Like in any other business, when you have accrued
wealth and power in the underworld, people start approaching you
with ‘investment opportunities’. With the reputation I had,
individuals would come to me with their get-rich-quick schemes, in
the hope that I would throw a few quid behind them. It would often
be fellows I didn’t even know!
‘Stephen, a man of your stature,’ they would say in
their pitch. ‘A man of your money could easily pull off a deal like
this. If we just do this, or we just do that, we can all make a lot
of dough.’
Nine times out of ten, the schemes would be
rejected, but every now and again something with serious potential
would appear on the horizon. It was a bit like that telly programme
Dragons’ Den, except that the ‘candidates’ coming before me
and my partners weren’t budding inventors – their proposals didn’t
involve a self-cooking-egg machine or a new type of underwear.
These people were hardened fucking heroin traffickers and
cut-throats of every description. Their schemes usually involved
underwriting drug deals, tying someone up and torturing them or
blowing up a house with a hand grenade. Venture capitalism for
sure, but hard-core villainous at the same time.
One thing that definitely differentiated our
dragons’ den from the telly version was that if you tried to
double-cross our little panel of experts, you wouldn’t be getting
out of the fucking den. Never mind a telling off from Duncan
Bannatyne – you would be stripped naked, sexually abused with a
broom handle and singed by the full force of the Devil’s flames on
the hairs of your balls – from a red-hot Rowenta. We were real
fucking dragons – no back chat was tolerated. It was a true test of
a man’s entrepreneurial spirit to come before us with a business
Our crew was doing pretty well financially. We were
working out of an office called Wear Promotions, which served as a
front for all our illegal activities. On the panel of our little
firm was the cream of the criminal elite in the UK. On my right was
Whacker – international dealer extraordinaire who had recently
returned after being on the run. And on my left was the Rock Star,
the legendary underworld taxman, drug baron, enforcer and general
all-rounder. We had a boardroom where we would hold court,
entertaining a steady stream of freelancers and their hare-brained
ideas. One such guy went by the name of ‘the Jackal’. He’d been on
the periphery of the firm doing odd bits and pieces, and no matter
how much he took the piss you couldn’t help but like the guy, cos
he had the gift of the gab. He could sell snow to Eskimos and sand
to Arabs – he was that kind of guy.
One day, he came into the dragons’ den and told us
that he had a Turkish connection. That meant only one thing –
heroin. ‘I can get cheap gear out in Turkey,’ he said. ‘But the
only problem is that I haven’t got the funds to buy it, nor the
means to get it back here. That’s where I need your help, Stephen,
with your contacts and all that carry on.’
I sat there thinking, ‘Well, we’ve obviously got
some good contacts in Europe and South America, but we haven’t got
any transport from Turkey. That’s not one of our areas of
operation.’ Just like one of the real dragons, I was ready to
declare myself out and give it a pass. However, like any good
businessman, you can’t just make decisions unilaterally – you’ve
got to consider the other directors.
The Rock Star was in the boardroom with me. At that
moment in time, he was going through a dry spell and was a skint
dragon. The Jackal’s Turkish connection could just be the key to
getting a bit of pocket money for him, so we decided to take a
punt. We told the Jackal that we’d be prepared to dip our toe in
the water. No big parcel – no 100 kilograms or anything like that –
just a few bits to start off with. We told him we would put up a
kitty of 20 grand as our part of the bargain. That would get us
four kilograms of top-grade Turkish heroin. By the time we got it
back home, it would be worth 25 grand a kilo, so you’re talking a
100-grand return on the original 20-grand investment. That was a
400 per cent profit.
I reckon if drug dealers went on the real
Dragons’ Den asking for money to fund shipments of gear, the
dragons would be falling over themselves to sign up. Who could
blame them?
Anyway, we green-lighted the Jackal deal and
started to sort out the details. Whacker and me put in ten grand
each. Although the Rock Star had no money, we would let him ride
free, as he was a mate. Originally, the Jackal had wanted us to
fund the purchase of the heroin and organise the transport back
from Turkey, but we negotiated hard with him. We agreed to put the
money up for the gear, but it was his problem how he got it back to
us. Take it or leave it. He wasn’t going to a get a better deal
anywhere else.
The Jackal came on board. He said that he had a
route worked out to Turkey and back. Our end was to get him the
money and a suitcase with a false bottom. It was going to be a
brazen job. Basically, he was just going to crash the borders –
mule himself up and go for it. If he wanted to do that on a
ten-grand hit from me with a 40-grand return, well he could go
right ahead. I was prepared to throw that stone, because it was a
good deal for me.
This guy wasn’t called the Jackal for nothing, and
it wasn’t because he was a dog – the underworld equivalent of a
low-down rat. It was because he was as devious and had as many
personalities as the character played by Edward Fox in the film
The Day of the Jackal. He was a slippery guy – an extremely
cunning fellow who could outwit anyone. Peter Foster had nothing on
this guy.
So, we knew we had to keep an eye on him. We knew
that at any given opportunity he would try to fuck us. He knew that
we knew, but he was playing the old gambit, the one they always
rely on: pretending to fear the wrath of the Devil. ‘I wouldn’t try
to fuck a man like you, Stephen,’ the Jackal would say.
When I heard something like that from a criminal, I
knew that they were thinking about fucking me. It’s like when a guy
says to you, ‘You can trust me.’ Immediately you start thinking,
‘Oh, fuck that, he’s going to have me off at the earliest
opportunity.’ It’s like when a football commentator says, ‘Neither
team looks like scoring today,’ and the next minute somebody whacks
the ball in the net. It’s that kind of scenario.
Anyway, we gave the Jackal the money. He headed off
to Turkey, did the deal and called us to say that he was on his way
home. I don’t know exactly what happened in Istanbul, but he called
us from Paris to let us know that everything was OK – that he’d got
the goods and was just waiting to get from France to the UK. So
far, so good.
We waited for the next call. Sure enough, the next
time he checked in with us he was in Kent. Good news. He was making
good progress and everything was sound. As far as we were
concerned, it was a done deal. Or was it?
Instead of relaxing, I knew that this was exactly
the time to watch out for any shenanigans. Look at it from his
point of view. He’d just landed back on sovereign terra firma and
all the hard work had been done. He’d been carrying a suitcase
worth 20 grand, and its value had suddenly shot up to 100 grand
just by virtue of its location. Better than that, he was still 300
to 400 miles away from us and the drop, so he wasn’t exactly in our
airspace. From experience, I knew that this was the point when
temptation might kick in – this 300-to 400-mile window in which he
might see an opportunity to fuck us.
Lo and behold, he phoned us again and terrible
things had happened to him. He’d been dragged through a hedge
backwards and only had one kilogram left out of the original four.
He gave us some cock-and-bull story about being in a safe house
where three of the kilos had gone missing, but he’d managed to save
us one by the skin of his teeth.
Over the years, I’ve learned with experience never
to tell anybody that they’re a liar over the telephone. Especially
if they think you’ve bought the story and they are willing to come
and bring you something to limit the damage. Let them come to you.
Don’t say, ‘You’re a fucking lying cunt. I know you haven’t been
robbed. You’ve got the gear, and I’m going to kill you,’ because
they’ll go to ground. Play the dumb nigger: ‘Is that what happened
to you? Bad one, la.’ Give them sympathy: ‘Well, the world is a
terrible place, kidder. I’m not surprised so many unfortunate
circumstances have befallen you.’ Be reasonable: ‘Well, if that’s
what’s happened to you and you’ve saved a kilo, then at least our
exies [expenses] are covered.’
I knew that was exactly what the Jackal was
thinking: that he’d give us the original value of our investment
back so that we could sell it for 25 grand. We’d get our
twenty-grand investment back plus five grand on top for a little
drink. We wouldn’t have been out of pocket, and he’d be thinking,
‘If they’re not down, they won’t be that angry.’ He was banking on
us quickly forgetting the escapade and moving on to the next
candidate. That was the reasoning behind it. I can’t even remember
the whole story he gave us, but we brought it on board for the time
being and got together for some crisis talks.
I said to the Rock Star and Whacker, ‘He’s got the
gear, right? He’s going to bring us only one kilo, but I say we
take it and accept everything he says.’
The Rock Star said, ‘No, no, fuck that. Stick a
fucking gun in his mouth, and he’ll tell me where everything
I replied, ‘Well, maybe, maybe not. The gun might
go off, he might die and then we’ll never find our gear. We don’t
need to do that. All we need to do is copy what the police and
Customs do to us. Set up surveillance. Follow him and let him take
us to the stash. He’ll lead us to it, I guarantee you. He’ll go
straight to whomever he’s working with, and they’ll have the rest
of the stuff there.’
The Rock Star gave me one of his long, hard looks,
which meant he was not actually in agreement with my decision not
to beat the Jackal up immediately. But he trusted my judgement as
far as the bigger picture was concerned, especially on financial
issues. In the past, in a crisis situation like that, he had tended
to take his own counsel. He wouldn’t listen to me because he
thought I was a bit reserved and too apprehensive to go in all guns
blazing. Now he was willing to defer to my more businesslike way of
handling things.
In a football analogy, I’m a defender. In a boxing
analogy, I’m a counter fighter. The Rock Star was the exact
opposite – an attacker. He always went on the offensive. It was the
only way he knew.
He gave me one of his long looks and said, ‘OK,
Stephen, but you fucking better be right. Simple as that. You
better be right.’
I looked him straight in the eye and said, ‘That’s
my money, isn’t it? And I’m going to be right.’
I got the Jackal to come to our offices. He came
into the boardroom and put the one kilo onto the table whilst
delivering his tale of woe. After each twist and turn in the story,
we would say ‘Bad one, bad one’ and ‘Get away’. All the time, we
were feigning compassion, as though we were three fucking Rupert
the Bears.
Anyway, after the heart-rending finale, which
finally accounted for the mysterious disappearance of the gear, we
all put on a brave face, and I said, ‘Anyway, all is not lost.
We’ll sell this kilo, get our exies back and you’ll even get a
little drink for all your trouble. We’ll get between 22 and 30
grand for this single kilo, so there’s a few grand to go
The Jackal looked at me, watching my every move and
trying to read me. As he was older than me, I knew he’d pick up a
molecule out of place. You’ve heard of double devious, well this
guy was quadruple fucking devious. Nonetheless, I am a good poker
player. I enjoy going to the casino and was getting pretty good at
cards at that time, so I kept my poker face on. None of us were
about to give anything away.
Throughout the meeting, I was thinking about the
surveillance we had set up outside. As soon as the Jackal left us,
he would be trailed to his next destination. Then it was game over.
The surveillance team consisted of the Rock Star’s brother, a
friend of Whacker’s and some of my counterparts. The plan was to
trail him in three cars, using a rotation strategy. That meant the
Jackal would always have a different car behind him. Even for
someone as on top as him, it would make it difficult for him to
suss us out.
In the end, it transpired that he had gone to a
tower block in the Everton Brow area of Liverpool. As soon as he
went into the building, our surveillance team deployed a foot
patrol to follow him.
If you’re going to follow a black guy who doesn’t
want to be followed, use white people – it’s common sense. Better
still, use a white woman or a single white mum with a baby. Just
get her into the lift behind your target, have her sit there
petting the baby and get her to see what button he presses. Then
you’ve got his destination. End of story. She can then press the
button for a floor higher than him. Women are the best for
following drug dealers, because men tend to dismiss them. They’re
looking for geezers all the time. You see a bird pushing a pram and
it doesn’t even appear on your radar. Police use the technique on a
regular basis. They get their families to sit in the back of the
car when they’re trailing you. I’ve had it done to me. You clock
the car and think, ‘There’s a guy driving, but there’s his bird,
and he’s got the kids in the back. He’s not following me.’ But they
are – Special Branch tactics.
When we used the same techniques, I called it
surveillance reversal – using the measures that were used on us but
to our benefit. It’s all well thought through stuff, but I consider
myself to be a bright fellow, so there’s no problem on that
Our spy observed the Jackal getting out of the lift
on the fourth floor. As the door closed, our single mum also
noticed that he’d gone into flat 23. Done deal. As soon as she rang
through with the info, I phoned the Rock Star and said, ‘I
guarantee the gear’s going to be there.’
The Rock Star started jumping around, saying, ‘I’m
fucking going in now. I’m bursting the ken. I want to see his
face.’ The Rock generally took things worse than I did. All I was
interested in was retrieving the goods. I didn’t want to beat
anybody up, if at all possible. Of course, I had a heater on me,
just in case. As far as I was concerned, the Jackal was just one
less person to share the goods with once I had them back. Under the
rules of engagement, he was no longer entitled to anything.
To save a drama, I phoned the Rock Star to stall
him. ‘OK,’ I said. ‘Tell you what. Leave it for like half an hour,
and we’ll go in together.’ I knew full well that I would be on the
plot in the next 15 minutes. All I wanted to do was get the stuff
and get off without any problems.
When I’m going into a potentially hairy situation,
I always have a right-hand man with me. In this case, my right-hand
man was an old pal called Wallace. He could lean on a steel door
and it’d immediately fall in. We got to flat 23, and I listened
through the letterbox.
I said, ‘He’s in there, Wallace. I know he’s in
‘Are you sure?’ he replied.
‘Yeah. Deal with the door.’
Wallace was six feet one inch and around twenty-two
to twenty-four stone – a man mountain. The door flew off its hinges
and fell down flat on the floor. We were right over it and inside
the flat within one and a half seconds.
When you burst a ken, it’s like American marines
storming a house in Iraq. It’s all over in seconds, and you rely on
your speed, aggression and mobility to catch your target totally
off guard.
The flat was a typical high-rise abode, with a long
corridor behind the steel-plated front door. Inside, there were
internal doors on either side of this long hallway and a living
room at the end, like the cross on a capital ‘T’. We started to
kick open the doors. The bedroom on the left – clear. Bedroom two
on the right – clear. Kitchen – clear. Living room at the end –
clear. It was a fucking mystery. The Jackal had done it again. He’d
outfoxed us.
But hold on. There was one place left to search –
the khazi. Wallace and I slowly moved towards the door. I tapped it
with my toe, and it creaked open slowly. Lo and behold, there he
was – the Jackal himself – sitting on the toilet, like an emperor
on his throne, having a shit.
The best news was that right next to him – resting
on the side of the bath – was a briefcase containing the missing
three kilograms of heroin. Nothing had yet been said because of the
extraordinary nature of the situation. So far, the Jackal had just
looked up at me with a quizzical look in his eyes. Then he spoke:
‘Fucking hell, Stephen, it’s you.’ I knew exactly what had been
going on. He’d been sitting there, having a shit and nursing the
three kilograms, thinking, ‘I’ve done it. I’ve pulled off the
perfect stroke, and I’ve got the 75 grand. I’ve had one over on
Frenchie. Oh, this is lovely.’
Not quite. Rewind a bit. Imagine you’re on the
toilet, having the best shit in the world, with three kilograms by
your side, and you’re thinking how great you are. Suddenly, the
door crashes in, and seconds later the guy you’ve just fucked over
is looking at you sitting on the khazi. I was laughing as the shit
poured out of his arse in terror, and there was nothing he could do
about it.
I’d been in situations like that many times before.
In my experience, the first thing a guy would try and do is make a
run for it – jump right through a window, anything to get away from
the Devil. However, there was nowhere for the Jackal to go. Wallace
was standing behind me in the tiny bathroom, swaying from one foot
to the other like King Kong, and I looked like one quarter of the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. There was no way out.
I pegged my nose with my fingers to avoid the
smell, leaned over the bath and scooped up the gear. ‘Thank you
very much,’ I said. ‘That’s mine.’ I handed the gear to Wallace and
told him to take it to the car.
At that point, the Jackal thought his life was
over. He had studied the book of underworld revelations and knew
that the Devil always took revenge – mercilessly. I took out my
Colt .45. Already, I could see the scenes-of-crime pictures
flashing through the Jackal’s head: grimy bathroom, blood-spattered
B&Q tiles and shit all over the place – a horrible and
degrading death. What a way to go!
I took a step towards him. His lip quivered; his
eyes were wide open. The smell of fear had now replaced the fumes
from the faeces. I cocked the gun and leaned over his right
shoulder as though heading for the back of his head. Instead, I
followed through to the cistern, scooped up the toilet roll with
the barrel of the gun and handed it to him. ‘You’ll be needing
this,’ I said. ‘Because you’re in deep shit.’ With that, I was
In the meantime, half an hour had passed. The Rock
Star phoned me. He was all pumped up. ‘Are we ready to go, lad?’ he
‘I’ve already been in and done it,’ I said. ‘I’ve
got your gear, and I’m coming home with your share.’
The beauty of the Rock was that once he was sure
the money was secure, all his aggression would subside in an
instant. His attitude would change, and he would say, ‘Well, who
are we selling it to, and when am I getting my money?’ This was
where Whacker would come into his own and was why I liked him so
much. We would give the gear to him, and he would have our dough 48
hours later. This was because Whacker was one of those kids who
could knock everything out and get the cash in dead quick.
Everybody loved him for that.
These days, the Jackal and I are mates again. We
always have a laugh about that little caper. To this day, he tells
everyone, ‘I once tried to rip Frenchie off. But he caught me with
my pants down.’