My father and Alina arrived the day Paul was at Arlington for the service for Denis. Paul’s helicopter arrived about the same time I’d given up hope they would make it back that day. He apologized to my father for his deception at my house in the fall. My father found it strange that Paul would be sorry for something I had obviously put him up to.
After a quick reheated dinner Ray volunteered to show them to their cabins and the three of them left together, Ray carrying Alina’s suitcase from the car. Paul and I watched them go from the window. First they dropped Alina off at her cabin then Ray took my father down to his.
“Paul,” I sighed. “I … did something when I broke his line from him. I don’t know if it was bad … it just came to me that I could and I did it. At least I think I did it.”
“What did you do Anna?”
He didn’t look happy with me.
“The piece of his line I cut off … the part that goes into the future. The part he never touched. I took it … I used it to bind one of Pilot’s gifts to me so I could keep it. It became part of mine. It was selfish, I know. But I don’t want to start over knowing nothing again. I kept my ability to read to help everyone rebuild.”
“May I?” he asked as he put his right hand over my chest.
I nodded.
“I don’t feel anything,” I whispered.
His brow creased as he tested it.
“It’s really secure,” he said finally. “You did that yourself?”
“It felt more like it was doing it on its own.”
He put his hand on my cheek. “I’m not disappointed. I’ve always wanted you as a partner in all the pieces of my life … not just the pieces you could understand. You won’t actually be grown up though until the next time around.” Then he smiled at me. “So you still have to do what I tell you.”
“Sure Paul,” I smiled back.
We watched as Alina came out to wait on the road. I quickly turned off the living room light so they couldn’t see us. Ray stopped when he got to her. They talked a while and I could see her toss her head back as she laughed.
“What happens to a son when the father’s dies the real death before he’s born,” I asked Paul.
“I don’t know,” Paul answered. “Why?”
“I can feel her son connecting himself to Ray already. That’s your sister Paul,” I told him.
“My sister?”
“Yes. I killed her child’s father. All I could read in him was you and Alina when she got here. Now he’s becoming Ray’s.”
We watched as she put her hand on his cheek and he lowered his chin to touch his nose to hers. Then he took her hand and they started walking to Ray’s cabin together.
“I’m sorry Paul. It was her I was protecting when I wouldn’t talk. I had to abandon her to Damian, leave her to get pregnant. Make sure nobody interfered. I should have known he would have left her the way he did. I hated myself for it and took it out on you. I was scared the men wouldn’t understand and might try to keep her from having Damian’s child … and he was Damian’s until he died. How could I have chosen between her and anyone here? Gone after one of your men to protect that man’s son. Or gone after you. She’s my sister too.”
Paul put his arms around me.
“I never would have guessed that’s what you were going through,” he said. “I can’t be certain I would have understood.”
“He has to grow up Paul. That tiny boy belongs to Camille … their child will be important. I don’t know how yet. I may never know. I just did my part.”
He squeezed me tighter as they disappeared down the path to Ray’s cabin.
“We’ll protect her and her son. She’s Ray’s mate now. He’s been alone a long time waiting for her. ”
“I’ve known who Alina really is since I saw Pilot.”
Paul turned me to face him and tipped my chin up to kiss me.
“Can you tell me everything now Anna?” he whispered.
“Yes,” I whispered back. “Now, or will you be my lover again first?”