Chapter Twelve


Esau had found Darren wandering around the north shore, babbling inanely, of course, and still covered with shit. “Gotcha, fella! Esau had exclaimed upon the capture. “Fun times over!

“Frab-blab-yoo-hlab! Darren objected.

Esau drew his buck knife cleanly through the tendons behind each of Darrens knees, and that put an end to any further jaunts. The fact that the boy was still enslimed in his own fecal matter didnt faze Esau in the least. His hands were used to fecal matter. He merely flipped the boy over his back and tromped back to the prep shack.

“There ya go, Fattie, Enoch was saying, having just dragged Bob into the shack too.

“Hey, brother! Esau greeted. “Lookit what I found! He flopped Darren down onto a wood table; speckles of shit flew off of him at the impact.

“Ya found him, Enoch grunted approval. “But what about that skinny girl?

“Aint found her yet, Enoch. But Ise kin tell ya, she caint get far.

“You better hope so, boy.

Esau grinned. “Didja find my surprise?

“Say what?

“The surprise I left for ya! A right purdy blondie, she is. Then Esau turned up one of the oil lamps, illuminating the corner of the shack.

There hung Carol, blanked-faced in her compounded horror, her big tits pushing out her top.

Enoch scowled. “Aw, boy, ya dang know I dont wanna fuck gals.

Esau proudly walked over to the wall, flipped up Carols denim skirt.

“Look like a gal to you? he asked.

Enochs gaze peeled. “Ya dont say? Dang!

“All fer you, my good brother! Take a look at that dick on this bitch!

Enoch was taking a look, all right, and giving his crotch a rub ta boot. “And not a hair on it, he remarked.

“No, sir. She—er he, er whatever—aint even got a hair in her ass-crack. Not a single one! Ise looked!

“Shee-it, I gots ta have me some of this, Enoch informed, unbuckling the shoulder straps of his overalls.

“And I see you done fetched Bob, Esau said, noticing the obese, unconscious man on the table.

“The fat dumbass stepped on the blammed tarp we got coverin the pit. I hauled him out, brung his fat ass here. Enoch hocked on the dirt floor. “Take carea that skinny kid while I put the blocks to this big-tit bitch with a cock.

It didnt take him long. From the place which shed been efficiently nailed to the wall, Enoch pushed Carols knees back to her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Esau walked not to Darren but to Bob, inquisitive at the newest capture. He slammed the mans head repeatedly against the tabletop. The warning was redundant, however; their captive was obviously not in any condition to go anywhere. Blood streamed down the side of his face from a cut on his head, the cut centered in the midst of a rapidly swelling lump the size of a halved pear. Close to the same time, Carol revived, twisting and struggling to pull free of the nails which affixed her hands to the wall, squirming in a desperate effort to see if Bob was, in fact, still alive.

“Bob! she screamed. Bob!

Enoch licked the side of her face as she struggled. His breath stank as though hed been eating roadkill.

Carol began to sob again as she felt her knees being pushed farther back, blood welling slowly from her ruined hands. It was useless to try to pull free; the slightest motion filled her with nauseating waves of pain.

Enoch spit in his palm and lubricated his organ. Carol felt pressure, then a blinding, rending pain as he forced himself into her, so startled by the pain was she that both bowel and bladder voided simultaneously.

“Damn! roared Enoch as he pulled out with a wet squishing sound. “Lookit that, that nasty he-bitch just shit and pissed all over me!

“Dang, she shore shits a lot, Esau said, plying Bobs face like fresh sourdough. “Thats what she was doin when Ise caught her—takin a big shit in the woods. She left a dang pile, she did.

To emphasize his complaints, Enoch ran his hand up the crack of Carols ass, brushing her flaccid cock and balls aside.

Carol tried to wrench her head back, but hed grabbed a handful of hair and twisted it around his hand so that she was unable to move. The stench of her own shit made her retch as he wiped his hand off in her long blond hair. “I dont like this he-bitch, Enoch complained next. “Ill fuck that fat ’un there on the table. Meantime—” his eyes flicked toward Carol. “Cut this ones peter off.

Esau amusedly shook his head. “Ya know, Enoch, I was thinkin’ ’bout that earlier. Thought maybe it’d be better to cut it out instead’a cuttin’ it off. Ise got cookin ta do, and there aint nothin better than a whole set of a guys works on the grill. Ya cut the whole thing out from the root. Watch me.

Enoch had little interest in watching his brothers skills. Instead he yanked Bobs slacks off, spread his fat, log-like legs, and sunk his genitals right deep up Bobs back-end.

“Yeah, there ya go, Enoch grunted, humping on the table. The table bowed.

Bob regained consciousness a rather hasty fashion, screaming like a truck horn.

“Sorry, fella, Esau sniggered at Carol, but my Grandpa likes a wiener roast just like anyone, and he drew a sharp boning knife very quickly up Carol’s perineum, two fast swipes upward at an angle, one side, then the next. A few more slices along the top and around the scrotum, and he was removing the entirety of Carols very male genitalia from the base of the root. Carol gargled her horror, flipped and flopped against the bare wood wall, feet kicking madly. The blood flooded from her newly carved groin.

“Thats it, Esau said with pride, holding up the cleanly severed works. “Think Ill marinate it in some yakisoba sauce fer an hour or so. He tossed the cock and balls into a plastic bucket..

“And those big ol titties? he celebrated. “Theyll come in handy later!

Enochs big body remained atop of Bobs back, pumping and pumping, while Bob was puking and puking. “Yeah, boy, Ise kin tell ya had it up the ass before. Guess yer onea them queer-boy city faggots, huh? Yeah… Enoch pumped harder and harder, then buckled and came. And he came, it should be added, in considerable volume. “Caint help the last part, Tubby, he said through a chuckle. “See, Ise a little different.

By now, of course, it didnt matter much to Bob; he was already unconscious again and suffering from horrendous internal bleeding. So the revelation was moot.

When Enoch withdrew his cock from Bobs rectal vault, this same withdrawal pulled something out along with it: most of Bobs large intestine.

It lay there between his spread legs like a fat coil of dark dough. The reason that Enoch had been able to yank out Bobs lower g.i. tract with his penis was fairly simple when one calculated the most obvious point: Enochs cock was a bit more than that.

It was a tentacle, red-tipped and complete with suckers. Several feet long in its excited state. In this case, it was a diminutive egress in the tip from which Enoch pissed and ejaculated. And just as Esau had only one testicle, Enoch had none. His spermatic ducts were internal, just like that of an octopus.

Both brothers, in other words, were genetic freaks, in varying stages of evolution. Esau had something more semblant of a dick—however lumpen—Enoch had something a bit more close to his chromosomal home.

A tentacle.

“I say, dang! That there was a good cum! Enoch exclaimed. He stuffed his penile appendage back into his stained overalls. “That pretty much takes care of these two.

Carol now hung dead by her impaled hands. And Bob lay belly-down, just as dead.

“Yes sir! Enoch continued. “This was more fun than that them three little bitches came through here on spring break last year. Hell, that little redhead lasted almost a week. I still think she wouldve hung on a while longer if you didnt keep sticking your whole hand up her.

“I know, I know, A retorted his brother. “It just feels really cool when you got your whole arm up their pussies and you can feel around all that squishy stuff inside. Shit, you flex your fingers around up in there an you can even pull some stuff out.

Enoch recalled the three girls somewhat wistfully. Theyd gotten off the old highway by mistake and were driving around half-stoned looking for somewhere to buy beer when theyd come over to the bait shop. Two of them had died almost immediately under the brothers ministrations. But that redhead?

Theyd stuck ten-penny nails through her titsn twisted ’em like handles, they did. Blood squirted out like water from a fuckin faucet.

“But the funs over fer now, Enoch reminded. “You find that stringbean gal with the trout cookin’ in her cunt, and ya also fetch that other chick. Theyse both still on the island. Me? Ill go ashore and take carea the cook.

Esau winced. “He aint a cook, Enoch. Hes a Master Chef.

“Whatever. Enoch was about to leave. He pointed down to Darren who scrabbled on the ground with his cut knees. “Ya better take carea that ’un there. Dont want him gittin out again.

“In a jiffy, Esau said. His boning knife flashed, and in all of two seconds, he had slit open the shit-covered boys belly open—


—and expertly removed the twenty-pound distended liver, snipping off the hepatic veins like strands of wet vermicelli yarn.

“Braaaaaa-lab, Darren uttered and died. Blood filled up the hole in his gut like a punch bowl full of Cherry Smash.

Esau flopped the liver down on the table. “Sliced Foi Gras stuffed with scallions and buttered shad roe! I think Ill hang him in the smoker, after marinating in his shit the skin ought to have a real nice tang to it!

Enoch shook his head. “I dunno, I was sorta hoping you might be able to barbeque some ribsY”

“Enoch, thats so common! We didnt feed this boy special for a month just to barbeque ribs! Hell, all that corn-fed shit tenderizes meat better than Adolph’s. Just waitll hes been in the smoker for a spell, Ill make some Angels on Horseback with some breast slices wrapped around some oysters and salmonberry chutney on the side—itll be mighty fine. I just wish that we could keep Mr. Morrone alive to appreciate all Ive learned watching his showY”

“Ill bring him back in one piece, but you know we cant let him go. Hell, we dont wanna have to move again. Remember Grandpa telling us ’bout all the trials and tribulations he had before he settled in here?

Esau looked at Darrens shit-smeared corpse with visions of setting out a feast that even the master chef would be astounded by. Feeling a burst of inspiration, he took a large cleaver off the shelf and with two deft strokes severed Darrens head.

“Whatd you that fer?” Enoch seemed genuinely puzzled by the decapitation.

“Its like you said, you do the procurin and I do the cookin.” With that Esau seized a five-pound sledge hammer off the shelf and with a single downward blow cracked the cranium open as easy as splitting a breadfruit. “You hurry and find Mr. Morrone, Ill fix us up some brain souffle for a snack!



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