Chapter Forty-two

WE TOOK THE T AND WALKED BACK TO HIS PLACE, where we stood in the foyer, embracing and kissing each other.

“I’m so sorry I hurt you by leaving.” I said in between kisses. “It was worth it, though. I swear it was.”

“No more, Andi. I never wanna be apart from you ever again. And it’s not because I wanna rescue you or need your approval or anything like that. I am in love with you, plain and simple. And I always will be.”

“I love you too. And I don’t need to be rescued. I know where I am now. I know who I am. I’m still Sam’s wife—and I always will be. I hope you can live with that. He’s always going to be a part of me. But I’ve finally envisioned a new life—in fact, I’m living a new life, and it’s a life I want to share with you.”

Jubilant, he picked me up, spun me around, and kissed me again.

“Is this it? Are you sure this is it?” he asked.

This is it, Dev. This is where I wanna be. Here. I don’t know about marriage, and I don’t know about the house and where we’ll live and stuff. But I’m okay with not knowing right now, if you are. I’ve learned that the unknowable can be a cool thing sometimes. It definitely lets you know you’re alive.”

As long as here was also now, then here was where I wanted to be. It was where I chose to be.  

He nodded his head. “I couldn’t agree with you more.” And then he added with a wink, “Sweetheart.”

Life with Sam was fabulous. Life with Sam was fabulous because Sam was fabulous.

Life with and as Andi Vanzant was ordinary. So was life with Dev.