As much as I love inventive designs, a classical aesthetic can be just as important.
It’s key to study fundamental techniques—such as different styles of icing, piping, arranging fresh and sugar flowers, and other simple decorations—before you press on to achieve more innovative designs. This natural progression will help you better grasp the more contemporary designs featured later, and you’ll still find your personal style coming through with these classical methods.
The fundamentals in this chapter include using fresh flowers and fruit as well as sugar flowers and leaves; simple and intricate piping; brush embroidery; incorporating confections such as truffles as a decoration; and sculpting marzipan fruit. All of the cakes on the following pages are round, with proportional tier heights, and are iced simply, covered in fondant, or even left un-iced. Traditional colors are often soft and muted with occasional accents of gold.
I find it helpful to compile a list of all the techniques you’d like to learn and then check them off one at a time so you don’t become too overwhelmed. Approach new methods with an open mind. And don’t worry about making everything perfect: Imperfection and individuality will make your cakes stand out, and you’ll have more fun in the process.