Before you start baking and decorating,
let’s talk tools.
Over the years that I’ve been making cakes, there have been a million gizmos and gadgets invented that are supposed to make the job a lot easier. Between you and me, many of them just complicate things and make your work seem mundane.
I’m a true believer in the bare bones. Because I’m a professional, throughout my career I’ve acquired some specialty silicone molds or flower cutters, but you don’t need every single thing out there. Don’t be intimidated when you walk into a baking store and there are shelves upon shelves of items you think you must have in order to successfully make a gorgeous cake. It’s just not true! I genuinely believe that the creator who has less ends up with a more inventive design than one with all the fancy gadgets and tools, because it takes more imagination to create something by hand. Most of the time, one tool can be used in multiple ways, so be creative. For example, I often use pastry tips as cutters for sugar paste—both sides work great!
However, you do need to be well prepared with some essentials. You’ll need different tools and equipment at each stage of the process: baking, stacking layers, stacking tiers, icing, and decorating. Here are my favorites and how to use them.