Jack locked his apartment door and sank to
the floor behind it, reveling in the air-conditioned coolness. He
had stumbled down from the roof in a daze, but had remembered to
pick up his empty Ruger on the way. He was weak. Every cell in his
body cried out in pain and fatigue. He needed rest, and he probably
needed a doctor for his lacerated back. But there was no time for
any of that. He had to finish Kusum off tonight.
He pulled himself to his feet and went to the
bedroom. Kolabati was still asleep. Next stop was the phone. He
didn’t know if Abe had called while he was up on the roof. He
doubted it; the prolonged ringing would have awakened Kolabati. He
dialed the number of the shop.
After three rings there came a cautious,
“It’s me, Abe.”
“Who else could it be at this hour?”
“Did you get everything?”
“Just got in the door. No, I didn’t get
everything. Got the timed incendiary bombs—a crate of twelve—but
couldn’t get hold of any incendiary bullets before tomorrow noon.
Is that soon enough?”
“No,” Jack said, bitterly disappointed. He
had to move now.
“I got something you might use as a
substitute, though.”
“Come down and see.”
“Be there in a few minutes.”
Jack hung up and gingerly peeled the torn,
blood-soaked shirt from his back. The pain there had subsided to a
dull, aching throb. He blinked when he saw the liverish clots
clinging to the fabric. He had lost more blood than he had
He got a towel from the bathroom and gently
held it against the wound. It stung, but the pain was bearable.
When he checked the towel half a minute later, there was blood on
it, but very little of it fresh.
Jack knew he should shower and clean out the
wound, but was afraid he’d start it bleeding again. He resisted the
temptation to examine his back in the bathroom mirror—it might hurt
worse if he knew how bad it looked. Instead, he wrapped all his
remaining gauze around his upper chest and over his left
He went back to the bedroom for a fresh shirt
and for something else: He knelt next to the bed, gently unclasped
Kolabati’s necklace and removed it. She stirred, moaned softly,
then was quiet. Jack tiptoed out of the room and closed the door
behind him.
In the living room he clasped the iron
necklace around his throat. It gave off an unpleasant, tingling
sensation that spread along his skin from head to toe. He didn’t
relish wearing it, nor borrowing it from Kolabati without her
knowledge, but she had refused to remove it in the ship, and if he
was going back there he wanted every edge he could get.
He slipped into the fresh shirt as he dialed
the number of Abe’s daughter’s apartment. He was going to have to
be out of touch with Gia for a while and knew his mind would rest
easier after confirming that everything was cool in Queens.
After half a dozen rings, Gia picked up. Her
voice was tentative.
Jack paused for an instant at the sound of
her voice. After what he had been through in the past few hours, he
wanted nothing more than to call it quits for the night, hop over
to Queens and spend the rest of the time until morning with his
arms around Gia. Nothing more would be needed tonight—just holding
“Sorry to wake you,” he said. “I’m going out
for a few hours and wanted to make sure everything is okay.”
“Everything’s fine,” she said hoarsely.
“I just left her side to answer the phone.
She’s fine. And I’m just reading this note from Abe explaining that
he had to go out and not to worry. What’s going on?”
“Crazy stuff.”
“That’s not an answer. I need answers, Jack.
This whole thing scares me.”
“I know. All I can say right now is it has to
do with the Westphalens.” He didn’t want to say any more.
“But why is Vicky…oh.”
“Right. She’s a Westphalen. Someday when we
have lots of time, I’ll explain it to you.”
“When will it all end?”
“Tonight, if things go right.”
“Naw. Routine stuff.” He didn’t want to add
to her worries.
“Jack…” She paused and he thought he detected
a quaver in her voice. “Be careful, Jack.”
She would never know how much those words
meant to him.
“Always careful. I like my body in one piece.
See you later.”
He didn’t hang up. Instead he depressed the
plunger for a few seconds, then released it. After checking for the
dial tone, he stuffed the receiver under the seat cushion of his
chair. It would start howling in a few minutes, but no one would
hear that… and no one could call here and awaken Kolabati. With
luck, he could take care of Kusum, get back here and replace the
necklace without her ever knowing he had taken it. And with
considerably more luck, she might not ever know for sure that he
had anything to do with the fiery explosion that took her brother
and his rakoshi to a watery grave.
He picked up his variable frequency beeper
and hurried down to the street, intending to head immediately for
the Isher Sports Shop. But as he passed the alley, he paused. He
had no time to spare, yet he could not resist entering it to see
the remains of the Mother rakosh. A jolt of panic shot through him
when he saw no corpse in the alley. Then he came upon the
smoldering pile of ashes. The fire had completely consumed the
Mother, leaving only her fangs and talons. He picked up a few of
each—they were still hot—and shoved them into his pocket. There
might come a day when he would want to prove to himself that he had
really faced something called a rakosh.