Thanks to those who read this
book early:
Moses Cardona, Rafique Keshavjee, Betty Levin, and
William Reiss. Their advice was always helpful.
Any imperfections that remain in the book are mine.
I should also like to thank
Judith Regan,
Matt Roshkow, David Groff, and Pamela Goddard for
their enthusiastic reception of Wicked.
Finally, a word of gratitude
to the friends with whom I
nattered on about evil over the past couple of years: They
too numerous to be named in their entirety, but
they include Linda Cavanagh, Debbie Kirsch, Roger and
Martha Mock, Katie O’Brien, and Maureen Vecchione; the
gang in Edgartown, Massachusetts; and my brother,
Joseph Maguire, a few of whose ideas I have borrowed.
Please don’t sue me.