From the Pages of
The Phantom of the Opera

The Opera ghost really existed. He was not, as
was long believed, a creature of the imagination of the artists,
the superstition of the managers, or a product of the absurd and
impressionable brains of the young ladies of the ballet, their
mothers, the box-keepers, the cloak-room attendants or the
concierge. Yes, he existed in flesh and blood, although he assumed
the complete appearance of a real phantom; that is to say, of a
spectral shade.
(page 5)
Daaé revealed a new Margarita that night, a
Margarita of a splendour, a radiance hitherto unsuspected. The
whole house went mad, rising to its feet, shouting, cheering,
clapping, while Christine sobbed and fainted in the arms of her
fellow-singers and had to be carried to her dressing-room. A few
subscribers, however, protested. Why had so great a treasure been
kept from them all that time?
(page 21)
“Did your father tell you that I love you,
Christine, and that I can not live without you?”
(page 54)
Moncharmin’s hair stood on end. Richard wiped
the perspiration from his forehead. Yes, the ghost was there,
around them, behind them, beside them; they felt his presence
without seeing him, they heard his breath, close, close, close to
(page 78)
“There is a terrible mystery around us, madame,
around you, around Christine, a mystery much more to be feared than
any number of ghosts or genii!”
(page 101)
“And he will tell me that he loves me. And he
will cry! Oh, those tears, Raoul, those tears in the two black
eye-sockets of the death’s head! I can not see those tears flow
(page 115)
“Blood! ... Blood! ... Here, there, more blood!
... That’s a good thing! A ghost who bleeds is less
(page 138)
It was at that moment that the stage was
suddenly plunged in darkness. It happened so quickly that the
spectators hardly had time to utter a sound of stupefaction, for
the gas at once lit up the stage again. But Christine Daaé was no
longer there!
(page 142)
“No, that’s impossible. For I dropped you in my
cab. The twenty-thousand francs disappeared at your place: there’s
not a shadow of a doubt about that.”
(page 168)
He hit upon astonishing inventions. Of these,
the most curious, horrible and dangerous was the so-called
torture-chamber. Except in special cases, when the little sultana
amused herself by inflicting suffering upon some unoffending
citizen, no one was let into it but wretches condemned to
(page 211)
We were beginning literally to die of heat,
hunger and thirst ... of thirst especially. At last, I saw M. de
Chagny raise himself on his elbow and point to a spot on the
horizon. He had discovered an oasis!
(page 231)
And what else could Christine say but no? Would
she not prefer to espouse death itself rather than that living
corpse? She did not know that on her acceptance or refusal depended
the awful fate of many members of the human race!
(page 235)
“I saved your life! Remember! ... You were
sentenced to death! But for me, you would be dead now! ...
(page 242)
“We cried together! I have tasted all the
happiness the world can offer!”
(page 249)