching you drink it was the grossest thing I ever witnessed.” He shuddered.

Gross. Exactly what she’d said to him when he’d lapped up her blood.

Rose’s eyes widened as the consequences of his consumption hit her. “You licked my wound.”

A wound she’d later convinced herself she’d imagined, since a scab had never formed.

“Yes,” he agreed easily. “I did.”

“So you can’t . . .”

“No. I can’t.” Anger had infused his voice that time. “And yes, that makes you my child bride. No need to thank me. Twelve months of torturous abstinence is thanks enough.”

Hell. No. “Why would you do that? And by the way, we are not married.”

“A moment of insanity, that’s al . And yes, we are. But real y, I suffer only as long as you’re alive.”

She raised her chin. “You don’t scare me, Vasili.” Much.

“Don’t I?” He closed some of the distance between them. “Let’s see if I can change that.”


More of the distance was swal owed by his steps. When their toes touched, when she could once again smel the peat smoke, the corners of his lips twitched as if her refusal to run amused him. She didn’t mean to, but she breathed deeply, savoring, wanting so badly to arch into him.

Why had she let him come? Why hadn’t she pul ed a knife?

“We’re going to spar, you and I, whether you wish to or not, so I can judge your skil . But how about this? Every time you strike me, I’l answer a question.”

She gulped. The one thing she couldn’t resist: information. “No threats of endless pain to get what you want?” Of course, he could be lying, meaning to attack to kil , as he’d implied, and not merely to judge.

“Not this time.”

She didn’t trust him, but she said, “Al right,” and meant it. And her capitulation had nothing to do with a raging desire to put her hands on him and have his hands on her. If necessary, she would force the information out of him. “Just to be clear, I can ask any question I want?”

“Absolutely any.”

“And you’l answer honestly?”

“I always do.”

“Even if I ask how to divorce you? And live?”

He pretended to wipe away a tear. “That hurts, darling. It real y does.”

“That’s only the—”

She never saw him move, but he managed to kick her feet out from under her while shoving her down. On impact, her brain rattled against her skul , and she choked on that delicious breath she’d just taken.

No time to react. He pounced while she was prone, pinning her shoulders with his knees and her stomach with his ass. I shouldn’t like this. Yet her body sighed in contentment, as if this was what it had craved the past year.

“First order of business. Disarming.” Five seconds flat, he had every single one of her weapons thrown to the side. Would have been two seconds, but he studied the syringe before chucking it over his shoulder. “Bring a machine gun next time, darling. They pack more of a punch.”

Terror should have fil ed her, but anger did instead. Mocking bastard. At least he didn’t go for the kil shot. And how did he know so much about her world? Had he been born there? If so, did that mean he was a Walker, too?

“Second order. Distraction.” He waited, peering at her expectantly. When she remained silent, he sighed. “Darling, this is the part where you apologize for being so distracted during my bril iant tutorial.”

She flashed her teeth in a snarl. “No, this is the part where I—” Smash your nose into your brain, she thought as she jabbed the heel of her open palm toward his smirking—kissable—face.

Wouldn’t do to warn him.

Just before contact, he rol ed out of the way. Suddenly she could breathe. She found herself gasping, sucking in mouthful after mouthful of air, shocked that she’d gone so long without it and hadn’t suspected.

“Third order. Fighting past the pain. You’re just lying there, daring me to attack while you’re vulnerable. Were you anyone else, I would. Up.”

With stars winking behind her eyes, she pushed to her feet and faced him. “You rotten piece of


His laughter was the only warning she had. In the next instant, he was on her, once more shoving her down. This time, he didn’t pause and explain his actions. He simply taught her the consequences of daring someone to attack. For hours. She grunted, she groaned, she ached—a far different kind of ache—and she bled. Oh, did she bleed.

A few times, she thought he even broke her bones.

That didn’t stop or slow him. He real y was determined to kil her, she supposed. That didn’t stop or slow her, either. Every time he knocked her down, she got up. Every time he cut her, she wiped the blood on her shirt and smiled. After her second smile, the instructions began. In English at first, and then in his language. She shouldn’t have understood him, but as he translated his meaning, she began to learn far more easily than should have been possible. As if the language had always been stored in her brain, and she just hadn’t unlocked it yet.

Vasili told her what she was doing wrong and what she needed to do to improve. Again, for hours. An eternity. But not once did she strike him.

“Stay down, damn you,” he final y snarled after tossing her to her ass again. “Stay down, and the pain ends. You’ve had enough.”

Never. Rose lumbered to her throbbing feet. Her eyes were swol en, her line of vision shit, but she waved her fingers at him. “Come on,” she said haltingly, the harsh words of the new language weird on her tongue. She would not give up, and she would have her curiosity assuaged.

For a long while, he remained in place, a few feet away, panting, studying her. Then he tangled a hand through his hair, disrupting the dark locks and sending them fal ing over his forehead.

“Stubborn little baggage, aren’t you?”

“What? Too sweet to take me?”

His lips twitched again, and her heart raced. No one should be that handsome. Especial y a man who had just kicked her ass. Although, in his defense, he’d never struck her in anger. Every move he’d made had been designed to teach her.

“Darling, you just asked me if I was too sweet to take you.”

As her cheeks heated, she switched to English. “You know what I meant. Too tired to fight me.”

He laughed outright, then frowned, as if the laugh angered him. “One question,” he said flatly.

“You can ask me one question.”

Not enough, she wanted to scream. One wasn’t enough. She wanted to know about this world—

what he cal ed it, what the monsters were, why those monsters deferred to him. She wanted to know what else Vasili knew about her origins, what he planned to do with her, why he’d bonded them. She wanted to know how he’d control ed her body that first time and why he hadn’t this time.

She wanted to know . . . what he thought of her, if he liked her. Who he was. What he was.

“Hurry. Before I change my mind.” Disgust layered his tone, as if he couldn’t believe he’d even made the offer in the first place. “You don’t deserve it, after al , and I have never—”

“How—how do I come here at wil ?” The words left her mouth before she could snatch them back. She never wanted to come here again. Even on her next birthday. Damn, damn, damn. Of al the stupid things to ask! But to her knowledge, no one else could do so. They traveled only on their birthdays.

He spun away from her—but not before she saw the flicker of surprise in those magnificent violet eyes. He strode out of the tent, leaving her standing, stunned, and unsure. Should she fol ow him? Should she—He stomped back inside, holding two glasses of that amber liquid.

His hair was wetter, his clothes plastered to him. He demolished the distance between them, steps clipped, his expression blank. “Why do you want to know how to return?”

“I don’t have to answer that.” Besides, she didn’t have an answer. “Explaining the reasons for my questions wasn’t part of the deal.”

A pause. Then, “When you want to return, say my name, the vows we spoke to each other.

Picture me. Your body wil find me.” He held out a glass. “Drink.”

She shook her head and twined her swol en fingers behind her back, and oh, that hurt. “No way.

I’d rather fight you again than let you drug me.”

“I hurt you; I’l make it better.”

“And your liquor can heal me?” she asked dryly. “Rather than make me pass out?”

“Yes.” Perfectly serious.

Was that why he’d been drinking it earlier? Had someone hurt him? That blood on his pants . . .

Her stomach clenched. In fear? At the thought of this man injured? What was wrong with her?

Angry—with him, with herself—she claimed the glass and drank. Unlike the red wine/blood of last time, this went down smooth and warm, little butterflies taking flight inside her and spreading fairy dust. “If you poisoned me, I’l . . .” Within seconds, cuts wove back together, bones realigned, and the threat died on her lips.

“There’s my pretty girl,” he said, and if she wasn’t mistaken, there was affection in his tone.

Affection? No way. Her imagination, surely. Not once had he copped a feel or tried to kiss her.

The bastard.

Yes, something was definitely wrong with her.

“Rose, darling. You should know that next time, if you don’t have the answers I want, I’m going to push you harder than you’ve ever been pushed. I’m going to make you bleed and beg for mercy I don’t have. So I’d be careful about visiting unannounced, if I were you.”