Hachazo: chopping stroke of the bull's horns.
Herida: wound.
Herradera: branding of calves on the ranch.
Herradura: horseshoe; cortar la herradura: to cut the horseshoe, an estocada well placed, fairly high up but in which the blade, once in, takes an oblique downward direction into the bull's chest, cutting the pleura, and causing immediate death without any external hemorrhage.
Hierro: branding iron; brand of a bull breeder of fighting bulls.
Hombre: man, as an ejaculation expresses surprise, pleasure, shock, disapproval or delight, according to tone used. Muy Hombre: very much of a man, i.e., plentifully supplied with huevos, cojones, etc.
Hondo: deep; estocada honda: sword in up to the hilt.
Hueso: bone; in slang means a tough one.
Huevos: eggs; slang for testicles as we say balls.
Huir: to run away; shameful both in bull and matador.
Hule: oilcloth; slang for the operating table. Humillar: lower the head.