His eye was killing him.
He sat hunched in the dark recess of the doorway, glowering at the street. He’d probably have to spend the whole night here unless something came along soon.
The waiting was the worst part, man. The waiting and the hiding. Word was probably out among the pigs to be on the lookout for a guy with a scratched eye. Which meant he couldn’t hit the street and go looking, and he hadn’t been in town long enough to find someone to crash with. So he had to sit here and wait for something to come to him.
All because of that rotten bitch.
He fingered the gauze patch taped over his left eye and winced at the shock of pain elicited by even the gentlest touch. Bitch! She had damn near gouged his eye out last night. But he showed her. Fucking-ay right. Bounced her around good after that. And later on, in this very same doorway, when he’d gone through her wallet and found a grand total of seventeen bucks, and had seen that the necklace was nothing but junk, he’d been tempted to go back and do a tap dance on her head, but figured the pigs would’ve found her by then.
And then to top it all off, he’d had to spend most of the bread on eye patches and ointment. He was worse off now than when he’d rolled the bitch.
He hoped she was hurting now… hurting real good. He knew he was.
Should never have come east, man. He’d had to get out of Detroit fast after getting carried away with a pry bar on that guy changing a tire out by the interstate. Easier to get lost here than someplace like, say, Saginaw, but he didn’t know anybody.
He leaned back and watched the street with his good eye. Some weird-looking old lady was hobbling by on shoes that looked too small for her, pulling a shopping basket behind her. Not much there. He passed her over as not worth the trouble of a closer look.