The mobile-phone records arrived punctually on the
fifth day after the hearing during which they had been ordered. I
was assured of this by the carabinieri sergeant who had carried out
the court order. He was a friend of mine, so I had called him up to
find out. On his assurance I went to the law courts to examine
It was Saturday, 1 July. The Palace of Justice was
deserted and the atmosphere slightly surreal.
The door to the Assize Court chancellery was
closed. I opened it and found no one inside, but at least the
air-conditioning was working. I therefore entered, closed the door
behind me and waited for someone to come back and let me see those
After a quarter of an hour a clerk arrived at last,
a little titch of about sixty whom I didn’t know. He gave me a
vague look and asked if I needed anything. I did need something and
told him what. He appeared to reflect upon the matter for a while
before nodding thoughtfully.
The search for the documents was a laborious
business and pretty exasperating, but one way or another the little
man finally managed to unearth them.
From the mobile-phone records it emerged that Abdou
had certainly told the truth about his trip to Naples. The first
call was at 9.18. It was an outgoing call from Abdou’s mobile to a
number in Naples, and had lasted two minutes fourteen seconds. At
the time of
the call Abdou was already in Naples or the immediate vicinity.
There followed four other calls – to Naples numbers and to mobiles
– always from within the Naples area. The last was at 12.46. Then
nothing happened for more than four hours. At 16.52 Abdou received
a call from a mobile. At that time the area was Bari city. The call
after that was at 21.10. It was an outgoing call from Abdou’s
mobile, still from Bari. Then nothing more.
I sat there thinking over the result of that
inquiry. Certainly it was not decisive and it failed to sew up the
trial. There was a gap of more than four hours, and smack in the
middle of those four hours the child had disappeared. What emerged
from the phone records did not exclude the possibility that Abdou,
returning from Naples, had gone on to Monopoli, reached Capitolo,
kidnapped the boy and done God knows what else.
I got up to leave and noticed that the little man
had sat himself down on the other side of the chancellery, with his
chin on his hands, his elbows on the desk and his gaze lost in
I wished him good day. He turned his head, looked
at me as if I had said something extraordinary, then turned away
again and gave a vague nod. Impossible to say if he had replied to
my greeting or had still been elsewhere, talking to some
The air outside was scorching. It was midday on
Saturday, 1 July and I was bound for the office to shut myself in
and prepare my speech for the defence.
I was in for a long weekend of it.