Demon: Misery
Height: 5'7''
Hair: Long, black
Eyes: Silver
Butterfly tattoo: Lower back, wings spreading around to both hips
Other distinguishing marks: Her voice is enough to make you want to kill yourself. Earplugs are needed when around her.
Preferred weapon: Semi-automatic, long-range rifles
Demon culpability: Misery is responsible for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. The fact that both are reported at higher rates today than ever before suggests that the demon’s reach is increasing.
Notable background: Subject causes profound emotional anguish in everyone around her. Additionally, subject was, until recently, believed to be the lone female Lord of the Underworld. New events suggest that additional female Lords might in fact exist.
Achilles heel: Subject is believed to have a relationship with Torin, keeper of Disease. Subject will be closely observed for any physical or emotional vulnerability that might pave the way for an opportunity to capture her. But because of the supposed relationship with Disease, protective gear will be needed when apprehending her.
Objectives: Recon team is exploring ways to force subject to use her voice to our advantage.