Fisher Amelie Interview with Julia Jacobs and Elliott Gray:
Fisher: I’m sitting here with the main characters of my newest book, The Understorey. Elliott and Jules? Welcome.
Elliott: Thank you.
Jules: No prob, Bob.
Fisher: Now, I know you guys don’t have much time so I’ll try to make this quick. This first one’s for Jules. Was it embarrassing to see what a goof you were in the beginning about handling the gift that you and Elliott share?
Jules: Well, kind of. I mean, when Elliott told me you were writing our story, for a split second, just a split, I thought about nudging you with my elbow, winking, and encouraging you to use some of that creative license of yours, but Elliott convinced me that you wouldn’t make me appear too foolish so I bit my tongue and trusted him that you would represent me well.
Fisher: And were you happy with the results?
Jules: Yeah, I have to admit, I was. I mean, granted, I looked like a spoiled brat in the beginning but you pulled it off nicely and by the end of the novel I felt vindicated. Plus, you told our story with such honesty, I couldn’t get that upset right?
Fisher: Is this the bracelet?
Jules: Yes, it is. Beautiful isn’t it?
Fisher: Quite. Elliott?
Elliott: Yes ma’am?
Fisher: Your cuff?
Elliott: This is it.
Fisher: Fascinating. They both feel like any normal cuff or bracelet to me.
Elliott: Any normal cuff or bracelet that can store power. Let me ask you a question.
Fisher: Okay.
Elliott: Does this cuff make me look like a pansy?
Jules: (Laughs) Oh Elliott! I’ve told you! It’s a very manly cuff.
Elliott: I know, I know! But it’d be nice to get Fisher’s opinion.
Fisher: It’s a cuff even the Dos Equis guy would wear.
Elliott: Good enough for me. He is the most interesting man in the world.
Jules: That he is and manly as all get out!
Fisher: Okay. So, next question. Elliott’s turn.
Elliott: Uh, oh.
Fisher: I’ll go easy. What’s it like to be such a heart throb?
Elliott: (Clears throat) Well, ha ha, I don’t really know. I, uh, I don’t know.
Jules: I’ll come to your rescue babe. Elliott’s one of those heart throbs that isn’t aware they’re actually heart throbs. You’ve just let the cat out of the bag.
Fisher: Moving on then.
Fisher: Elliott, your relationship with your mom is so adorable. It’s so obvious how much you love and respect her. What advice can you give my readers about possibly duplicating that same relationship with their own parent?
Elliott: Well, the trick is to get them good and schnockered.
Jules: Elliott!
Elliott: Kidding, kidding. Truthfully? When you’re kind to them, reliable, loving, and honest they’ll treat you the way you want to be treated. Isn’t that right Jules?
Jules: Of course babe. Parents are difficult, that’s a given, but if you’re mature enough to realize that when you give to them they also want to give back to you, and usually tenfold your effort, you can create a nice little situation for yourself.
Fisher: Good advice. So, Jules, I’m going to get into a hard question here.
Jules: Shoot.
Fisher: The scene where Jesse takes you from your car. How difficult was that to read?
Jules: Extremely. I kept stopping to gain composure, picking the book back up, and then stopping again. It was harder than I thought it would be, harder than the cave and cabin scenes.
Fisher: Really?
Jules: Yeah, because….You alright Elliott?
Elliott: Mmm, hmm. (Clears throat)
Jules: Because the cave scenes, at the time I was living them, I was prepared for death. I know that sounds awful but I had mentally prepped myself so I wasn’t as blown away by it all. I had steeled myself by that point. The initial abduction seemingly came out of the blue. I was just floored and really had no idea what I was doing. I desperately clung to anything that could get me away from him and when I failed myself, I felt like I had failed Elliott. It was heartbreaking. Towards the end, I’d lost hope and I never thought that would happen to me.
Fisher: And Elliott? What was it like for you to read those scenes?
Elliott: It was the first time I had heard that part of Jules’ torture.
Fisher: Seriously?
Elliott: Yes.
Fisher: Why?
Elliott: Because Jules wasn’t ready to tell me before that and I refused to press her. She had decided that the book was a perfect way of filling me in on what happened because it would almost feel as if she didn’t have to tell me. Early on, she revealed that it would be too heartbreaking to speak of it to me. She was with me when I eventually read them. Once I was done, I just held her for like four hours. Four hours, right?
Jules: Four hours, yeah.
Elliott: We talked for several more hours after that. I asked her questions I never would have asked before, in fear I’d bring some horrible memory to the surface and she’d shut down on me. So, the book helped the both of us with cleansing ‘Jesse’ from our palate so to speak. We were vulnerable and revealed. It felt horrible and invigorating all at the same time. Strange.
Fisher: And the scar?
Jules: Healing.
Fisher: I’m glad to hear it.
Jules: Thank you.
Fisher: So, what’s next for the two of you?
Elliott: You’ll just have to wait and find out.
Fisher: Oh, come on! Not even a hint?
Elliott: What are you talking about Fisher! It’s your story!
Fisher: Oh, yeah.
Elliott: You’ve been, uh, hitting the schnapps early have you?
Fisher: Yes, peach.
Elliott: Ho, ho! Nice.
Fisher: Kidding. Only kidding.
Jules: Sure, sure miss Amelie.
Elliott: You know what Fisher?
Fisher: What?
Elliott: Every party has a pooper that’s why you invited me.
Fisher: Aww, man!
Elliott: Yup, we’ve gotta’ jet Fisher. Gotta’ study.
Jules: He doesn’t have to study. It’s in the bag for him. What he means is he needs to help me study.
Elliott: Not true!
Jules: Okay, okay.
Fisher: Well, thank you both for sitting with me. It’s been fun.
Elliott: Thank you!
Jules: And thank you!
(Jules and Elliott stand to leave.)
Jules: You want to help me with Chem first?
Elliott: As you wish, Jules. As you wish.