The explosion of gunfire had staggered Alicia. As Baker regained his feet after a flying leap into the cabin, Alicia stared at the ruined door, still shuddering and vibrating from the barrage it had absorbed, and wanted to cry with joy.
Somehow, some way, Jack was still alive. He'd not only survived, he'd come back.
"Kenny!" Baker was shouting. "Oh, Christ, he must've killed Kenny!"
She looked back at where Thomas lay. His pistol was just on the other side of him. If she could—
Baker grabbed her arm and yanked her close. His breath was sour.
"Who is he, goddammit? Where'd you find this guy?"
"His name's Jack," she said. What could it matter if Baker knew that? "That's all I know."
"Don't give me that. There's gotta be something going on between you two, otherwise he wouldn't have come back."
"No. He gets a percentage of whatever this is worth."
Another truth, but Alicia had a feeling Jack would have come back no matter what the arrangement. Baker would never understand that, but a percentage was something he could buy.
He nodded. "Yeah, I guess I'd come back for that too."
He spun her around, grabbed a fistful of hair at the back of her head, and propelled her toward the door. Her scalp stung and burned from the rough treatment.
"You're hurting me."
"You better hope that's the worst of it, honey. Because we're gonna see if you're really as valuable as you say you are."
He positioned her in the doorway and half crouched behind her, peeking over her shoulder. She felt the cool metal of the muzzle of Baker's pistol press against her temple. Down the slope, almost to the trees, lay a body. Alicia knew from its white shirt that it had to be Yoshio. She closed her eyes. Still another death.
Back inside the cabin, she heard Kemel moaning for a doctor.
"Hey, Jack!" Baker shouted. "Or whatever your name is. Come out where I can see you or your girlfriend gets it!"
"I'm not his—"
"Shut up!" he hissed, jamming the muzzle harder against her scalp. "Not a fucking word from you!"
And then she saw Jack, moving between the trees. He stopped and stared at them, but said nothing. Then slowly, deliberately, he raised his middle finger.
"You son of a—!" Baker said.
Suddenly the muzzle was gone from her temple, and the pistol was extended before her, firing at Jack. The reports were deafening.
Jack ducked to his left and popped up next to another tree. Baker pumped more rounds at him. But Jack was gone again, only to pop up somewhere else. Baker fired again.
"Your boyfriend thinks he's smart," Baker whispered. "Know what he's doing? He's counting my shots. He knows I've got fifteen in the clip. He knows I used one on your brother, one on the gook, and now I've knocked off another nine potshotting at him. So he's thinking, four more shots and—"
Jack popped up again, and Baker fired off a pair of shots.
"There's two more. Now he's thinking, two more shots and he'll charge me while I'm changing the clip. Must think I'm a real jerk. Well, I got news for Mr. Jack. Sam Baker's changing his clip now. And won't Jack-o be surprised when he charges up that rise. Can't wait to see his face when that slug goes into his chest."
Baker withdrew the pistol behind her. As he let go of her hair, Alicia heard a metallic click, then something hitting the ground. Her mind raced. Was Baker right? Was that Jack's plan? She had to do something.
Alicia whirled and saw Baker with his pistol in his left hand while his right was reaching into a pocket. The old clip lay at his feet.
Shouting, "Jack! Jack! Now, Jack!" she grabbed the pistol and tried to wrestle it away from him.
Baker's right hand got caught in his pocket, and it took him a second or two to free it, but even using both her hands, and wrenching with all her strength, Alicia could not break his grip on the pistol.
"Fucking bitch!" he cried.
She put her body into it, twisting so that her back was to him. And this gave her a view of the slope where she saw Jack—
Oh, no! He was running toward her, but with a limp! She saw the red splotch on the denim on his left leg.
He'll never make it!
Just then Baker must have freed his right hand because she felt a rock-hard fist slam against the back of her head. But she held on. And then the edge of his hand cut down on her shoulder. Her left arm went numb, and her grip failed. The gun came free of her grasp as a third blow knocked her to her knees.
And Jack wasn't anywhere near close enough. He had a wicked-looking knife in his hand, but he wasn't going to get close enough to use it.
Alicia twisted and saw the fresh clip in Baker's hand as he fumbled it into the opening in the bottom of the pistol's grip.
"No!" she cried, and grabbed his arm.
He almost dropped the clip but maintained his grasp by his fingertips. He snarled as he kicked her away.
Alicia landed on her back. Jack was almost here, but through a haze of pain she saw Baker slam the clip home and raise the pistol with both hands. Jack wasn't going to make it. Baker was going to get a point-blank shot at him. She thought of Thomas's gun, but it was back inside the cabin, too far away…
Alicia closed her eyes and screamed as she heard three shots in rapid succession… from directly behind her.
She opened her eyes and saw Baker falling away as Jack slammed into the place where he'd been standing. She turned and saw someone crouched in the cabin doorway, leaning on the door frame.
He looked ghastly. The doughy white of his face made the blood trickling from both corners of his mouth seem so much redder. The pistol hung loosely at the end of his limp arm.
As she watched, he seemed to deflate, seemed to shrink within his clothes as he slumped to the floor.
Baffled, Alicia crawled over to him.
"Oh, Thomas. Thank you, Thomas. But…" She had to ask. She'd never known him to do anything for anyone. "Thomas, why?"
"Don't you know?" he said in a voice bubbling wet with blood. "You're supposed to be so smart. Don't you know?"
"Know what?" She was almost afraid that she did.
"Those were the worst years of your life. But they were the best of mine."
He coughed up a dark red clot, and then his body stiffened as the light went out of his eyes.
Alicia reached a hand toward him. She'd never thought she could touch him, but now she had to.
She smoothed his hair and began to cry.