3.1 General Features of Continental Margins
3.1.1 The Concept of “Continental Margin”
It is likely that the term was coined
before its correctness (in terms of crustal rocks) was realized.
The ocean floor, as we have seen, is made of geologically young
basalt, unlike the continents. The basaltic rock that forms the
ocean floor basement is rather close in composition to the mantle
rock it came from (see the section on rocks, in the Appendix).
Basalt is somewhat heavier than continental rock largely due to its
high iron content. The lesser specific weight of the continental
mass makes it protrude above the surrounding seafloor (Fig.
3.1). A thick
wedge of sediment forms at the resulting boundary between ocean and
continent. (In this view much of the shelf is continent.) The
sediments may be well layered or strongly deformed, largely
depending on the tectonic forces active at the particular margin
Schematic isostatic block models for the
continent-ocean transition and the significance of the “Moho” as a
crust-mantle boundary (Mainly after S. Uyeda, 1978)
The ocean margins,
that is, the regions of transition between continent and deep
ocean, differ greatly in their characteristics, depending on
whether they occur on the continent’s trailing edge or on the
collision edge, or along a shear zone, and depending on the amount
of volcanic rock in evidence. The one thing most of the ocean
margins have in common is the occurrence of large masses of
sediment (commonly in wedge form). All ocean margins are generally
referred to as continental
margins – a reflection of our original focus on coastal
morphology and our landlubberly point of view.
The great difference in character of
the margin (collision or trailing) is readily seen on the North
American continent (Fig. 3.2). The western margin, where new continental
crust is being made, is rising and displays cliffs with old
sediments or with igneous rocks. The trailing eastern margin is
sinking and bears large areas of wetlands and lagoons. Of course,
photos taken at the surface can only show surficial differences
along the coast. Most of the margins are in fact deeply submerged.
The shelf (typically up to 200 m deep and with a slope of less than
one half of a degree) has proportions of the seafloor of between
less than 2% (Pacific, dominantly collision margin) and 8%
(Atlantic, dominantly trailing edge) of its host ocean, the
continental slope from 5% to 8% (the slope being typically very
gentle, less than 1.5°), and the continental rise from 1.6% to 6.2%
(with an inclination commonly well below 1°). Despite the
relatively modest extent of the ocean margin, its sediment wedge
tends to be very substantial, thanks to the input of materials from
erosion on nearby land and (in places) of explosive volcanism.
Also, here at the margin we find much of this input mixed with
marine products from the coastal ocean, as was long ago recognized
by John Murray of the Challenger Expedition and all marine
geologists since.
Comparison of ocean margins at the western
and eastern boundaries of the North American continent.
Left: Big Sur, California
(active margin). Right:
Coastal New York from the air (passive margin; trailing edge)
(Photos W.H. B)
3.1.2 The Coastal Zone
There is one type of seafloor that
everyone is familiar with: the beach, at the shallow end of the
shelf. In Southern California, it is typically a thin strip of sand
on a narrow terrace cut into cliffs (Fig. 3.3). Elsewhere, on
trailing margins, beaches can be much wider. Also, in between the
Californian beaches, there are marshes and wetlands, commonly
filled to create real estate for human use. Some are left in their
natural state, sporting abundant marine benthic creatures living in
and on the surface of dark mud. The mudflats are important sites of
geochemical reactions (e.g., denitrification), and they are also
important as sources of larval plankton to the ocean offshore. They
occur at sea level in association with Holocene delta deposits
piled into bays that formed as a result of the great melting at the
end of the last ice age (Chap. 11).
Schematic of the beach north of the Scripps
Pier, La Jolla, Southern California. The beach is the uppermost
portion of the continental margin. It is occasionally covered by
seawater (during high tide). The beach here consists of a narrow
and thin band of sand on a terrace cut into the adjacent cliff,
made of rising sediments of Tertiary age (lower panel) (W.H.B., 1976. Walk Along
the Ocean. Mountain Press, Ocotillo; ‘general setting’ mainly after
F.P. Shepard. Color here added)
The seafloor of the permanently
submerged portion of the continental margin is much less well known
than the exposed part, of course. Its morphology is accessible
through sounding, notably using acoustics, and its cover is
discerned by taking spot samples and reconstructing the resulting
large-scale patterns. The continents, which serve as a prolific
source of sediment from erosion of uplifted continental crust, tend
to dump their debris first of all in the coastal zone from where it
passes on to the great depths offshore. Unsurprisingly, the correct
interpretation of well-traveled sediments proved to be a serious
Mangrove growth is commonly observed at
tropical margins. In some subtropical bays of Baja California, the
shallowest part of the seafloor bears dense mangrove vegetation
(Fig. 3.4).
Mangrove is a sea-level indicator. See Chap. 6.
Mangrove covers on shallow seafloor in an
embayment in Baja California. The height of the forest is typically
around 6 to 7 m or 20 feet (Photo W.H. B)
3.1.3 Margins Trap Sediment from Land and from the Coastal Ocean
The continental margins (or ocean
margins) are the dumping sites for the debris coming from the
continents, that is, the terrigenous sediments. The margins also
harbor the most fertile parts of the ocean. Thus, much organic
matter becomes buried within the continental debris and the added
pelagic material. In addition, such burial takes place in reef
debris. If conditions are right (mainly a matter of history of
burial and of heating), this organic material can eventually
develop into petroleum, over millions of years. This happened in
several places, one of which (conspicuously) is the Gulf Coast
area, where oil is found buried under immense masses of sediment
(see Chap. 14). Both oil and tar are found in
the coastal zone of Southern California, where a thick wedge of
sediments accumulated in the Neogene, with plenty of organic matter
from upwelling. From experience most Californians know that
drilling for offshore resources of oil and gas comes with
considerable risks for underwater blowout.
Which margins are likely to have
especially thick sediment wedges? Presumably, the largest and most
active drainage areas are likely to emerge with the thickest
wedges. One such super wedge, for example, is created by the
deep-sea fan in the Bay of Bengal, a fan fed by the erosion of the
Himalayas, the highest terrestrial mountains on the planet, and
linked to a large and high plateau. Among the regular margins of
ocean basins, however, it is those of the Atlantic that have the
thickest wedges of sediment bordering it, up to 10 km thick and
more. The Atlantic also has the largest proportions of slope and
continental rise areas of the major ocean basins. The reason for
this is not only sediment supply but also the fact that the
Atlantic margins are “trailing edges” that have been sinking (and
collecting sediments) for tens of millions of years.
3.2 Atlantic-Type (Passive) Margins
3.2.1 Background
Continental margins differ greatly
depending on their origin. As early as 1883, the Austrian geologist
Edward Suess (1831–1914) coined the terms Atlantic margins and Pacific margins to emphasize the major
differences (Figs. 1.2 and 3.2). As mentioned,
Atlantic-type margins are steadily sinking regions accumulating
thick sequences of sediment in layer-cake fashion. In contrast,
Pacific-type margins are rising on the whole and are associated
with volcanism, folding, faulting, and various other
mountain-building processes. Atlantic-type margins are now referred
to as “passive” and Pacific-type margins as “active,” because of
the differences in tectonic style and the intensity of earthquakes
and the absence or presence of active volcanoes.
It is now obvious that the origin of
the margins must be understood in the context of seafloor spreading
and plate tectonics. In the Atlantic the continental margins
originated from a tearing apart of an ancient continent, along a
line of weakness or great stress, with the torn edges sinking and
accumulating sediment over large flat areas. A modern example of
the rifting process associated with sedimentation can be studied in
the Red Sea, where mantle material pushes up and tears the Arabian
Peninsula from Africa (Fig. 3.5).
Evolution of Atlantic-type continental
margin. Left: sketch of
sequence from uplift and expansion of the continental crust and
volcanism to accumulation of sediment (stippled) and volcanic
deposits (black) to regular
seafloor spreading with sinking of the trailing edges. Right: space photo of Red Sea, where
such rifting has started geologically recently and is now
proceeding. (Space photo U.S. NASA; arrows and color here
The initial phase of the process of
passive margin formation can be studied in the East African Rift
Valley, where the sea has not yet entered the rift. The pulling
apart (and therefore the thinning) of the continental crust opens a
window for mantle material (Fig. 3.5, left), melt that intrudes from the upper
mantle. Heat flow increases correspondingly, and there is a bulging
upward from the rising material, much as at the mid-ocean ridge. An
increasing gap develops between the separating edges of continental
crust, and pieces of continental crust break off at the edges at
“listric faults.” The
process stretches the continental crust. Volcanism can be prominent
in the early stages of rifting margins (as readily seen in thick
volcanogenic margins of the
Greenland-Iceland-Norway Sea, for instance). However, not all
rifting margins start out in volcanic fashion. Non-volcanic types
can be seen in the Northern Bay of Biscay and at Georges Bank, for
example. Nevertheless, the outflow of lava is common at the time of
initial rifting. If sufficiently extensive, such outflow can
produce volcanic margins of impressive dimensions, as happened in
East Greenland (DSDP Leg 38 and ODP Legs 104 and 152). Volcanogenic
margins, of course, are likely to be especially prominent wherever
hot spots contributed to the initial rifting.
At the Red Sea,
submerged margins are sinking on the cooling lithosphere. Thick
reef structures can grow in tropical and subtropical regions on
such sinking blocks, building up a carbonate shelf, and further depressing
the crust with their weight. If the Red Sea were only slightly less
open, salt deposits would form – indeed there is evidence from
thick evaporite deposits that this happened here in the geologic
3.2.2 A Plethora of Sinking Margins
In the Atlantic, coral reef margins
are mainly found around the Caribbean Sea. The Atlantic margins off
Africa bear excellent examples of trailing edges loaded with thick
mixtures of terrestrial and pelagic sediments. The sediment stacks
are commonly mapped using acoustics, that is, with a vessel pulling
a sound-making device across the margin and recording the return,
much as in echo sounding, but with the sound penetrating into the
sediment (rather than being reflected from the seafloor only). In
the example here shown (Fig. 3.6), the results were used in preparing for ODP
Leg 175. (Prior to any ODP drilling, proposed drill sites had to be
carefully surveyed, to prevent the choice of hazardous sites, that
is, sites that could conceivably produce petroleum or large amounts
of gas.)
Sediment stack off Namibia, southwestern
Africa, explored with a small air gun in preparation of ODP Leg 175
(Seismic record courtesy of Volkhard Spiess, Bremen; color here
Present and Neogene conditions, of
course, are not necessarily typical for the geography prevailing
during the evolution of the Atlantic. The early Atlantic saw the
influence of restricted access to a newly rifted basin, as well as
that of warm climate and a high sea level. Ancient salt deposits and reef ramparts are what we see along
many of the Atlantic margins, although other sediments, of a more
continental character, do exist also (Figs. 3.7 and 3.8). Salt deposits, of
course, also are well known from the Gulf of Mexico, where they
push up salt domes (“diapirs”), providing a path for petroleum
migration (see Chap. 14). In the Atlantic proper, good
evidence for salt deposits exist especially off Angola. The salt in
the South Atlantic presumably accumulated when the ocean basin was
narrow and closed to the north. Presumably it would have had
restricted exchange with the world ocean due to the Walvis Ridge –
Rio Grande Barrier to the south (now near 30°S). Large petroleum
reserves may be associated with the salt deposits because the South
Atlantic also was the site of deposition of organic-rich sediments
during a lengthy period in the middle Cretaceous.
Evaporite distribution in the Atlantic.
Upper panel: geographic
distribution of Mesozoic evaporites (After K.O. Emery; see AAPG
Continuing Education Course Notes Ser 5: B-1 (1977); mid-ocean
ridge (here added) for orientation) Lower panel: salt diapir structures
(S) as seen on an air gun
profile of Meteor Cruise 39, off Morocco (near 30°N). Depth of
seafloor is approx. 1800 m (Graph after E. Seibold et al.
Various types of passive continental
margins. A, early deposits
in the rifting zone, with non-marine deposits; B, deposits in a fully developed rift,
with marine sediments. Dark
gray: basaltic
The end result of rifting, then, are continental margins
consisting of thick sediment stacks piled both on the sinking
blocks of a continental edge and on the adjacent oceanic crust. We
can generalize these conclusions to all margins that originated by
rifting and are now riding passively on a moving plate (that is,
passive margins). Besides
the bulk of the margins of the Atlantic there are the East African
margin, the margins of India, much of the margin of Australia, and
practically the entire Antarctic margin in this category of passive
margin. In the Antarctic, of course, special conditions have
prevailed with respect to erosion and deposition, at least since
the formation of ice sheets there. Thick ice sheets have been
present there for sure since the late Tertiary and quite probably
much earlier, at least after the Eocene.
3.2.3 Unresolved Questions
There are a large number of unresolved
questions in the study of passive margins. The commonly used
analogies for the evolution of rifting – from East Africa and Red
Sea to Gulf of California to Atlantic Basin – provide guidance as
to the processes that might be at work. However, such analogies
rarely answer geologic questions arising when studying actual
rifting history. How much stretching (if any) was there before
rifting? How wide was the original rift valley before the sea
entered? How does the sinking of the marine parts of the
continental edge affect landward crustal blocks? What were the
rates of uplift and subsidence through time? And what were the
rates of associated erosion and sedimentation? With regard to the
history of subsidence, what is the relative role of “floating in
the mantle” (isostatic equilibrium) of the blocks, versus
gravitational sliding? What are the forces responsible for the very
long-lasting uplift of
certain parts of the continental margin and for the formation of
long deep-seated barrier
ridges along some margins? What is the significance of the
lack of sediments of a certain age, in many margins? Was the lack
caused by erosion or by nondeposition or by huge landslides?
In each particular case, a mixture of
causal factors usually applies. “Silver bullet” situations with
only one factor are rare.
One question of fundamental interest
is whether and where the thick sediment stacks piling up on the
passive margins will eventually be found in the geologic record on
land. After all, the Atlantic margins cannot just go on moving
apart – sooner or later a widening Atlantic runs out of space. One
suggestion (by the Canadian geologist J.T. Wilson, 1908–1993) is
that a proto-Atlantic once was formed by rifting, presumably in the
early Paleozoic, and then closed
again, running the previously passive margins into each
other, thus turning a rift into a collision zone. A presumed
product of this process (the “Wilson cycle”) is the chain of
(Paleozoic) mountains from Norway through Scotland and Newfoundland
and on to the southern Appalachians. Checking the positions of the
mountains on the Bullard fit (Fig. 1.14), we find that Wilson’s
suggestion makes sense as far as geography.
3.3 Atlantic-Type versus Pacific-Type Margins
3.3.1 Background
“Pacific-type” margins are the product
of collision of plates. There are at least three types of collision
margins that we need to consider: the ones produced by
continent-continent collision as in the Himalayas, the ones
reflecting continent-ocean collision as at the Peru-Chile Trench,
and the ones where subduction takes place along volcanic islands,
as along the Marianas, for example (see Fig. 3.9). There are two
fundamentally different types of the latter. As pointed out by the
Scripps-trained marine geologist Dan Karig (then a graduate
student) around 1970, one of these features is back-arc spreading
(in Fig. 3.9
the two active margin types are compared schematically).
Sketch of collision margins in profile
(vertically exaggerated). Upper
panel: back-arc spreading behind subduction zone.
Lower panel: Peru-type
collision (continent-ocean). Back-arc basin situation, with
spreading center largely according to Dan Karig, with some info
from D.R. Seely and W.R. Dickinson, 1977. AAPG Geol. Continuing
Education Notes Ser. 5. Peru-type collision mainly after standard
textbook models; see Uyeda, 1978
Among the most important
characteristics of collision margins are folding and shearing of
sediments along faults, as well as the addition of volcanic and
plutonic material derived from mobilizing matter from the
down-going lithosphere. The fractionation processes associated with
partial melting on the descending slab and with hydrothermal
reaction (seawater with hot basalt) can lead to local enrichment of
deposits with heavy metals – and hence to the formation of ore
deposits (see Chap. 14).
Based on deep-ocean drilling, we
learned that as a rule the types of rocks that characterize the
continental margins next to subduction zones are extremely varied.
Among volcanogenic types we see solidified ashes, as well as
altered basalts and gabbros. Among other igneous rocks, we see
andesitic types along with highly deformed metamorphic rocks. Among
sediments we can recognize both pelagic and shallow-water
contributions. Certain rock types originating from the deep
seafloor, when found on land, are referred to as ophiolites and are
mapped in an effort to find ancient subduction zones. It is like
hunting for lost oceans on land. Occasionally, the reward is the
discovery of massive copper sulfides and other ores. The mechanism
that allowed these observable ophiolites to escape subduction and
to enter mountain building is a matter of research and
The steep slopes
leading into trenches are favorable for large-scale submarine
landslides. The jumbled masses (mélange) thus created are commonly
sheared and metamorphosed (i.e., baked, cooked, and deformed) under
great pressure and elevated temperatures. Temperatures may be
lower, though, than is commonly found at the considered depths
within the upper mantle). Blueschists and, following that,
amphibole-dominated rocks (amphibolites) can form under such
The nature and history of active
margins are the subjects of ongoing research. It still holds many
surprises. An early simple concept of an origin from scraped-off
material left behind by the down-going crust and lithosphere had to
be substantially modified, for example. There is little transfer of
material in places. In fact, there is tectonic erosion, whereby portions of
the growing margin are swallowed by subduction. The swallowing
trench may be fed by massive slumping (as is the case for portions
of the Japan Trench), a process that delivers material that, after
modification, can be used to build crust. The role of fluids in
shaping margins has received increased attention. Tectonic motions
(faulting, thrusting) and chemical reactions within the
accretionary prism are both generally influenced by the presence of
such fluids and their composition. The fluids are largely expelled
from porous rocks by tectonic compaction and also stem from
dehydration reactions involving mineralogy. Gases are important,
too. In the Caribbean Barbados Ridge Complex, for example, the
low-angle fault called “décollement” above the oceanic crust (Fig.
3.10) is
greased by methane-bearing fluids within the fault zone. The
presence of fluids aids in keeping the sedimentary wedge detached
from the down-going slab.
Prominent features of active margins:
reflection profile of Nankai Trough southeast of Japan. TWT,
two-way travel time in seconds (1 is equivalent to 750 m). BSR,
bottom-simulating reflector (commonly associated with methane ice).
For “décollement,” see the text (After A. Taira and Y. Ogawa, 1991;
see Episodes 14, 3: 209)
3.3.2 Very Active Margins
Margins in zones of volcanic island
chains are especially active. Spreading may co-occur with
subduction where back-arc
spreading is in evidence (Fig. 3.9, upper panel).
Back-arc spreading occurs landward of volcanic arcs as, for
example, in the Philippines or west of Guam. More than three
fourths of such marginal basins are found in the western Pacific.
That extension (by spreading, which lets magma rise) should be
associated with collision is surely surprising. Complexity also
arises from adding shear to active or to passive margins or from
replacing trailing edges or collision margins with shear margins.
Shear margins, like active ones, tend to have narrow shelves. Not
all margins can be readily classified, of course. The processes
characterizing them may be difficult to identify and
Active margins also are sediment
traps, although perhaps less obviously so compared with passive
margins. In active margins sediments are piled up into chaotic
mixtures of various types of rock, unlike in the passive margins,
where well-ordered layering is the rule. One must keep in mind that
in active margins enormous masses of material simply disappear deep
within the mantle. The scale of subduction activity is difficult to
imagine – the lithospheric slab now entering the Japan Trench is
more than 10,000 km long! At present rates it will vanish in about
100 million years. Fluids leaving the landward wedge piling up in
the subduction zone make “cold seeps.” They may come from
sediments, rather than from volcanogenic sources, depending on
local conditions. Fluids travel along faults, mainly.
3.4 Shelves and the Shelf Break
3.4.1 Wide Atlantic Shelves
The shelf is the submerged part of a
continent. Its typical maximum depth is between 100 and 150 m. It
is rather flat, connecting the nearshore zone with the shelf break
over some distance. Some shelves are quite wide, especially on
passive margins (such as those in the Atlantic) (Fig. 3.11).
Aspects of wide Atlantic shelves.
Left: view of tidally
flooded shallow portion (off the River Weser in northern Germany
(Photo E. Seibold); right:
passive continental margin with a wide shelf off Norfolk, USA
(Drawing from NOAA; colors here added). Note the canyons beyond the
shelf break break
On the whole, the wide Atlantic
shelves are depositional features, that is, they reflect sediment
buildup on a sinking site of deposition. Narrow and rocky shelves,
on the other hand, are common on active margins (as off
California). Here erosional processes play an important role in
shaping the shelf. Uplifted shelves (largely displaying alternation
of erosion and deposition) and erosion-made nearshore areas once at
sea level can make “marine terraces,” features that are familiar
along the coastal zone of California. Here they commonly serve as
platform for roads or as sites for housing.
3.4.2 Shelf Seas
Some shelves extend deeply into
continents and harbor shelf
seas such as Hudson Bay, the Baltic Sea, or the Persian
Gulf. Most of the marine sediments found on land were originally
deposited in shelf seas. Thus, to understand these sediments –
which cover a large portion of the continents – one must study
sedimentary processes in modern shelf seas (see Chaps. 4, 5, and 6). Hudson Bay and the Baltic Sea, in
their morphology and their sediments, have a memory of the ice
ages, though, a rather unusual condition within Earth history. Low
latitude shelf seas, for example, on the rim of the Mediterranean
Sea or in Indonesia, might be more useful in delivering analogs for
ancient shelf sediments. Given the ice buildup in the Neogene and a
concomitant drop of sea level, useful shelf seas might not be as
abundant as they were before the Neogene. Analogs for ancient shelf
sediments are sometimes difficult to find.
Quite generally, present shelf
environments and sediment types show considerable variety even over
short distances. In large part, the variety owes to the fact that
the sea level stood much lower than now only 15,000 years ago.
Conditions were entirely different then from those of today, and
many portions of the shelf still reflect those historic conditions
in topography and sediment cover.
3.4.3 Ice Age Shelves and Fjords
The general nature of modern shelves,
then, reflects tectonic factors (active versus passive) along with
the recent rise of sea level by some 100 m, as ice on land melted
during the transition from the last glacial maximum to the present.
Thus, changes in sea level join tectonics as factors of prime
importance in shaping shelves. To these sculptor processes must be
added climate conditions (e.g., wave climate, storms, and various
other local effects). In low latitudes, buildup by reef-forming
organisms is (and was for millions of years) important for shelf
morphology in many places (Fig. 3.12, right panel). Some of the low-latitude
shelves may be legacies of a distant past, even a pre-ice past. In
high latitudes ice has been an important agent of shaping shelves
for the last several million years (Fig. 3.12, left panel). The
growth of ice not only led to exposure of the shelves to erosion
but it also dumped enormous amounts of debris in places. Such
debris includes large amounts of moraines. Much of this type of material
still sits on the shelves off Newfoundland and in the North Sea.
Ice moving out onto shelves also actively carved deep ravines and
depressions that have not yet been filled with sediment. Runoff
from melting ice can result in valleys carved into shelves. The
fjords of Norway, Greenland, and Western Canada are witnesses to
the powerful direct carving action of glacier ice. At the end of
fjords, one finds sills made of moraines. Uplift (from ice
unloading) can make such sills into barriers.
Factors active in making shelves.
Left: fjord in E.
Greenland, attesting to erosive power of polar ice tongues (Photo
W.H.B.). Right: shelf at
the entrance to the Persian Gulf; subsurface echo profile by the
research vessel Meteor (1965). The reef is dead. The shelf break in
this case is somewhat above 100 m depth (From E. Seibold 1974. Der
Meeresboden. Springer, Berlin)
3.4.4 Delta Shelves
Shelves formed by large deltas off
river mouths (e.g., Amazon, Mississippi) can be very flat and
monotonous, in striking contrast to both rugged ice-carved shelves
and irregular coral reef shelves. A rich supply of fine sediment
brought to the delta environment allows for redistribution and much
smoothing by waves and coastal currents. Of course, waves and
currents can also build dunes, barriers, beach berms, and sand
waves, depending on circumstances (see Chap. 9). Examples of conditions where the
supply of terrigenous sediment (from rivers) is high and the shelf
is flat include the North Sea, the shelf off the northern shore of
Siberia, and the shelf of the Yellow Sea. Another prime example is
the Senegal delta (West Africa), where the shelf has less than a
foot of relief over several miles!
In any study of
present shelves, we are chiefly faced with the question of how much
of the observed morphology and sediment cover is of recent origin,
and how much is inherited from the past. Time scale problems,
again! Finding answers is complicated by the fact that “recent”
includes at least the last several centuries. Within such time
spans, the sea can produce effects whose causes may be hard to
study, especially if rare but powerful hurricanes are included in
the causal factors, as well as large earthquake-generated waves
Tsunamis chiefly are produced close to
the trenches rimming the Pacific; they travel over thousands of
miles within a few hours. The waves are extremely long and quite
low in the open sea, so that they are not noticed on board a ship
riding them. But when such a wave reaches a shelf, it gains height
on slowing down when “feeling bottom” in shallow water. Heights of
tens of meters can be reached, and correspondingly severe damage
can be produced along the coast suffering the onslaught.
3.4.5 Shelf Break
The shelf break, where the shelf ends
and where the continental slope begins, is a prominent
morphological feature of most continental margins. In principle,
the break marks the depth below which the influence of sea level on
erosion and deposition wanes rapidly. However, many details
governing this feature remain to be discovered, especially since
the origin of a break may involve a number of different factors. In
many places off Antarctica, the break is uncommonly deep (near 400
m) compared with the usual depth near 130 m. Presumably, thick ice
played a role in making the shelf break so deep. However, the break
is equally deep off southwest Africa, where an explanation linked
to ice action apparently would not work. Most commonly the shelf
break is readily identified, especially where coral reefs are
involved (Fig. 3.12, right panel). However, the transition
between shelf and slope can be quite gradual in places.
Geologists have
assumed for some time that the shelf break between 100 m and 150 m
depth marks the low stand of sea level during maximum ice buildup
for the last million years. Apparently the relevant low stand was
reached repeatedly during maximum glaciation in the late
Quaternary, thus exerting considerable control on shelf evolution.
In any discussion of the depths of shelf and shelf break in a
particular geographic area, the regional isostatic response of a crustal surface
to loading and unloading with water owing to the changing sea level
in the last several million years must be considered in addition to
long-term regional uplift or subsidence.
3.5 Continental Slope and Continental Rise
3.5.1 Background
The classic profile of Atlantic-type
(passive) continental margins shows a steepening of the slope
beyond the shelf break and a gradually diminishing descent toward
the deep seafloor (Figs. 3.13 and 3.14). The relatively steep part beyond the
shelf break is the upper continental slope. The slope
transitions into the extremely gentle (virtually flat) part of the
margin that leads into the deep sea, the continental rise. The boundary between
the lower slope and the upper rise is actually ill defined.
Perhaps, it is helpful to think of the slope as definitely part of
the continental margin, whereas the continental rise is built on oceanic
crust and is essentially part of the deep-sea environment.
Physiographic sketch of the continental
margin off California. A portion of the California Borderland is
seen in the southern landward portion of the diagram (Sketch based
on a line drawing by H.W. Menard, 1964. Marine Geology of the
Pacific. McGraw-Hill, New York). The narrow shelf is drawn
yellow; continental slope
mud is shown in olive-green
and grey. Bluish: Borderland. (The origin is very
Submarine mass movements off Dakar
(Senegal, NW Africa). Air gun record of Meteor Cruise 25/1971.
Thickness of slide is ca. 200 m. (Note vertical exaggeration.)
Insert: air gun system with
air guns as sound sources. Echoes from within sediment stack are
picked up by the hydrophones in the trailing streamer (From E.
Seibold, 1974. Der Meeresboden. Springer, Berlin)
Not all slopes and rises, of course,
fit the textbook outline of the ideal Atlantic-type margin – not
even in the Atlantic. Deep marginal ridges, as off Brazil, sheer
walls of outcropping ancient sediments and deep-lying plateaus,
such as the Blake Plateau off Florida, can interrupt the ideal
The collision margins off Peru and
Chile (Fig. 3.9b) are characterized by a steep slope and are
without a rise – the trench swallows the material that would
normally build the rise. A descent in a series of steps is typical
for the collision slope, marking the complicated tectonics
associated with the collision between opposing plates. Rather
complicated conditions, in fact, prevail off much of the western US
coast also. Earthquakes are common both at the rim of California
and at that of Chile.
3.5.2 Slope and Rise Off California
While the present slope and rise off
northern and central California can be described simply enough in
terms of coalescing deep-sea fan deposits (Fig. 3.13), no such
description is possible for the margin off Southern California. The
Southern California Borderland looks much like an extension into
the sea of the basin and range topography familiar from the Mojave
Desert, even though much complicated horizontal motion is involved
within the Borderland.
The various physiographic diagrams
commonly depicting the rapid descent from shelf edge to the deep
seafloor (whether across passive or active margin) are somewhat
misleading in that the slopes are, in reality, quite gentle (one to
six degrees). A one-degree slope, of course, would appear as a
plain on land to anyone standing on it.
3.5.3 A Variety of Slopes
The variety of
types of slopes encountered suggests that a number of different
forces are at work in shaping them. We have emphasized the
differences between active and passive margins along with the
endogenic forces that produce these differences. Changes in the
thickness of continental crust, through melting and assimilation
into the mantle (subcrustal
erosion), have been proposed as one variety-producing
mechanism active in collision margins. Such processes also need to
be considered in trying to understand the Borderland
Basically, most slopes are the
surfaces of thick accumulations of sediments washed off the
continents and mixed with marine materials produced by organisms.
Close to volcanoes, of course, there is a strong component of
volcanic debris. The high rates of accumulation on many slopes
result in a precarious situation in places. When there is not
enough time to de-water and solidify slope sediments, immense
submarine landslides can result from rather small disturbances
(e.g., smallish earthquakes), even on very gentle slopes. The same
is true if gas pressures within the sediment rise sufficiently.
Such gases are commonly created by decay reactions of organic
matter and may be unable to escape rapidly enough into bottom
waters. They then can destabilize their host sediment.
3.5.4 Slides on Slopes
Slides on slopes
tend to move on surfaces defined by clayey layers with high water
content. Pressures may be unusually high in sloping horizons, thus
decreasing friction between the overlying sediment stack and the
base it rests on. Slides are not necessarily coherent. They can be
chaotic (then called slumps) and produce a jumbled mess whose
origins are difficult to reconstruct in any detail.
Examples of slides on slopes are found
readily along almost all continental margins. Off Cape Hatteras,
for example, a tongue-shaped mass of displaced sediment on the
upper continental rise is 60 km wide and over 190 km long, with a
hummocky relief of up to 300 m in places. Another example of a
large-scale slide is seen off Senegal (NW Africa) and off Dakar
(Fig. 3.14).
The jumbled slide masses at the foot of the slope now form part of
the continental rise. The seismic profile shown in the figure was
obtained by echo sounding into the
seafloor with powerful “booms” of sound, rather than the
“pings” used to define the surface of the floor below the moving
ship. The method using booming sound is referred to as continuous seismic profiling. It is
sketched as the inset in Fig. 3.14.
3.5.5 Erosion on Margins
As mentioned, margins are not just
places of deposition but also of erosion. Erosion on slopes and
rises can be produced by submarine landslides involving earthquakes
and sediment instability and by the action of strong deep currents
flowing horizontally along the slope. Commonly such currents have
been dubbed contour
currents. They are distinct from another type of important
current: turbidity
currents, mud-laden bodies of water flowing downhill. It is
now thought that much of the sediment on continental rises and in
adjacent abyssal plains is carried there by turbidity currents
following slides and slumps that started somewhere below the shelf
break, with contour currents doing the redistribution and shaping
of the material. Thus, slides and turbidity currents apparently are
largely responsible for shaping sediment-covered margins (Fig.
Sketch of exogenic processes shaping
continental margins (G. Einsele in Einsele et al. (eds.) 1991.
Cycles and Events in Stratigraphy. Springer, Heidelberg) Note the
olive-green color of the unstable mud off the coast (colors here
added) and the prevalence of slumping and similar
gravitation-enhanced processes
3.6 Submarine Canyons
3.6.1 Background
The continental slope is commonly cut
by various types of incisions, ravines and valleys; the most
spectacular of which are called submarine canyons. The origin of these
impressive features has long puzzled marine geologists. Much has
been learned concerning the matter, but the topic is still a matter
of debate. The largest of such canyons off California is “Monterey
Canyon” of Monterey Bay (Fig. 3.16, left). Its cross section has dimensions
like those of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado.
Submarine canyons off California.
Left: NOAA map of Monterey
Canyon, in part based on space surveys. Right: beach sand moving down La Jolla
Canyon, according to concepts of pioneer marine geologists D.
Inman, F.P. Shepard, and G. Einsele. Canyon model (right) courtesy
S.I.O. Aquarium. Arrows
indicating sand flow added. Note large differences in size between
left and right panel
One of the earliest of detailed
studies of submarine canyons was off S.I.O., by Francis P. Shepard
and his students and colleagues. By chance, S.I.O. has two of these
features off its shores, named, appropriately enough, La Jolla Canyon and Scripps Canyon. The latter, a tributary
to La Jolla Canyon, is somewhat smaller than the former. They join
at a depth near 300 m, below the shelf break. The resulting La
Jolla Canyon subsequently turns in a southerly offshore direction
to end up in the San Diego Trough off the Point Loma Peninsula. The
late geophysicist D. Inman, an expert on coastal processes, found
out that beach sand sporadically moves down the canyons (Fig.
3.16, right).
Indeed, such sand is found in the San Diego Trough, along with the
remains of kelp, presumably delivered there by muddy gravity-driven
flows down the canyons (that is, by turbidity currents). Note that
the canyon heads shown (the largest nearby and the closest to
S.I.O.) are on the shelf (which was exposed during the last ice
3.6.2 Origin
Many large submarine canyons are much
like their counterparts on land: with tributary systems in the
upper parts, and meandering thalwegs along much of their course
(similar to river beds), and with steep sides in places (20° to
25°, even 45°). Overhanging walls also occur (Fig. 3.17). Walls may consist
of hard rocks, including granitic rock in places. As in river
canyons, there is a continuous descent of the valley axis, with
maximum slopes of 15% near the coast and gentle slopes (about 1%)
farther out to sea.
Illustration of morphological similarities
of a subaerial canyon (Grand Canyon, left) and a submarine canyon (La Jolla
Canyon, right). Note
steepness and overhang in both cases (Photo on left E. S;
under-water photo courtesy R.F. Dill)
A large number of
hypotheses have been put forward to account for the origin of
submarine canyons. In fact, we must look for different origins for
different types of canyons. For example, thanks to deep-sea
drilling, we know that the Mediterranean became isolated from the
world ocean at the very end of the Miocene, some six million years
ago. It then dried up repeatedly during regionally dry periods or
when sea level was lowered. At those times deep canyons could be
carved along the edges of the basin. Indeed, the true floor of the
Nile Valley (below geologically young sediments) is very deep,
supporting the idea of canyon cutting during desiccation. However,
we can hardly invoke such drastic falls in sea level everywhere in
the world ocean. Thus, there must be a way to make submarine
canyons by cutting them underwater. One common answer is that muddy
waters heavy enough to flow downhill do the cutting, that is,
turbidity currents.
3.7 Turbidity Currents
Turbidity currents derive from muddy
downhill flow. We are probably quite familiar with muddy downhill
flows: large amounts of mud are brought down a river during floods.
In the sea (and in lakes), hurricanes and wave action may produce
muddy water by the stirring up of sediments. Earthquakes presumably
can be agents for starting submarine mudslides that turn into muddy
downhill flow. During glacial periods, when sea level was lowered
(commonly by around 400 ft or some 120 m) by the buildup of
high-latitude ice caps, shelves were largely bared and could not
act as mud traps for the rich sediment load coming to the sea from
the backcountry. Storms and storm waves may have been more frequent
or more powerful (or both), making shallow sediments more
vulnerable to periodic resuspension with the result of initiating
turbidity currents. Even “normal” variations in storm activity
presumably would have resulted in such currents.
The realization that turbidity
currents play an extremely important role in present-day marine
processes as well as in the geologic record, only came in the
1950s, largely thanks to the work of the Dutch geologist Ph. H.
Kuenen (1902–1976) (see Sect. 1.3). Kuenen established, by
experiment, that muddy downhill flowing currents can exist in
nature and that their deposits would exhibit the grading familiar from previously
unexplained sediment series in the Alps (called “flysch” by the
Swiss locals, a term that was adopted as a technical one by
A standard
sequence for graded beds seen in the field was proposed by the
Dutch-American geologist A.H. Bouma in 1962. It is referred to as
the “Bouma sequence.” The
entire series (from a massive, graded sandy layer at the bottom to
the fine-grained shale at the top) is in fact rarely encountered.
The common explanation for the sequence calls on a waning turbidity
current, with turbidite deposition visible in the lower part of the
sequence, and “normal,” non-turbidite deposition in the uppermost
part of the sequence, the portion that represents almost all of the
geologic time captured.
3.8 Deep-Sea Fans and Abyssal Plains
A large part or perhaps most of the
sediments in deep-sea fans consist of turbidites; that is, deposits of
turbidity currents. Turbidites are not only common in continental
slopes (the slopes being essentially coalescing fans, Fig.
3.13) but
also in abyssal plains,
perfectly flat portions of the seafloor bearing much material
derived from continents. Such plains are largely extensions of fans
into low-relief regions dominated by abyssal hills (buried below
fine-grained fan material mixed with pelagic sediments). In places,
high hills may pierce the cover of flat deposits, betraying
original conditions before burial.
Channels are abundant on submarine
fans. They are filled or refilled when abandoned. Details of the
fan landscape with its distributary system (including channels,
levees formed by spillover of muddy flows, slumps, slides, and
other features) have become available through side-scan acoustic
Turbidites are generally recognized in
deep-sea seismic profiles taken across abyssal plains as perfectly
horizontal reflectors (Fig. 3.18).
Abyssal plains in a seismic profile. 2800
fathoms = 5100 m; 3600 fathoms = 6600 m (Graph of seismic profile
courtesy C.D. Hollister)
Many turbidite layers are thin and are
easily destroyed by bottom-living organisms and by bottom currents.
Thick layers, of course, can escape such destruction and are then
recognizable in the sedimentary record. Thus, thick layers tend to
be overrepresented in the geologic records, and the preservation of
thin layers says something about the rarity of strong storms and of
large burrowers.
The very distribution of abyssal
plains supports the idea that turbidity currents run across the
seafloor over very long distances. Direct evidence is available
from a number of sites, including the turbidite-rich regions off
the St. Lawrence River, as well as those off the Hudson, the
Mississippi, and the Amazon. Some 3000 km of travel are indicated
across the Bengal Fan south of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta.
Suggestions for Further Reading
Shepard, F.P., and R.F. Dill,
1966. Submarine Canyons and Other Sea Valleys. Rand McNally,
Burk, C.A., and C.L. Drake
(eds.) 1974. The Geology of Continental Margins. Springer,
Pettijohn, F. J. 1975.
Sedimentary Rocks, 3rd ed. Harper & Row, New York.
Stanley, D.J., and G. Kelling
(eds.) 1978. Sedimentation in Submarine Canyons, Fans, and
Trenches. Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg.
Doyle, L. J. and Pilkey, O.
H. (eds.) 1979. Geology of Continental Slopes. SEPM Spec. Pub.,
Dickinson, W.R., and H.
Yarborough, 1981. Plate Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation.
AAPG , Continuing Education Ser. 1, revised edn. AAPG, Tulsa,
von Rad, U., K. Hinz, M.
Sarnthein, and E. Seibold (eds.) 1982. Geology of the Northwest
African Continental Margin. Springer, Heidelberg &
Bouma, A.H., W.R. Normark,
and N.E. Barnes (eds.) 1985. Submarine Fans and Related Turbidite
Systems. Springer, Heidelberg.
Biddle, K.T. (ed.) 1991.
Active Margin Basins. Am. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Memoir 52.
Einsele, G., W. Ricken, and
A. Seilacher (eds.) 1991. Cycles and Events in Stratigraphy.
Springer, Heidelberg.
Wefer, G., et al. (eds.)
2002. Ocean Margin Systems. Springer, Berlin &
Eberli, G.P., Massaferro,
J.L., and J.F. Sarg (eds.) 2004. Seismic Imaging of Carbonate
Reservoirs and Systems. AAPG Memoir 81.
Viana, A.R., Rebesco, M.
(eds.) 2007. Economic and Palaeoceanographic Significance of