James Potter

and the Vault of Destinies

By G. Norman Lippert

Based upon the Characters and Worlds of J. K. Rowling


Table of Contents

The story thus far… ................................................................................................. 4

Prologue ................................................................................................................... 6

1. Hogwarts Farewells ............................................................................................ 19

2. the Gwyndemere ............................................................................................... 40

3. Eighty-eight Knots ............................................................................................ 65

4. the Dream Story ................................................................................................ 84

5. New Amsterdam ............................................................................................. 104

6. Under the Warping Willow ............................................................................. 120

7. Alma Aleron .................................................................................................... 141

8. the Vault of Destinies ...................................................................................... 155

9. the Archive Attack ........................................................................................... 171

10. James and the Skrim ...................................................................................... 198

11. Jardin d’Éden ................................................................................................. 223

12. Game Magic .................................................................................................. 239

13. The Octosphere and the Arbiter .................................................................... 256

14. the Magnussen Riddles .................................................................................. 273

15. the Star of Convergence ................................................................................ 291

16. Christmas in Philadelphia ............................................................................. 314

17. the Ballad of the Rider .................................................................................. 333

18. The Dimensional Key ................................................................................... 353

19. Unhelpful Revelations .................................................................................. 370

20. Albus’ Story ................................................................................................... 402

21. Unlikely Alliances .......................................................................................... 415

23. The Beginning of the End ............................................................................. 460

24. Through the Curtains .................................................................................... 477

25. Those Who Stayed Behind ............................................................................ 497


The story thus far…

Greetings again, dear reader! So we’ve come to the third book in the James Potter series, and things are about to change pretty dramatically. Are you prepared?

I’d advise you to keep your wits and wands at the ready as we embark on this journey.

If you are a long-time reader, then you know the story thus far. You were there when the Alma Alerons first arrived at Hogwarts in their peculiar flying cars.

You know how the new Hogwarts headmaster came to be, and what his story is. You know all about the Gremlins—including Ted Lupin’s dark secret, and Petra Morganstern’s tragic past. You witnessed the raising of the Wocket, the return of the Gatekeeper, and the Hogwarts all-school debate. In short, you are prepared (as much as you can be) for what is to come.

If you are new to the James Potter world, then welcome! I know that new readers are discovering these stories every day, and if you happen to be among them, let me extend my personal hope that you will enjoy these tales as much as I have. If you have not yet read “J.P. and the Hall of Elders’ Crossing” or its sequel, then may I be so bold as to encourage you to explore them before continuing on here? As Harry Potter fans, you can imagine how confused a reader might be if they jumped straight to “Prisoner of Azkaban”. Similarly, if you plunge ahead into “Vault of Destinies” without the foundation of the first two James Potter stories, you will likely find yourself almost immediately confused.

In another vein, many of you know that between “Curse of the Gatekeeper” and this tale, I wrote a much shorter book called “The Girl on the Dock”. This book, sometimes called (though not by me) “James Potter Two-and-a-half ”, is an entirely original side story featuring James’ friend Petra Morganstern. Suffice it to say, much of what happened in that story heavily influences the plot of “Vault of Destinies”, but fear not, dear reader: I have written the following story in such a way that “Girl on the Dock” is not required reading. I mention it only because if there is any chance that you’d like to read Petra’s back story spoiler-free, you should probably 4

do so fairly quickly (specifically, before reading chapter four, “the Dream Story”). For more information on “The Girl on the Dock”, take a look at


As always, my great thanks to all of you, all over the world, who have enjoyed these stories and sent me your comments and encouragement. Without you, this book surely would not have happened.

And now, onward and upward! We have a long way to travel, and there are sure to be a lot of challenges along the way, but we’re up for it, aren’t we? At any rate, there’s no turning back now. Constant vigilance, dear reader, for we’re off to strange new lands. Here, there may well be monsters.

As Albus says, keep one hand on your wand and the other on your wallet.