Divide and Conquer!

the trio set off at a fast trot. If they could reach the Asdis before Musselman and his gang, they had an outside chance of trapping the spies.

Frank took the lead for a while. The three ran, Indian file, dodging in and out behind the grotesque volcanic formations. Then Gummi took the lead until they came in sight of the jeep.

"Now we can ride the rest of the way," Gummi panted jubilantly. He sprinted and leaped into the driver's seat. But before he could start the motor, Frank ran up to him. "No, Gummi, that won't do!"

"Why not?"

"If the jeep's gone, they'll know someone took it."

"Frank's right," Joe stated. "We don't want to alert them."

"But when they reach the jeep, they'll overtake us," Gummi protested.


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"I think not," Frank replied. "Don't forget they're carrying those three big boxes, and they wouldn't fit on the jeep, along with four men!"

Gummi reluctantly admitted that the Hardys were right. He hopped out of the vehicle and lifted the hood.

"What are you going to do?" asked Joe.

"Disconnect one spark plug. That ought to give them a little more trouble."

Then the three set out again. The short rest had relieved their aching muscles, and the smooth rhythm of their bodies carried them swiftly toward the shore.

Finally they came to the crest of a small rise, and halted to gaze down at the sea, churning and foaming on the rocks below. There, at the crude dock, bobbed the Asdis.

"What a welcome sight!" Frank called out.

The boys raced down the hill and onto the trawler. Joe's first reaction was to radio the Icelandic coast guard for help, but Frank opposed the move.

"If Musselman's crew has a radio, they might intercept our call."

"Then they'd have to change their plans again," Gummi said, adding, "That would be the end of poor Rex Mar."

"Then ambush is our only choice," Joe declared.

Frank grinned. "Divide and conquer!"

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"How will we work it?"

"Let's talk about it over some chow, I'm starved," Frank suggested.

The boys quickly refreshed themselves with food and water, all the while discussing the best way to seize the enemy. By the time they had finished their snack, a basic plan had been worked out.

Frank was to hide in the lifeboat, which swung gently on its davits. Joe would secrete himself in a locker on the bridge, while Gummi would hide in the captain's quarters.

"It's going to be mighty rough," Frank said. "We'll have to take them one at a time."

"Suppose one of vis gets into trouble-more than he can handle?" Gummi asked.

"Then we'll give a rebel yell," Joe suggested.

"It'll be all for one," Frank said. "Let's each get some rope so we can tie up our friends."

They found rope in a locker, then gathered on the bridge. Gummi took the binoculars and scanned the forbidding coastline.

"What if they don't come?" he asked nervously.

"Don't worry," Frank replied. "This caper is too big for them to drop it now."

"So we catch them. Then what?"

"We'll go back and search the cave. I have a hunch that someone is still there."

"Like who?" Gummi put the question without removing the glasses from his eyes.

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"It could be that-"

"Here they come!" Gummi interrupted.

On the brow of the hill appeared a strange-looking caravan. In the lead was the jeep, occupied by four men. Tied to the back of the jeep were the pony carts. Two boxes were laid across one of them, the remaining box was in the second cart, along with Rex Mar.

"Okay, fellows, to your places!" Frank said.

Joe remained on the bridge. He opened a vertical locker, which contained only the captain's coat, squeezed in, and closed the metal door until only a crack remained.

Gummi hastened to the captain's quarters, where he hid behind the washroom door. Then Frank, making sure to keep himself shielded from view, lifted one end of the lifeboat cover.

He crept inside and peered out from beneath the canvas. Musselman's caravan jounced along.

"We've got them fooled so far," Frank thought as he watched Diran lonescu brake the jeep to a halt by the dock.

Musselman turned to address the boxes behind him. "Here we are! Ready for the big ride?" He laughed and turned to his lieutenant. "They are not talking!"

"I suppose they know when they are defeated," lonescu said. "All right, men, onto the boat with them!"

The three boxes were lugged onto the deck

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and placed alongside the rail. Then Musselman ordered his crew to cast off. The engine was started and a low throbbing vibrated through the Asdis.

"Onto the bridge, Mar!" Musselman commanded.

"What do you want me to do?" Mar protested as Musselman shoved him roughly toward the wheel house.

"Head for Greenland! Once we are past the twelve-mile limit, over go the boxes."

"You are going to kill them?" Mar asked as he steered the boat out of the little cove.

Taking in every word, Joe Hardy shuddered at the thought of the fate that might have overtaken them.

"But what about me?" The old seaman sounded frightened.

"We will take care of you when we get to Greenland."

The spy stepped backward. Should Joe attack now? He could fling open the door hard, but before he could act, Musselman quickly left the bridge.

Joe opened the door wider. "Psst! Captain Marl"

The skipper whirled around in astonishment, then an expression of relief came over his face.

Joe put a finger to his lips. Quickly he told where the other boys were stationed and added,

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"The next guy who comes onto the bridge will get it!"

Mar nodded and smiled.

Frank, meanwhile, peered out from beneath the lifeboat cover. One of the two henchmen walked casually past and leaned on the rail to look over the sea. Silently Frank crept out of his hiding place. The davit rocked and squeaked, causing the thug to turn around. But Frank had already launched himself. He collided with the man in midair and together they sprawled on the deck.

The thug wore a look of complete amazement as he scrambled to his feet. Frank got in the first blow, a crushing right hand to the solar plexus!

"Umph!" His opponent doubled up, just as Frank delivered a stiff left to his chin. The man went down like a sack!

Quickly Frank bound his hands and feet. Then, struggling with all his might, he lifted him up and dropped him into the lifeboat. One down, three to go!

The boy stalked the deck, then ducked behind a stanchion as the second henchman came by. Swiftly Frank put his foot forward. The man tripped, landed on the deck, and turned, wild-eyed.

Frank grappled with him, but the wiry henchman wriggled from his grasp and ran along the deck, shouting, "They're out! Musselman, they're out!"

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Instantly the chief and his lieutenant appeared. Musselman reached for his gun, but Frank bulled into him, head lowered. At the same time, he let out a bloodcurdling rebel yell.

Hearing, it, Joe dashed out of the locker and down the deck. Gummi came out of hiding and raced up the deck. The melee that followed was a bone-crushing battle. Each of the boys took an opponent.

Frank struggled to subdue Musselman, while his brother exchanged blows with lonescu. Gummi had his hands full with the third man. They rolled over on the deck, scrambled up, and fought along the rail.

Suddenly Gummi was seized by the shirt front and lifted halfway over the rail. Another few inches and he would be cast into the cold sea!

Just then Rex Mar raced over and grasped the thug around the throat with his huge paw of a hand. Together, he and Gummi tossed the man over the rail. With a splash he hit the water and screamed for help.

Gummi grabbed a life jacket and threw it to him. The fellow clung to it, then disappeared far behind the boat in the wake.

Joe, meanwhile, was near exhaustion, battling the powerful lonescu. Gummi came to his aid, distracting the spy for a split second. It took Joe only a moment to deliver a chop to the forehead, lonescu went down.

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Now Mar and the boys turned their full attention to Frank's fight. But Frank needed no help. He had Musselman on the rail, flailing him with rights and lefts.

The man's knees sagged and Rex Mar rushed over to seize him. He lifted Musselman overhead like a sack of grain, and threatened to drop him into the sea. Musselman screamed for mercy and Mar dropped him to the deck.

"So you were going to murder these boys!" he shouted. "Frank, Joe-tie him up. The captain is in command of his boat again!"

Mar went back to the bridge and radioed the coast guard for help. Then he turned the boat around. A few minutes later they picked up the man bobbing in his life jacket.

With all the criminals safely tied, Mar headed for the old dock. When he pulled up, Frank and Joe jumped ashore.

"Captain Mar, will you and Gummi wait here for us?" Frank asked. "We'll go back to the cave and search the place thoroughly."

"We sure will," Gummi replied, grinning. "The coast guard should be here shortly to take care of these jerks!"

"We should put them into the boxes and drop them in the ocean," Mar growled.

"We'd better leave their punishment up to the authorities," Joe said. "Well, keep your fingers

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crossed that we find Major McGeorge and the fellows!"

The boys waved, disengaged the pony carts, and set off in the jeep. Soon they reached the place where the ponies had been left. Each mounted one of the rugged little horses and rode to the sod hut.

Reaching it, they cautiously looked about in case any of Musselman's men were around. There were none. Joe found a flashlight in the hut, then they hastened to the cave. Inside, it was dark and gloomy.

"This is much bigger than I thought," Frank murmured as they made their way cautiously into the farthest recess. At the end, their beam illuminated a figure, bound and gagged, lying face down.

"Major McGeorge! Is that you?" Frank cried out as he raced ahead and bent over the man. There was no reply. "Here, let's roll him over, Joe!"

They grabbed the shoulder of the husky figure and rolled him face up. Their light shone upon a pale face with eyes closed.

It was Biff Hooper!