BATH, November 5, 1769.
MADAM: I remember very well the paragraph which you quote from a letter of mine to Mrs. du Bouchet, and see no reason yet to retract that opinion, in general, which at least nineteen widows in twenty had authorized. I had not then the pleasure of your acquaintance: I had seen you but twice or thrice; and I had no reason to think that you would deviate, as you have done, from other widows, so much as to put perpetual shackles upon yourself, for the sake of your children. But (if I may use a vulgarism) one swallow makes no summer: five righteous were formerly necessary to save a city, and they could not be found; so, till I find four more such righteous widows as yourself, I shall entertain my former notions of widowhood in general.
I can assure you that I drink here very soberly and cautiously, and at the same time keep so cool a diet that I do not find the least symptom of heat, much less of inflammation. By the way, I never had that complaint, in consequence of having drank these waters; for I have had it but four times, and always in the middle of summer. Mr. Hawkins is timorous, even to minutia, and my sister delights in them.
Charles will be a scholar, if you please; but our little Philip, without being one, will be something or other as good, though I do not yet guess what. I am not of the opinion generally entertained in this country, that man lives by Greek and Latin alone; that is, by knowing a great many words of two dead languages, which nobody living knows perfectly, and which are of no use in the common intercourse of life. Useful knowledge in my opinion consists of modern languages, history, and geography; some Latin may be thrown into the bargain, in compliance with custom, and for closet amusement.
You are, by this time, certainly tired with this long letter, which I could prove to you from Horace's own words (for I am a scholar) to be a bad one; he says, that water-drinkers can write nothing good: so I am, with real truth and esteem, your most faithful, humble servant, CHESTERFIELD.


BATH, October 9, 1770.
MADAM: I am extremely obliged to you for the kind part which you take in my health and life: as to the latter, I am as indifferent myself as any other body can be; but as to the former, I confess care and anxiety, for while I am to crawl upon this planet, I would willingly enjoy the health at least of an insect. How far these waters will restore me to that, moderate degree of health, which alone I aspire at, I have not yet given them a fair trial, having drank them but one week; the only difference I hitherto find is, that I sleep better than I did.
I beg that you will neither give yourself, nor Mr. Fitzhugh, much trouble about the pine plants; for as it is three years before they fruit, I might as well, at my age, plant oaks, and hope to have the advantage of their timber: however, somebody or other, God knows who, will eat them, as somebody or other will fell and sell the oaks I planted five-and-forty years ago.
I hope our boys are well; my respects to them both. I am, with the greatest truth, your faithful and humble servant, CHESTERFIELD.


BATH, November 4,1770
MADAM: The post has been more favorable to you than I intended it should, for, upon my word, I answered your former letter the post after I had received it. However you have got a loss, as we say sometimes in Ireland.
My friends from time to time require bills of health from me in these suspicious times, when the plague is busy in some parts of Europe. All I can say, in answer to their kind inquiries, is, that I have not the distemper properly called the plague; but that I have all the plague of old age and of a shattered carcass. These waters have done me what little good I expected from them; though by no means what I could have wished, for I wished them to be 'les eaux de Jouvence'.
I had a letter, the other day, from our two boys; Charles' was very finely written, and Philip's very prettily: they are perfectly well, and say that they want nothing. What grown-up people will or can say as much? I am, with the truest esteem, Madam, your most faithful servant. CHESTERFIELD.


BATH, October 27,1771.
MADAM: Upon my word, you interest yourself in the state of my existence more than I do myself; for it is worth the care of neither of us. I ordered my valet de chambre, according to your orders, to inform you of my safe arrival here; to which I can add nothing, being neither better nor worse than I was then.
I am very glad that our boys are well. Pray give them the inclosed.
I am not at all surprised at Mr.---'s conversion, for he was, at seventeen, the idol of old women, for his gravity, devotion, and dullness. I am, Madam, your most faithful, humble servant, CHESTERFIELD.


I RECEIVED a few days ago two the best written letters that ever I saw in my life; the one signed Charles Stanhope, the other Philip Stanhope. As for you Charles, I did not wonder at it; for you will take pains, and are a lover of letters; but you, idle rogue, you Phil, how came you to write so well that one can almost say of you two, 'et cantare pores et respondre parati'! Charles will explain this Latin to you.
I am told, Phil, that you have got a nickname at school, from your intimacy with Master Strangeways; and that they call you Master Strangeways; for to be rude, you are a strange boy. Is this true?
Tell me what you would have me bring you both from hence, and I will bring it you, when I come to town. In the meantime, God bless you both!




A little learning is a dangerous thing


A joker is near akin to a buffoon


A favor may make an enemy, and an injury may make a friend


Ablest man will sometimes do weak things


Above all things, avoid speaking of yourself


Above the frivolous as below the important and the secret


Above trifles, he is never vehement and eager about them


Absolute command of your temper


Abstain from learned ostentation


Absurd term of genteel and fashionable vices


Absurd romances of the two last centuries


According as their interest prompts them to wish


Acquainted with books, and an absolute stranger to men


Advice is seldom welcome


Advise those who do not speak elegantly, not to speak


Advocate, the friend, but not the bully of virtue


Affectation of singularity or superiority


Affectation in dress


Affectation of business


All have senses to be gratified


Always made the best of the best, and never made bad worse


Always does more than he says


Always some favorite word for the time being


Always look people in the face when you speak to them


Am still unwell; I cannot help it!


American Colonies


Ancients and Moderns


Anxiety for my health and life


Applauded often, without approving


Apt to make them think themselves more necessary than they are


Argumentative, polemical conversations


Arrogant pedant


Art of pleasing is the most necessary


As willing and as apt to be pleased as anybody


Ascribing the greatest actions to the most trifling causes


Assenting, but without being servile and abject


Assertion instead of argument


Assign the deepest motives for the most trifling actions


Assurance and intrepidity


At the first impulse of passion, be silent till you can be soft


Attacked by ridicule, and, punished with contempt


Attend to the objects of your expenses, but not to the sums


Attention to the inside of books


Attention and civility please all




Author is obscure and difficult in his own language




Avoid cacophony, and, what is very near as bad, monotony


Avoid singularity


Awkward address, ungraceful attitudes and actions


Be neither transported nor depressed by the accidents of life


Be silent till you can be soft


Being in the power of every man to hurt him


Being intelligible is now no longer the fashion


Better not to seem to understand, than to reply


Better refuse a favor gracefully, than to grant it clumsily


Blindness of the understanding is as much to be pitied


Bold, but with great seeming modesty




Business must be well, not affectedly dressed


Business now is to shine, not to weigh


Business by no means forbids pleasures




Can hardly be said to see what they see


Cannot understand them, or will not desire to understand them


Cardinal Mazarin


Cardinal Richelieu


Cardinal de Retz


Cardinal Virtues, by first degrading them into weaknesses


Cautious how we draw inferences


Cease to love when you cease to be agreeable


Chameleon, be able to take every different hue


Characters, that never existed, are insipidly displayed


Cheerful in the countenance, but without laughing


Chitchat, useful to keep off improper and too serious subjects


Choose your pleasures for yourself


Civility, which is a disposition to accommodate and oblige others


Clamorers triumph


Close, without being costive


Command of our temper, and of our countenance


Commanding with dignity, you must serve up to it with diligence


Committing acts of hostility upon the Graces


Common sense (which, in truth, very uncommon)


Commonplace observations


Company is, in truth, a constant state of negotiation




Complaisance to every or anybody's opinion


Complaisance due to the custom of the place


Complaisant indulgence for people's weaknesses


Conceal all your learning carefully


Concealed what learning I had


Conjectures pass upon us for truths


Conjectures supply the defect of unattainable knowledge




Connive at knaves, and tolerate fools


Consciousness of merit makes a man of sense more modest


Consciousness and an honest pride of doing well


Consider things in the worst light, to show your skill








Content yourself with mediocrity in nothing


Conversationstock being a joint and common property


Conversation will help you almost as much as books


Converse with his inferiors without insolence


Dance to those who pipe


Darkness visible


Decides peremptorily upon every subject


Deep learning is generally tainted with pedantry


Deepest learning, without goodbreeding, is unwelcome


Defended by arms, adorned by manners, and improved by laws


Deserve a little, and you shall have but a little


Desire to please, and that is the main point


Desirous of praise from the praiseworthy


Desirous to make you their friend


Desirous of pleasing


Despairs of ever being able to pay


Dexterity enough to conceal a truth without telling a lie


Dictate to them while you seem to be directed by them


Difference in everything between system and practice


Difficulties seem to them, impossibilities


Dignity to be kept up in pleasures, as well as in business


Disagreeable to seem reserved, and very dangerous not to be so


Disagreeable things may be done so agreeably as almost to oblige


Disputes with heat


Dissimulation is only to hide our own cards


Distinction between simulation and dissimulation


Distinguish between the useful and the curious


Do as you would be done by


Do not become a virtuoso of small wares


Do what you are about


Do what you will but do something all day long


Do as you would be done by


Do not mistake the tinsel of Tasso for the gold of Virgil


Does not give it you, but he inflicts it upon you


Doing, 'de bonne grace', what you could not help doing


Doing what may deserve to be written


Doing nothing, and might just as well be asleep


Doing anything that will deserve to be written


Done under concern and embarrassment, must be ill done


Dress like the reasonable people of your own age


Dress well, and not too well


Dressed as the generality of people of fashion are


Ears to hear, but not sense enough to judge


Easy without negligence


Easy without too much familiarity


Economist of your time


Either do not think, or do not love to think


Elegance in one language will reproduce itself in all


Employ your whole time, which few people do


Endeavor to hear, and know all opinions


Endeavors to please and oblige our fellowcreatures


Enemies as if they may one day become one's friends


Enjoy all those advantages


Equally forbid insolent contempt, or low envy and jealousy




Establishing a character of integrity and good manners


Even where you are sure, seem rather doubtful


Every numerous assembly is MOB


Every virtue, has its kindred vice or weakness


Every man knows that he understands religion and politics


Every numerous assembly is a mob


Every man pretends to common sense




Everybody is good for something


Everything has a better and a worse side


Exalt the gentle in woman and man__above the merely genteel


Expresses himself with more fire than elegance


Extremely weary of this silly world


Eyes and the ears are the only roads to the heart


Eyes and ears open and mouth mostly shut


Feed him, and feed upon him at the same time


Few things which people in general know less, than how to love


Few people know how to love, or how to hate


Few dare dissent from an established opinion


Fiddlefaddle stories, that carry no information along with them


Fit to live__or not live at all


Flattering people behind their backs


Flattery of women




Flexibility of manners is necessary in the course of the world


Fools, who can never be undeceived


Fools never perceive where they are illtimed


Forge accusations against themselves


Forgive, but not approve, the bad.


Fortune stoops to the forward and the bold


Frank without indiscretion


Frank, but without indiscretion


Frank, open, and ingenuous exterior, with a prudent interior


Frequently make friends of enemies, and enemies of friends


Friendship upon very slight acquaintance


Frivolous, idle people, whose time hangs upon their own hands


Frivolous curiosity about trifles


Frivolous and superficial pertness


Fullbottomed wigs were contrived for his humpback


Gain the heart, or you gain nothing


Gain the affections as well as the esteem


Gainer by your misfortune


General conclusions from certain particular principles


Generosity often runs into profusion


Genteel without affectation


Gentlemen, who take such a fancy to you at first sight


Gentleness of manners, with firmness of mind


Geography and history are very imperfect separately


German, who has taken into his head that he understands French


Go to the bottom of things


Good manners


Good reasons alleged are seldom the true ones


Good manners are the settled medium of social life


Good company




Graces: Without us, all labor is vain


Gratitude not being universal, nor even common


Grave without the affectation of wisdom


Great learning; which, if not accompanied with sound judgment


Great numbers of people met together, animate each other


Greatest fools are the greatest liars


Grow wiser when it is too late


Guard against those who make the most court to you


Habit and prejudice


Habitual eloquence


Half done or half known


Hardened to the wants and distresses of mankind


Hardly any body good for every thing


Haste and hurry are very different things


Have no pleasures but your own


Have a will and an opinion of your own, and adhere to it


Have I employed my time, or have I squandered it?


Have but one set of jokes to live upon


Have you learned to carve?


He that is gentil doeth gentil deeds


He will find it out of himself without your endeavors


Heart has such an influence over the understanding


Helps only, not as guides


Herd of mankind can hardly be said to think




Holiday eloquence


Home, be it ever so homely


Honest error is to be pitied, not ridiculed


Honestest man loves himself best




How troublesome an old correspondent must be to a young one


How much you have to do; and how little time to do it in


Human nature is always the same


Hurt those they love by a mistaken indulgence


I hope, I wish, I doubt, and fear alternately


I shall never know, though all the coffeehouses here do.


I shall always love you as you shall deserve.


I know myself (no common piece of knowledge, let me tell you)




I, who am not apt to know anything that I do not know


Idleness is only the refuge of weak minds


If free from the guilt, be free from the suspicion, too


If you would convince others, seem open to conviction yourself


If I don't mind his orders he won't mind my draughts


If you will persuade, you must first please


If once we quarrel, I will never forgive


Ignorant of their natural rights, cherished their chains


Impertinent insult upon custom and fashion


Improve yourself with the old, divert yourself with the young


Inaction at your age is unpardonable




Inattentive, absent; and distrait


Inclined to be fat, but I hope you will decline it


Incontinency of friendship among young fellows


Indiscriminate familiarity


Indiscriminately loading their memories with every part alike




Indolently say that they cannot do


Infallibly to be gained by every sort of flattery


Information is, in a certain degree, mortifying


Information implies our previous ignorance; it must be sweetened


Injury is much sooner forgotten than an insult




Insinuates himself only into the esteem of fools


Insipid in his pleasures, as inefficient in everything else


Insist upon your neither piping nor fiddling yourself


Insolent civility


INTOLERATION in religious, and inhospitality in civil matters


Intrinsic, and not their imaginary value


It is a real inconvenience to anybody to be fat


It is not sufficient to deserve well; one must please well too


Jealous of being slighted


Jog on like man and wife; that is, seldom agreeing


Judge of every man's truth by his degree of understanding


Judge them all by their merits, but not by their ages


Judges from the appearances of things, and not from the reality


Keep your own temper and artfully warm other people's


Keep good company, and company above yourself


Kick him upstairs


King's popularity is a better guard than their army


Know their real value, and how much they are generally overrated


Know the true value of time


Know, yourself and others


Knowing how much you have, and how little you want


Knowing any language imperfectly


Knowledge is like power in this respect


Knowledge: either despise it, or think that they have enough


Knowledge of a scholar with the manners of a courtier


Known people pretend to vices they had not


Knows what things are little, and what not


Labor is the unavoidable fatigue of a necessary journey


Labor more to put them in conceit with themselves


Last beautiful varnish, which raises the colors


Laughing, I must particularly warn you against it


Lay down a method for everything, and stick to it inviolably


Lazy mind, and the trifling, frivolous mind


Learn to keep your own secrets


Learn, if you can, the WHY and the WHEREFORE


Leave the company, at least as soon as he is wished out of it


Led, much oftener by little things than by great ones


Less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it in


Let me see more of you in your letters


Let them quietly enjoy their errors in taste


Let nobody discover that you do know your own value


Let nothing pass till you understand it


Let blockheads read what blockheads wrote


Life of ignorance is not only a very contemptible, but tiresome


Listlessness and indolence are always blameable


Little minds mistake little objects for great ones


Little failings and weaknesses


Loud laughter is the mirth of the mob


Love with him, who they think is the most in love with them


Loved without being despised, and feared without being hated


Low company, most falsely and impudently, call pleasure


Low buffoonery, or silly accidents, that always excite laughter


Luther's disappointed avarice




Made him believe that the world was made for him


Make a great difference between companions and friends


Make himself whatever he pleases, except a good poet


Make yourself necessary


Make every man I met with like me, and every woman love me


Man is dishonored by not resenting an affront


Man or woman cannot resist an engaging exterior


Man of sense may be in haste, but can never be in a hurry


Man who is only good on holydays is good for very little


Mangles what he means to carve


Manner is full as important as the matter


Manner of doing things is often more important


Manners must adorn knowledge


Many things which seem extremely probable are not true


Many are very willing, and very few able


Mastery of one's temper


May you live as long as you are fit to live, but no longer!


May you rather die before you cease to be fit to live


May not forget with ease what you have with difficulty learned


Mazarin and Lewis the Fourteenth riveted the shackles


Meditation and reflection


Mere reason and good sense is never to be talked to a mob


Merit and goodbreeding will make their way everywhere




Mistimes or misplaces everything


Mitigating, engaging words do by no means weaken your argument


MOB: Understanding they have collectively none


Moderation with your enemies


Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise


Money, the cause of much mischief


More people have ears to be tickled, than understandings to judge


More one sees, the less one either wonders or admires


More you know, the modester you should be


More one works, the more willing one is to work


Mortifying inferiority in knowledge, rank, fortune


Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friends


Most long talkers single out some one unfortunate man in company


Most ignorant are, as usual, the boldest conjecturers


Most people have ears, but few have judgment; tickle those ears


Much sooner forgive an injustice than an insult


My own health varies, as usual, but never deviates into good


Mystical nonsense


Name that we leave behind at one place often gets before us


National honor and interest have been sacrificed to private


Necessity of scrupulously preserving the appearances


Neglect them in little things, they will leave you in great


Negligence of it implies an indifference about pleasing


Neither know nor care, (when I die) for I am very weary


Neither abilities or words enough to call a coach


Neither retail nor receive scandal willingly


Never would know anything that he had not a mind to know


Never read history without having maps


Never affect the character in which you have a mind to shine


Never implicitly adopt a character upon common fame


Never seek for wit; if it presents itself, well and good


Never to speak of yourself at all


Never slattern away one minute in idleness


Never quit a subject till you are thoroughly master of it


Never maintain an argument with heat and clamor


Never seem wiser, nor more learned, than the people you are with


Never saw a froward child mended by whipping


Never to trust implicitly to the informations of others


Nipped in the bud


No great regard for human testimony


No man is distrait with the man he fears, or the woman he loves


No one feels pleasure, who does not at the same time give it


Not tumble, but slide gently to the bottom of the hill of life


Not to communicate, prematurely, one's hopes or one's fears


Not only pure, but, like Caesar's wife, unsuspected


Not make their want still worse by grieving and regretting them


Not making use of any one capital letter


Not to admire anything too much


Not one minute of the day in which you do nothing at all


Notes by which dances are now pricked down as well as tunes


Nothing in courts is exactly as it appears to be


Nothing much worth either desiring or fearing


Nothing so precious as time, and so irrecoverable when lost


Observe, without being thought an observer


Often more necessary to conceal contempt than resentment


Often necessary, not to manifest all one feels


Often necessary to seem ignorant of what one knows


Oftener led by their hearts than by their understandings


Old fellow ought to seem wise whether he really be so or not


One must often yield, in order to prevail


Only doing one thing at a time


Only because she will not, and not because she cannot


Only solid and lasting peace, between a man and his wife


Our understandings are generally the DUPES of our hearts


Our frivolous dissertations upon the weather, or upon whist


Out of livery; which makes them both impertinent and useless


Outward air of modesty to all he does


Overvalue what we do not know


Oysters, are only in season in the R months


Passes for a wit, though he hath certainly no uncommon share


Patience is the only way not to make bad worse


Patient toleration of certain airs of superiority


Pay your own reckoning, but do not treat the whole company


Pay them with compliments, but not with confidence


People never desire all till they have gotten a great deal


People lose a great deal of time by reading


People will repay, and with interest too, inattention


People angling for praise


People hate those who make them feel their own inferiority


Perfection of everything that is worth doing at all


Perseverance has surprising effects


Person to you whom I am very indifferent about, I mean myself


Pettish, pouting conduct is a great deal too young


Petty jury


Plain notions of right and wrong


Planted while young, that degree of knowledge now my refuge


Please all who are worth pleasing; offend none


Pleased to some degree by showing a desire to please


Pleased with him, by making them first pleased with themselves


Pleasing in company is the only way of being pleased in yourself


Pleasure and business with equal inattention


Pleasure is necessarily reciprocal


Pleasure is the rock which most young people split upon


Pleasures do not commonly last so long as life


Pocket all your knowledge with your watch


Polite, but without the troublesome forms and stiffness




Prefer useful to frivolous conversations


Prejudices are our mistresses


Pride remembers it forever


Pride of being the first of the company


Prudent reserve


Public speaking


Put out your time, but to good interest


Quarrel with them when they are grown up, for being spoiled


Quietly cherished error, instead of seeking for truth


Read my eyes out every day, that I may not hang myself


Read with caution and distrust


Real merit of any kind will be discovered


Real friendship is a slow grower


Reason ought to direct the whole, but seldom does


Reason, which always ought to direct mankind, seldom does


Receive them with great civility, but with great incredulity


Reciprocally profess wishes which they seldom form


Recommend (pleasure) to you, like an Epicurean


Recommends selfconversation to all authors


Refuge of people who have neither wit nor invention of their own


Refuse more gracefully than other people could grant




Represent, but do not pronounce


Reserve with your friends


Respect without timidity


Respectful without meanness, easy without too much familiarity


Return you the ball 'a la volee'


Rich man never borrows


Richelieu came and shackled the nation


Rochefoucault, who, I am afraid, paints man very exactly




Rough corners which mere nature has given to the smoothest


Ruined their own son by what they called loving him


Same coolness and unconcern in any and every company


Scandal: receiver is always thought, as bad as the thief


Scarce any flattery is too gross for them to swallow


Scarcely any body who is absolutely good for nothing


Scrupled no means to obtain his ends


Secret, without being dark and mysterious




See what you see, and to hear what you hear


Seem to like and approve of everything at first


Seeming frankness with a real reserve


Seeming inattention to the person who is speaking to you


Seeming openness is prudent


Seems to have no opinion of his own


Seldom a misfortune to be childless


Selflove draws a thick veil between us and our faults




Sentiments that were never felt, pompously described


Serious without being dull


Settled here for good, as it is called




She has all the reading that a woman should have


She who conquers only catches a Tartar


She has uncommon, sense and knowledge for a woman


Shepherds and ministers are both men


Silence in love betrays more woe


Singularity is only pardonable in old age


Six, or at most seven hours sleep


Smile, where you cannot strike


Some complaisance and attention to fools is prudent


Some men pass their whole time in doing nothing


Something or other is to be got out of everybody


Something must be said, but that something must be nothing


Sooner forgive an injury than an insult


Sow jealousies among one's enemies


Spare the persons while you lash the crimes


Speaking to himself in the glass


Stampact has proved a most pernicious measure


Stampduty, which our Colonists absolutely refuse to pay


State your difficulties, whenever you have any


Steady assurance, with seeming modesty


Studied and elaborate dress of the ugliest women in the world


Style is the dress of thoughts


Success turns much more upon manner than matter


Sure guide is, he who has often gone the road which you want to


Suspicion of age, no woman, let her be ever so old, ever forgive






Take the hue of the company you are with


Take characters, as they do most things, upon trust


Take, rather than give, the tone of the company you are in


Take nothing for granted, upon the bare authority of the author


Taking up adventitious, proves their want of intrinsic merit


Talent of hating with goodbreeding and loving with prudence


Talk often, but never long


Talk sillily upon a subject of other people's


Talk of natural affection is talking nonsense


Talking of either your own or other people's domestic affairs


Tell me whom you live with, and I will tell you who you are


Tell stories very seldom


The longest life is too short for knowledge


The present moments are the only ones we are sure of


The best have something bad, and something little


The worst have something good, and sometimes something great


There are many avenues to every man


They thought I informed, because I pleased them


Thin veil of Modesty drawn before Vanity


Think to atone by zeal for their want of merit and importance


Think yourself less well than you are, in order to be quite so


Thinks himself much worse than he is


Thoroughly, not superficially


Those who remarkably affect any one virtue


Those whom you can make like themselves better


Three passions that often put honesty to most severe trials


Timidity and diffidence


To be heard with success, you must be heard with pleasure


To be pleased one must please


To govern mankind, one must not overrate them


To seem to have forgotten what one remembers


To know people's real sentiments, I trust much more to my eyes


To great caution, you can join seeming frankness and openness


Too like, and too exact a picture of human nature


Trifle only with triflers; and be serious only with the serious


Trifles that concern you are not trifles to me


Trifling parts, with their little jargon


Trite jokes and loud laughter reduce him to a buffoon


Truth, but not the whole truth, must be the invariable principle


Truth leaves no room for compliments


Unaffected silence upon that subject is the only true medium


Unguarded frankness


Unintelligible to his readers, and sometimes to himself


Unopened, because one title in twenty has been omitted


Unwilling and forced; it will never please


Use palliatives when you contradict


Useful sometimes to see the things which one ought to avoid


Value of moments, when cast up, is immense


Vanity, interest, and absurdity, always display


Vanity, that source of many of our follies


Warm and young thanks, not old and cold ones


Waterdrinkers can write nothing good


We love to be pleased better than to be informed


We have many of those useful prejudices in this country


We shall be feared, if we do not show that we fear


Well dressed, not finely dressed


What pleases you in others, will in general please them in you


What displeases or pleases you in others


What you feel pleases you in them


What have I done today?


What is impossible, and what is only difficult


Whatever pleases you most in others


Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well


Whatever one must do, one should do 'de bonne grace'


Whatever real merit you have, other people will discover


When well dressed for the day think no more of it afterward


Where one would gain people, remember that nothing is little


Who takes warning by the fate of others?


Wife, very often heard indeed, but seldom minded


Will not so much as hint at our follies


Will pay very dear for the quarrels and ambition of a few


Wish you, my dear friend, as many happy new years as you deserve


Wit may created any admirers but makes few friends


Witty without satire or commonplace


Woman like her, who has always pleased, and often been pleased


Women are the only refiners of the merit of men


Women choose their favorites more by the ear


Women are all so far Machiavelians


Words are the dress of thoughts


World is taken by the outside of things


Would not tell what she did not know


Wrapped up and absorbed in their abstruse speculations


Writing anything that may deserve to be read


Writing what may deserve to be read


Wrongs are often forgiven; but contempt never is


Yielded commonly without conviction


You must be respectable, if you will be respected


You had much better hold your tongue than them


Young people are very apt to overrate both men and things


Young fellow ought to be wiser than he should seem to be


Young men are as apt to think themselves wise enough


Your merit and your manners can alone raise you


Your character there, whatever it is, will get before you here


End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The PG Edition of Chesterfield's


Letters to His Son, by The Earl of Chesterfield




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