I parked the car illegally, as usual on a Friday.
On visiting days you can’t find a legal space anywhere near the
Friday is visiting day.
However, this isn’t a problem, because you are
unlikely to get fined. No traffic warden is too keen on having
words with relatives visiting the prisoners; as a rule, no traffic
warden is too keen on being on duty at all in the prison
So I parked illegally on a pavement, climbed out of
the car, straightened my tie, took a cigarette from the packet, put
it in my mouth without lighting it and set off for the
The warder at the door knew me, so I didn’t have to
show my lawyer’s card.
I went through the usual metal gates, then the
gratings, then still more gates. Finally I reached the room
reserved for lawyers.
I am convinced that in all prisons they go out of
their way to choose the room that is coldest in winter and hottest
in summer.
It was winter, and even though outside the air was
mild, in that room, furnished with a table, two upright chairs and
a broken-down armchair, there was a mortifying chill.
Lawyers are not much loved in prisons.
Lawyers are not much loved in general.
While they were off fetching Abdou Thiam I lit the
cigarette and, just for something to do, rummaged in my bag and
pulled out the precautionary detention order.
Once again I read that “the impressive probative
material acquired against Abdou Thiam forms a reassuring picture
serving not only to justify the restraint of personal liberty at
the present stage of proceedings but also, in prospect, to allow
for reasonable predictions of a conviction in the forthcoming
In plain words: Abdou was up to his neck in
evidence against him, must be arrested and kept in custody, and
when the trial came up would certainly be found guilty.
While I was reading, the door opened and a warder
ushered in my client.
Abdou Thiam was a strikingly handsome man, with the
face of a film star and liquid eyes. Sad and far away.
He remained standing near the door until I went up,
gave him my hand and told him I was his lawyer.
A person’s handshake says a lot of things, if one
takes the trouble to pay attention to it. Abdou’s handshake told me
he didn’t trust me, and that perhaps he no longer trusted anyone at
We sat ourselves down on the two chairs and I
realized almost at once that it was not going to be an easy
Abdou spoke Italian well, even if not in the
well-nigh perfect, accentless manner of Abajaje. In any case, it
came naturally to me to address him as tu, and he replied in
We hurried over the matter of how they were
treating him and whether there was anything he needed. Then, since
I had not yet examined the file, I tried to persuade him to give me
his version of the whole story, with a view to starting to get my
He was not collaborative. He spoke apathetically,
without looking at me, giving vague answers to my questions. It
almost seemed as if the matter was of no concern to him.
This very soon got on my nerves, not least because
behind that absurd vagueness I could clearly perceive a hostile
attitude. Towards me.
I made an effort to conceal my irritation.
“Well then, Abdou, let us get things straight
between us. I am your lawyer. You appointed me yourself” – I
produced the telegram that had arrived from the prison the previous
day and waved it about for a moment – “and I am here to help you,
or to try to do so. For this I need your assistance. Otherwise I
can do nothing. Do you follow me?”
Until then he had been bent slightly forward,
looking at the table. Before answering, he straightened up and
looked me in the face.
“I only sent that telegram because Abajaje told me
to. Maybe you will try to do something, like the other lawyer, or
maybe not. But I’ll stay here whatever happens. When the trial
comes up I’ll be found guilty. We all know that. Abajaje thinks you
are different from the other lawyer and really can do something. I
don’t believe it.”
“Listen to me, Abdou,” I said, forcing myself again
to keep my voice calm, “if you cut yourself and the wound is deep
and bleeds a lot, what do you do?” I didn’t wait for an answer.
“You go to a doctor and have it stitched up, don’t you? You don’t
know how to stitch a wound because you’re not a doctor.”
This seemed to me an appropriate metaphor to
explain to him that there are times when one simply has to avail
oneself of a specialist, and that in this case the specialist was
“I know how to put in stitches because I was an
army nurse during military service.”
At that point I gave up trying to appear calm. It
was obviously useless.
“Listen here and listen carefully. Listen very
carefully indeed, because if you give me another crappy answer like
that I’ll walk out of here, call your woman, give her back the
money – what there is of it – and you can find yourself another
lawyer. Otherwise the court will appoint a counsel who won’t do a
damn thing for you unless you pay him. And he probably won’t do
anything even if you do pay him, seeing what you can afford.
Obviously, if you are behaving in this idiotic manner because you
really did kill that boy and want to pay for it, well, all the more
reason for me to drop the matter ...”
Then, for the first time since we had been together
in that room, Abdou Thiam looked at me as if I really existed. In a
low voice, he spoke.
“I didn’t kill Ciccio. He was my friend.”
I held still briefly, to regain my balance.
It was as if I had hurled myself bodily at a door
in an attempt to burst through, and someone on the other side had
calmly opened it. I took a deep breath and had a hankering for a
cigarette. I drew a soft packet from my coat pocket and offered it
to Abdou. He said nothing, but took one and waited for me to light
it for him. Then I lit my own.
“All right, Abdou. I’ll have to read the
prosecution’s documents, but first I must have a clear picture of
everything you remember about those days. Can we begin to talk
about them?”
He was silent a while before nodding.
“When did you learn about the boy’s
He took a long drag at the cigarette before
“I learned that the boy had disappeared when they
arrested me.”
“Do you remember what you did on the day the boy
“I went to Naples to pick up my supplies. I said
this when they questioned me. I mean, I said I’d been to Naples,
but I didn’t say I had been to buy handbags, so as not to make
trouble for the people who sold me them.”
“You went there alone?”
“When did you get back from Naples?”
“In the afternoon, the evening. I don’t remember
“And the next day?”
“I don’t remember. I went to some beach but I don’t
remember which.”
“Do you remember anyone you met? I mean both on 5
August and on the following morning. Someone who might remember
having seen you and whom we can call as a witness.”
“Where were you that morning, Avvocato?”
I was in the shit, was the answer I would have
liked to give. I was in the shit also the morning before and the
morning after. I’m pretty much still in it. Just a little bit
This was of no interest to Abdou, however, and I
said nothing. I rubbed my forehead, then passed a hand across my
face and finally lit another cigarette.
“OK. You’re right. It isn’t easy to remember an
afternoon, a morning or a day that’s just the same as so many
others. However, we have to make an effort to reconstruct those
days. Now would you like to tell me something about the boy? You
knew him?”
“Certainly I knew him. Since last year. That is,
ever since I worked that beach.”
“Do you remember when it was you last saw
“No. Not exactly. But I saw him every time I went
to that beach. He was always with either his grandparents or his
mother. Occasionally with an aunt and uncle.”
“Have you ever seen him near his grandparents’
house, or anywhere other than the beach? Have you ever visited his
grandparents’ house?”
“I don’t even know where his grandparents’ house
is, and I’ve only seen the boy on that beach.”
“The owner of the Bar Maracaibo says that he saw
you on the afternoon the boy disappeared, that you didn’t have your
bag of goods, and that you were heading towards the grandparents’
“I don’t know which house that is,” he repeated
irritably, “and that afternoon I didn’t go to Monopoli. When I got
back from Naples, I stayed in Bari. I don’t remember what I did but
I didn’t go to Monopoli.”
With an angry movement he seized the packet of
cigarettes and matches, still on the table, and lit up again.
I let him take a few puffs in peace, then went
“How did you come to have a photograph of the boy
at home?”
“It was Ciccio who wanted to give me that photo. An
uncle of his, I think, had a Polaroid and took several photos at
the beach. The boy gave me one of them. We were friends. Every time
I passed I stopped to talk to him. He wanted to know about Africa,
about the animals, if I’d ever seen any lions. That sort of thing.
I was happy when he gave me the photo because we were friends.
What’s more, at home I had masses of photos, lots of them of people
on the beach, because I am friends with lots of clients. The
carabinieri took only
that one. It’s plain that this way it looks like evidence against
me. Why didn’t they take all the photos? Why did they take only a
few books? I didn’t have only children’s books. I have manuals,
history books, books on psychology, but they took only the
children’s books. Obviously this makes me out to be a maniac.
What’s the word? A paedophile.”
“Did you tell these things to the
“Avvocato, do you know the state I was in when they
took me before the magistrate? I couldn’t breathe from the beating
I’d taken, I was deaf in one ear. First I was beaten up by the
carabinieri, then I was beaten up by the warders as soon as I got
to prison. In fact, it was the warders who told me it was much
better for me to say nothing to the magistrate. Then the lawyer
told me I mustn’t answer questions, as there was a risk it would
only complicate matters, and I’d already made a mistake by
answering the public prosecutor. He needed to study the documents
carefully first. So I went before the magistrate and told him I
didn’t want to reply. But even when I did answer, it made no
difference, because the magistrate took no notice of what I said.
In any case, I stayed in prison.”
I waited a second or two before speaking
“Where are all your things, the ones you mentioned,
the books, the photos, everything?”
“I don’t know. They cleared out my room and the
landlord has let it to someone else. You’ll have to ask
We were silent for a few minutes, with me trying to
sort out the information I had received, him I don’t know
Then I spoke again.
“All right, that’s enough for today. Tomorrow, or
rather on Monday, I’ll go to the prosecutor’s office
and see when we can make a copy of the documents. Then I’ll study
them, and as soon as I’ve got my ideas a bit clearer I’ll come back
and see you and we’ll try to organize a defence strategy that makes
sense ...”
I left the sentence in the air, as if there were
something to be added to it.
Abdou noticed, and gave me a faintly questioning
look. Then he nodded. He hesitated a moment, but he was the first
to hold out his hand and shake mine. His grasp differed slightly,
only slightly, from the one of an hour before.
Then I opened the door and called the warder who
was to take him back to his cell, in the special section reserved
for rapists, child abusers and those who had turned state’s
evidence. All of them subjects who wouldn’t have lasted long in the
company of the other prisoners.
I picked up the cigarette packet and realized it
was empty.