But for Jason Epstein I should never have translated another Nietzsche book after 1954. He persevered; he left the choice of books and all particulars entirely up to me; and eventually I consented to go over some of the old versions to eliminate outright errors. This proved to be a thankless, endless, and all but impossible undertaking. Hence I gave up and made some more new translations. The commentaries, not anticipated, took form as the translations progressed.
Berenice Hoffman’s editorial queries and suggestions have been unfailingly expert and gracious, and she deserves the readers’ thanks as well as mine for her unstinting devotion to an often extremely difficult task.
Stephen Watson helped me with the indices, and Sonia Volochova made valuable additions to them. Mr. Watson, as a University Scholar at Princeton University, also called to my attention many points on which he thought students needed help, especially in Beyond Good and Evil, and aided me by reading proofs.
George Brakas read the page proofs of Genealogy and Ecce Homo and called to my attention many points that were not as clear as, I hope, they are now.
My wife, Hazel, kept up my spirits.