How to:
Wrapping a Tea Towel in Plastic Wrap
Sugar paste and fondant both dry out quickly when left uncovered. I came up with this easy solution to keep your fondant and sugar paste pieces in an ideal condition while you’re working. You’ll find me using this great trick throughout the tutorials in the cake chapters.
- plastic wrap
- damp tea towel folded in half

On a flat surface, pull a piece of
plastic wrap the length of the folded towel (don’t cut it yet).

Neatly place the damp tea towel on
the plastic wrap. Make sure all creases are smoothed out of the tea

Cut the plastic wrap so it is long
enough to fold over the tea towel.

Fold all sides of the plastic wrap
tightly over the tea towel to cover it, smoothing out any creases
in the plastic.

When working with fondant or sugar
paste, set it on the smooth side of the plastic-wrapped tea towel
(the side without the overlapping edges of the plastic wrap) and
fold the towel over the fondant or sugar paste to prevent it from
drying out.