The wilderness outside Farmington, Massachusetts

(Exact location withheld for security purposes)

Direct all correspondence to: PO Box 333, Farmington, MA 01201

Dear Applicant,

I am pleased to inform you of your acceptance to the summer course at School of Fear. As you already know, School of Fear is an exceedingly select institution, run by the elusive Mrs. Wellington, aimed at eradicating children’s fears through unorthodox methods. The small group of parents, doctors, alumni, and teachers aware of our existence vigilantly maintain our anonymity. It is at the discretion of this small group that students are referred. We strongly advise all incoming applicants and their families only to discuss School of Fear in the confines of their home with the television on, water running, and dog barking.

On behalf of Mrs. Wellington and the entire School of Fear staff, I would like to welcome you.

Warm regards,


Dictated but not read


Lead Counsel to Mrs. Wellington and School of Fear

Munchauser and Son Law Firm
