Chapter Eight


Carols cock marauded Sherees vagina, fucking her so hard it felt like a plunger trying to clear a drain. Sheree came three more times during the action which mustve comprised a world-wide record for sexual positions within the confines of a recreational vehicle.

Carol had come twice herself, the first a warm flood of sperm into Sherees sex, the second a last-second pull-out. “Here you go, baby, Carol whispered, short of breath. The gorgeous uncircumcised cock glistened (Sheree could smell herself on it), the big nuts bunched up tight under the root. “Let me shine up those beautiful tits for you. The sperm felt hotter this time, jet after jet looping onto Sherees tingling breasts. Afterward, the two of them lay back on the floor, absolutely exhausted, as Carols slim hand smoothed the semen around on Sherees tanned skin like some kind of exotic lotion.

In the afterglow, Carol explained her particular plight. She wasnt gay nor straight, nor did she consider herself bisexual. Instead she referred to herself as a sensualist. Any pleasurable sensation she would pursue. Shed always felt more feminine than the opposite; hence, the modifications to her physique. Hormones, implants, permanent hair removal, oro-facial surgery, but unlike many trannies, she had no desire whatever to complete the process. “I like my cock, she revealed. “I love sticking it in people.

And she could stick it well. In the tidal wave of sex that accounted for all of Sherees adult life, these few hours with Carol had unleashed pleasures that Sheree had never conceived of.

The best lay of my life, she thought, is a beautiful woman…with a cock.

Perhaps some lingering male phermones explained Sherees instant attraction, some exuding oxytocins in the sweat. Whatever the reason, it hardly mattered. Carol was one joyride of flesh Sheree hoped to get on again for a long time to come.

Her pussy felt deliciously sore; it felt like a fat tenderloin cored and stuffed. She lay against Carol, their skin sliding over each others sweat. Carols hand continued to glide idly over the spermy sheen which lacquered Sherees breasts.

“So youre telling me you never thought Ashton might be gay? Carol asked, and lit a cigarette.

“No, I mean—” Sheree thought about it. “Hes always acted kind of swishy, you know. And he never wants to—”

Fuck, Carol finished. Her shining cock began to deflate between the immaculate, tanned legs. “And let me guess. He mainly asks for head?

“You got that right. But sometimes Im so horny Ill even settle for him…but it never happens. Its always Oh, honey, Im so sorry but Im really tired, or Im not in the mood, theres a rumor that a Times reviewer is coming to the restaurant tomorrow night. That sort of thing. Now I know the real reason.

“I guess I shouldnt have told you, Carol confessed. “Shouldve minded my own business.

“Oh, no, Im glad you told me Ashtons gay, Sheree insisted, then took a drag off Carols Salem. “Forewarned is fore-armed. I dont care. As long as Im driving my BMW down Fifth Avenue and shopping at Nordstroms any time I want.

“Youve got the right atittude, and so do I, Carol clarified. Now her finger dawdled over the slit of Sherees sex. “Everythings a trade-off, and I guarantee you they both know it. Theyre both still in the closet so thats why they need us. You’ve heard them in public—always joking about all the pussy they’ve busted. Christ, if Microsoft ever found out Bob was a hot-tub bottom, theyd fire his fat ass in two seconds. But every time Gates throws an office party, there I am with Bob. Same with Ashton. Hes paranoid that the other chefs in town think he sucks cock. So thats why hes got you. I dont mind being used as long as I get what I want.

“Me either, Sheree concurred. Her mind drifted a moment, back to previous slew of orgasms. “How did you meet Bob?

Carol giggled. “At The Porthole. Its a members-only gay club downtown. They got a back room, if you know what I mean. The first night I saw Bob, he was back there doing an ass-bang. Had a leather bag pulled over his head and a rubber ball in his mouth, tied down to rings in the floor, spread out like a fat starfish.

“Youre kidding! Sheree nearly squealed at the preposterous image.

“Nope. There were ten of us back there that night, and we all helped ourselves and went back for seconds. By the time we were done, we mustve pumped a quart of cum up his butt.

“No way! Sheree squealed.

Yes way. And thats not all. Not only is Bob a hardcore bottom, hes also a jizz freak and a half.

“A jizz freak?

“Oh, yeah. Hes in the back room two, three times a week, blowing twenty guys in a row and swallowing every drop. Thats what he was doing second time I met him, just standing in line and sticking my dick down his throat. I was only about halfway done then but I still looked pretty good. But this guy was a cash machine so I put the make on him hard. After we got together, he sprung for a better set of implants and pays for all of the injections. Thats big money, and I sure cant afford it. With Bob, Im made in the shade. And if he ever dumps me… Carol didnt finish.

“What? Sheree asked.

“Well, on one of those blow-job trains he pulled at the club? Carol snickered. “I had a friend of mine secretly videotape it. So if Fat Boy Bobby ever sends me packing, Im sending that tape straight to Bill Gates.

“Youre horrible! Sheree delightedly shrieked.

Carol grinned. “I know. I cant help it.

Eventually, they dragged themselves up naked from the floor. Sheree leaned against the Winnebagos narrow kitchen counter, looking out the small window. “What’s taking them so long? Itll be getting dark in an hour.

Carol pressed up behind her, gently reaching around to cup Sherees already worn-out vagina. “Yeah, Carol said. “In an hour. A long finger popped in. “We can do a lot in an hour.

Sherees fuse was already re-lit. “I dont know. You pretty much fucked me out. I feel like Ive been run over by a city bus. She hesitated, feeling Carols cock grow turgid against her buttocks. “I dont know if I can do it again.

Carol quickly turned her around, set her ass up on the counter, and slipped her dick right up into her pussy. “Sure you can, she said and began fucking her again. She pressed forward, kissed Sherees lip, sucked her tongue.

Yeah, Sheree thought in another rising wave of bliss. I think I can…




As the darkness of dusk had just begun to stain the horizon, M. Gerald James was maintaining a solid seventy miles per hour down State Route 101 along the glittering Strait of San Juan. Canada could be seen on the other side, and its rising mountains.

Something similarly rising existed between James legs, but he couldnt very well see it now. All he could see instead was the back of Rochelles pretty head going up and down. James slacks were opened, and Rochelle was sucking his cock as fastidiously as the mouth of a devil ray sucking a five-pound conch out of its shell. James had brought his little spy along because…well, in his current state of occupational stress, he needed comfort. And Rochelle, cute little pipsqueak that she was, had recently grown quite accustomed to the eccentric nature of James needs.

His foot pressed down on the gas as his heart raced. He pressed Rochelles tender mouth all the way down on his cock and then held it there. (A little gagging was good for a girl), and then his hips clenched in the mahogany suede-leather seat as he spent himself right down into her gullet. Even after hed come, he held her head down, listening to the hoarse sucks of her gags.

It was good for her. Showed her the proper ways of the world, where men were dominant and women provided the wastecans of mens pleasure.

Eventually he decelerated back down to seventy, and let her up for air.

Rochelle wheezed, a smidgen of semen dangling from her chin. Her mouth opened to rebel but then she thought better of it.

“That was…nice, James said in a slow breath.

Rochelle kept silent, wiped her mouth off. She sat beside James in the Lincolns spacious front seat, dressed quite prettily in white sneakers, white shorts, and a bright white top. Such a prize, delicate and delectable as a vanilla-cream torte. Sweet as confectioners sugar. But—

Taking her on this trip? It was proof of his appreciation, wasnt it?

“Yes, yes, he exhaled. “Youll manage my restaurant some day. This I promise…

“Thank you, Rochelle peeped.

Sometimes, James actually felt bad about his raging abuse of her… Sometimes. It wasnt really his fault, though, he deemed.

It was Ashton Morrones.

James gripped the Lincolns leather-gloved wheel harder as he muttered out his stress: Best chef in the city… Best restaurant in the city… Five-star reviews in Gourmet and the Michelin guide…

“Stop it, Rochelle softly bid.

“Multiple James Beard Awards!

“Mr. James. Dont give yourself an ulcer!

James broke like a piece of dry egg noodle. “I already have an ulcer because of that corpulent faggot! I trained in Paris, goddamn it! At Trievan! That fat shit cant microwave a Hot Pocket but Ive cooked delicacies for kings! Why does he get all the great reviews? Why is his restaurant the talk of the town? James punched the Lincolns center console, peeling his knuckles and cracking the Nakamichi CD player. Veins pulsed at his temples.

“What about me! he shouted. “What about me!

Rochelle stroked his arm, tried to console him. “Mr. James, dont get so worked up. Everybody knows your restaurants better.

James glared at her. “Everybody? Who? Not the Times, not the Post-Intelligencer! Ive never even been mentioned in Bon Appetite! I cook Swedish Meringue Cakes and Jamaican Escolar for my diners every night! If someone comes to my restaurant and orders Spiny Lobster Cassolet with Saffron Fouille, I prepare it personally! Why? Because I am in love with the art of cooking! But that fat bastard hires hack cooks to work his kitchen so he can primp his fucking beard on his GODDAMN tv show! And now, the only victory Ive ever scored against the pompous cocksucker—hes trying to take that away from me too! Only I can cook the Crackjaw eel to perfection! And now Morrones found it!

“Mr. James, calm down! Rochelle implored.

“How can I calm down while that-that-that…walrus tries to cash in on my expertise? His glare froze, flaming with hatred. Without really thinking he—


—landed the back of his fist right across Rochelles face. “Ooow! the girl whined high and loud, pressing her face into her hands.

James gulped, drove in silence for a while. Rochelle sobbed beside him.

“My dear girl, he attempted. “Im so terribly sorry. Its just that Morrones got me so upset that Im not in my right mind. He consolingly touched her shoulder. “Please forgive me…

Rochelles sobs hitched down. “I think you broke my nose!

“There, there, lets see. James urged her hands away from her face. He quickly bit his lip, stifling an abrupt laugh. Rochelles nose had swollen to three times its normal size. “It looks fine, he promised. “I feel awful about hitting you. I really am sorry.

Rochelle wiped tears from her eyes, gently touched her nose with a finger. “It hurts! And it feels…really big.

Trust me, James lied. Your nose is fine. As beautiful as always, just like the rest of you. And, again, Im very, very sorry. James kept driving, and casting alternating glances at Rochelle. “Ive been bad, he said. “And I need to be punished. You know…

Rochelle rolled her eyes, muttered Jesus under her breath, then hitched her little butt up in the seat and slipped off the smart white shorts.

“Ive been bad, James repeated, real bad. I should never have hit Mommie. He pulled over onto the shoulder and stopped the big Lincoln. He reached under the seat, then sheepishly handed Rochelle an 16-ounce Pyrex mixing cup.

“I think Im actually going to enjoy it this time, Rochelle sniped. Still lifting her ass above the leather seat, she brought the Pyrex cup between her legs and began to pee in it. The tinkle was almost musical, not quite Handels Water Music, but musical nonetheless. Rochelle filled it up more than halfway—impressive for a girl—and then she actually grinned.

“Jameseys been a bad, bad boy! she yelled, huge-nosed. “Jamesey hit Mommy, and thats bad!

“Yes, yes, James blubbered from his seat. “Im bad! Im bad!

“So Jameseys going to be punished! Jameseys gonna drink Mommys piss! and with that, Rochelle leaned up and began to empty the amber cup into James mouth. Eyes shut, he gulped and gulped and gulped, urine overflowing from his mouth. Gulp, gulp, gulp—recompense for a bad boy. Soon James belly was full of heat, and his black-satin St. Moritz shirt was drenched.

“God, that was fun, Rochelle muttered under her breath.

Ahhhh, James thought, slack and sated now behind the wheel. Rochelle pulled her shorts back on, then continued to inspect her bulbous nose with a finger.

Who knows? James thought. I may very well marry her someday.

But such a venture existed only in the future. James had, first, to deal with the present. He had to deal with—

Ashton FUCKING Morrone, he thought.

That fat, mincing queer has FUCKED with me long enough!

I’m going to overturn his cart!

I’m going to paint his wagon!

James teeth slowly ground back and forth in the delicious vision.

I’m going to KILL that limp-wristed behemoth homo…

Just a bit deeper under the Lincolns seat, where James had kept the Pyrex cup of his perverted pleasure, was another object.

A small .22 revolver.




I dont know about you, Carol proclaimed, but Im shit-faced!

Sheree lounged opposite her, her bare feet propped up on the Winnebagos small kitchen table. “Then I must be double shit-faced.

The two of them had sufficiently plowed through half a case of beer and two snifters each of Ashtons prized bottle of 1977 Gers Armagnac white brandy. Giggling, Carol had brought the bottle level back up with tap water.

With some difficulty, Sheree got up, looked out the window. Full dark had settled over the lake. A full moon glowed over the water.

“You see them? Carol asked.

“No. I dont know where those two fat peckerheads are. They shouldve been back by now, though.

“Who cares? All that matters is that theyre not back. And that means its time for us to have some fun. Ive got some Bebo.


Carol was rummaging in her purse on the bed, her gorgeous breasts swaying in the tank top. “Its the latest designer acid, she said. “Youve done acid, havent you?

“Well, no. When I was in L.A., I was too busy doing coke, she admitted, remembering all the hard producers cocks shed sniffed lines off of.

“Youve gotta try some Bebo. Ive only got two tabs left. Carol displayed the small strip of paper. On the paper were two scarlet ink-prints of what appeared to be the head of a bald baby with enormous ears and a third eye in the middle of its forehead. “Its pretty mild, so dont worry, Carol added. “Youre game, right?

What the fuck? Sheree thought. “Sure. I just lick it, right?

“No, put it on your tongue and swallow the whole thing. But not here… Carol got up, led Sheree by the hand to the RVs narrow metal door. “Were not going to drop acid in this dork-box.

“Where are we going to do it?

Carol opened the door. “On the lake.

Sheree, however drunkenly, followed her new friend out to the shore. The entirety of the earth sounded pin-prick silent. Moonlight floated in ripples on the water; across the lake, the islands trees looked like crags of mountains.

“Help me, Carol asked. “The boats on the other side now. Sheree got behind the crank on this end, grabbed the crank-handle, and began turning it, Carol cranking from the other side. In a matter of minutes, the pull-ferry arrived and they both stepped on.

They began cranking in the other direction, dragging the old rowboat back across the lake. Sheree took inadvertent glances over her shoulder. “Arent you…a little worried about them?

“Bob and Ashton? Carol chuckled. “Theyre big boys, they can take care of themselves.

All of a sudden, the night and its tranquil surroundings began to bother Sheree a little. Sure, Ashton was a self-aggrandizing fat dick, but she supposed she cared about him, his gayness notwithstanding. “Well…

“Youre drunk, Sheree. Makes you a little paranoid. Dont worry.

By now theyd hauled the rowboat to the middle of the placid lake. They stopped. The boat just sat there under the bright moonlight.

“Theyre probably drunk too, Carol added. “Theyll be back in a few hours and have hangovers tomorrow.

“Yeah, I guess youre right…

They sat facing each other in the boat. The boat, riding on the water, gently rose and fell. Sheree at once felt lulled.

“Here ya go. Carol passed her the tiny snippet of paper. Sheree took it between her fingers.

“Put it face-side down on your tongue, then swallow the whole thing.

Sheree shrugged, did it, and watched Carol repeat the process. Neither of them noticed, though, that as they sat there, the lakes mild current was slowly drawing the boat toward the islands shore.

“Feel it yet?

“Nuh…no, Carol said, still buzzed from all the alcohol. She lay back on her elbows.

“Doesnt take long. Goes straight to the brain…

Sheree was gazing up at the stars, smiling and breathing in the crisp, clean air. But then she momentarily flinched at an abrupt sensation.

Carols bare foot was rubbing up and down over the crotch of Sherees cut-offs.

Sheree sighed.

“One thing I forgot to tell you about Bebo, Carol commented. “It makes you horny.

Ordinarily, considering all the sexual activity the day had brought, even Sheree wouldve objected. But…

Sheree sighed again. Sensations slithered up to her breasts like warm phantom hands.

Soon the stars turned into fine white lines whenever she moved her head. She was trailing already. She moved her hand from right to left in front of her face, and saw a thousand fluttering duplicates like some surreal card trick.

The moon gazed back at her, an animate face.

All the while Carols foot kept pressing against her crotch.

It wasnt long before the night and its moonlight was caressing them, and it wasnt long, either, before each of them had stripped off their meager garments like dropping handkerchiefs to the boat’s floor. Sherees skin felt coolly ablaze. They embraced, kissing and sucking tongues. Sheree cradled the warm sac of Carols balls which felt big as starfruit. Carols finger went right up Sherees ass.

Dimensions seemed to stray, sound seemed to echo. Now the gentle lap of the water against the boats hull sounded like hands clapping, and the distant moonlight beamed on them like fluorescent tubes. They lay nude in the bottom of the boat. Sheree on top, in the position often referred to as A69. Carols tongue delved deep into Sherees pussy, while Sheree jerked the abundant foreskin of Carols cock back and forth over the gorged shaft. Eventually she stuck it all down her throat like a South Beach coed in a Kielbasa swallowing contest.

Sheree was winning the contest.

Carol sucked the tender pink meat of Sherees sex like warm taffy. Sheree came in her friends face twice, her legs widely spread as if sitting on the seat of a Harley panhead. When the sensations of sheer sucking became too painful, Sheree moved her rump off, concentrating on Carols long, night-stick-thick cock.

“Jerk it, came her friends feminine plea. “Jerk it right off!

By now, Sherees mouth tinged with the salt-taste of pre-ejaculatory ooze. Her womans intuition told her just the right time to slip off her mouth, and then she jerked the fleshy pole back and forth. Carols legs vised and she moaned like a low horn.

Sheree watched the loops of semen shot high into the air, but on acid, each plume looked like jettisons of white, liquid phosphorous. Fluid flares which blew out of the swelled piss-slit, flew over the boats side, and landed in the lake water.

“Fuck, Carol softly gasped.

Sheree gleefully played with the deflating dick as it slowly gave up its turgidity. The great foreskin fascinated her. She squeezed the softening meat, watched a final pearl of sperm appear at the slit, and licked it off.

When Sheree glanced up the slope of Carols perfect female body—perfect save for the cock she was still licking—it looked like Carols eyes and open mouth were bright flashlight beams.

“God, that was good, Carol slurred.

When Sheree raised back up, her mouth drooped. The lake, now, looked kaleidoscopic, the moon a long white bar smeared across the sky. She could see silver-orange waves of heat waft off of Carols taut body. Then, squatting, she glanced at her own vagina and saw something that looked like eggshell-white light beaming from a bald, wet tart.

“Christ, she remarked. “This is good acid.

Next she was standing upright in the wobbly boat, vising each nipple between thumb and forefinger. The most minute magenta sparks seemed to shoot out.

“Yeah, damn good acid.

“Be careful! Carol warned. The boat began to rock as Sheree continued to stand, maintaining her footing.

Sheree heard a flitting sound, like baseball card running through the sprockets of a bicycle wheel, as she roved her gaze ahead of her. A great bulk seemed to stand before her. “Whats that? she half shrieked.

Carol looked behind her. “How do you like that? While we were fucking around, the boat drifted all the way over to the island.

Sheree saw traces of sparkles seem to crawl up the old wood pilings. The dock shimmered as if made of dark gold.

They both put their clothes back on, then Carol took Sherees hand and helped her off the boat. “Come on, she said through a glowing grin. “Lets check this place out…




Ashtons head throbbed like a beating heart on the verge of infarction. When his eyes pried open, at first, all he saw was black.

Then the black was pierced with pinpricks of light: stars.

“Bobby, Bobby! he shouted, stumbling across the deck to jostle hid brother. One thing he stumbled over was the high white bucket full of several dozen empty Holsten bottles. “We passed out! Bobby! Wake up!

Eventually, Bobby did. His eyes spread on the sky. “Aw, man. Its nighttime.

“Damn right it is! Ashton bellowed. “Come on! Shag ass! We gotta get back to the Winnebago! The girlsll be pissed!

At least theyd dropped anchor, they hadnt drifted far. Ashton hauled it up and turned on the deck lights. Bob staggered rearward, started the big Evinrude motor.

“Head on back, Ashton advised.

“Wait a minute, Bob reminded. “We still have traps in the water, dont we?

Ashton thought about it. “Yeah, but—shit we havent caught anything all day. Fuck the traps. Lets get back to the girls.

Bob sucked on his cottonmouth. He spat, then emptied the bucket of beer bottles over the side. “Whats five minutes? We might as well check the traps.

“Yeah, I guess youre right. Ashton snapped on a flashlight, roved its bright beam across the water. Theyd used empty gallon milk bottles for buoys, and there one bobbed just over the side of the boat.

Ashton grabbed it, pulled up the long wet rope. Feels heavy, he said.

“Dont say that! Bob declared. “Its bad luck!

Ashton hoisted the dripping trap out of the water, slammed it on deck.

Bob flicked his own flashlight down.

“Jesus Christ in a whorehouse, Ashton muttered.

The boxlike wire trap was full of Crackjaw eel.



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