Chapter 3
Cam was standing at Segue’s front doors when the sleek, black Audi with deep tinted windows came to a stop. Looked like an A8. Nice ride. No soldiers were present; they had in fact been ordered away from this part of the building. In addition, Marshall had informed him that security cameras would be disabled for the duration of the visit, per the aide’s requirements. Cam was to make a report directly to Adam Thorne after the visit was over. Marshall didn’t want to know anything.
So it was him against the Audi. Right.
Cam pushed his way out of the building as the driver’s side opened. The aide had white hair and was wearing a dark grey suit. When he stood fully and turned his face toward the building, the nerves in Cam’s body buzzed. But it wasn’t until the man came closer that Cam became truly afraid.
The man, the aide, was perfect. He had blue eyes, crystalline in their intensity. His skin tone was even. No visible scars, wrinkles, even pores, though he seemed old. His features were regular, the mouth perhaps a little wide. But none of that mattered: He was beautiful beyond the very meaning of the word. He gleamed with his beauty.
Not human.
The man came to a stop in front of him. “But I was once,” he said. His voice had the timbre of youth, his tone the sense of time.
Cam clenched his teeth with the knowledge that he faced someone far, far beyond himself. Beyond his understanding, his years of study. And who could crush him like a bug. Jose’s Segue boot camp was nothing against this man.
What are you now? Cam asked mentally, to show he was at least a little intelligent.
The aide cut him an enigmatic smile in answer, then asked, “Where is she?”
No good. I won’t let you have her until I’m satisfied. He hoped the aide didn’t hear the gulp. And then he waited to die.
The aide tilted his head in interest. Menacing interest. “Are you throwing in with her then?”
Cam hesitated, wavered. He’d only known her a day. Sure he liked her and sympathized with her plight, her sad history, but it wasn’t like she was family. She was intriguing, or more like . . . captivating, but she didn’t mean anything.
“Then, no?” the aide asked, amused.
But he wouldn’t stand by and let her be harmed either. He wouldn’t be able to look himself in the mirror if he did nothing and left her to this creature’s mercy.
Creature is a little strong,” the aide said, and pressed his lips together in distaste, but with humor, as well.
“So what are you?” Cam sure wasn’t laughing. “And what do you intend to do with her?”
“Then you are making her your business.”
For Ellie, yes, he guessed he was. So be it.
The aide turned, opening the door to Segue. “I am an angel,” he said, “and I’m going to give her a choice.”
Ellie’s mind went suddenly, acutely awake and alert, though just moments before she’d been in a sickening, groggy sleep, stuck in a dream in which she’d been running, but too slow and too clumsy to escape her shadowy pursuer.
A man sat at her bedside. The intensity of his appearance, the sharp blue of his eyes, had her scrambling backward off the other side and backing to the wall. No one normal looked like that.
“What do you want?” she demanded. She didn’t bother to cover herself. She knew instinctively that he could see right through her if he wanted. Where was her shadow?
Oh God, her shadow.
“I’m here to help you,” he said. He stayed in the chair, legs crossed, his body at ease. But something told her he was very strong and very quick when he needed to be.
The aide. Had to be. No wonder Cam had been cagey about him.
“Laurence, actually,” the man said. “And you’re Ellie Russo. You’ve got quite the hero in that young man out there.” He smiled warmly. “He was ready to take me on. Or try, at least.”
“Cam.” What did you do to him?
“He’s fine,” Laurence said. “In fact, I like him. I believe I’ll be seeing more of him in the future.”
That didn’t sound good. Poor Cam. And she’d gotten him into this.
Shadow? Ellie called.
“I understand you’ve come to Segue for help with a problem,” Laurence continued, his tone mild. “I’m here to help. Why don’t we begin with you telling me about it?”
Ellie didn’t want to. Shadow!
“I can’t help if you won’t try.”
What would he do to her if she did? What had he done to Cam?
Laurence waited, exuding a weird patience in the face of her alarm. It seemed as if he was willing to wait forever. As if she had no way out of the conversation but to answer him.
Ellie wished she’d never come to Segue. She choked on air, but spoke anyway. “My shadow is separate from me.” There.
He smiled sadly, but without surprise. He’d clearly known that much before coming. “That must be difficult,” he said, his calm unperturbed. “How long have you lived with this condition?”
All my life. “Since I was born. We came out that way.”
“Very difficult,” he amended. “You’ve been strong to endure it and brave to ask for help.”
Not so strong. Not so brave. Just ask Cam.
“With your permission, I’d like to call her.” His gaze intensified slightly.
“What?” Her shadow would be close, watching her, but she’d stay in hiding, ignoring Ellie’s calls, until he tried something. In case he tried to hurt her. Ellie couldn’t imagine what would happen then.
“I can command her presence,” Laurence said, “but I won’t without your consent.”
He tilted his head. “May I call her?”
Ellie gave a bitter laugh. “You can try. She won’t come for me.”
He grew very serious, lifting a hand before him. “Ellie,” he said softly, then harder, “join us.”
A bump of shadow appeared at the wall, halted for a second, then thrashing and bucking, straining for freedom, her shadow was pulled through the barrier. She fought as if invisible bands restrained her core, limbs clawing the air in an attempt to flee. “Let me go!” she shrieked. “Stop! Let me go! Help!”
Flesh and blood Ellie slid to the floor, her legs suddenly unable to hold her weight. Before she touched down, the bedroom door burst open, and Cam appeared, face red, hands fisted.
Laurence sent him an exasperated look. “Really?”
“Let her go,” Ellie begged on her shadow’s behalf. “Please. She doesn’t like it . . .”
Cam was at Ellie’s side, lifting her back to her feet, a strong arm around her waist. He addressed Laurence. “She said, stop.”
“Ellie can speak for herself, thank you,” Laurence returned.
Cam’s support at her side helped to quiet the screams of protest in her bones. Her shadow did not like force, had resisted all attempts at control. Who was this man who could so effortlessly bind the dark, deep half of herself?
“I asked your consent,” Laurence said, that piercing gaze settling back on Ellie, “because I know she is part of you. The deepest part of you. It would be unconscionable of me to restrain her without your permission.”
“I’ll kill you!” her shadow shrieked. But still she was caught in an invisible web, flailing for escape.
Ellie tamped down on the panic in her heart. Consent. That’s right. He’d asked first. And if he could hold her shadow, then maybe . . .
“Can you help me?” Ellie asked Laurence.
“Again, it is your choice,” Laurence answered. “If you are willing, I can merge the shadow with the flesh, as was meant to be.”
Ellie shook her head no, and fast. No way. Not merge. That was not what she wanted.
“Set me free!” her shadow screamed.
“How did it happen in the first place?” Cam asked.
Laurence shifted his gaze away from Ellie again, a small relief while she piled together all the ways that she could say no. In this, she and her shadow were in agreement.
“In recent years many strange things have been occurring. The world is changing in so many ways. Some magic—”
“You mean Shadow,” Cam said.
Her dark half bucked like a wild animal, making incoherent sounds of protest.
Ellie would never take that feral, lewd, childish thing inside herself. It was obscene. She’d wanted to be rid of it. Not, oh God, absorb it.
Laurence smiled at Cam. “Yes. Shadow probably had something to do with what happened. An errant lash might have pulled her apart during gestation, or something similar. That Ellie lives is remarkable. Makes me think she was meant to live.” He shifted his ice blue gaze back to Ellie. “What say you?”
Ellie didn’t care how much power Laurence had. “No. I’m sorry, I can’t. I won’t. Can’t you just . . . separate us for good instead?” Please?
“That is impossible. I can only merge your two halves. Please consider carefully before you refuse. Think about what your shadow may be capable of if she goes unchecked by your higher reason. Ultimately, her actions are your actions. You need to learn to mind her. I know it will be an adjustment.”
“Adjustment” didn’t begin to cover it.
Cam tightened his hold. “It’s how it should be, Ellie. Both of you together.”
She pulled away. She didn’t need anyone to hold her up. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Everyone has a shadow,” Cam explained, as if she were the stupid one. As if she didn’t know that already. “Deep down,” he continued, “I’m exactly like your shadow is, but a guy version, which is probably worse.”
Gran had done a better job explaining when Ellie was four.
Laurence shook his head at Cam. “Please don’t help.”
Ellie ignored them both, moving beyond Cam to the door. They didn’t understand. Well, maybe the freakish one with the crystal eyes did. “I said, no. Now let her go.”
Laurence dropped his hand, and her shadow fled the room, a dart of smoke. Ellie, too, ran as far as she could. Soldiers barred her apartment door, so she huddled in the kitchen.
She’d wanted to be severed from her shadow, not merged. Severed.
Because the truth was that her shadow had grown way too strong for her to control. If they were joined, her shadow would take over. Recent events proved it.
And then what would become of her?
Cam was dumbfounded. He looked at the bedroom door, still ajar from Ellie’s flight, and then back to the angel. “Isn’t that what she came for? To live a normal life?”
“Her normal is different from your normal. She knows the risks.” The angel stood and adjusted his cuffs. “It may take a little while for her to consider her options. I expected as much.”
“And you can’t force her?” Not that Cam liked the idea. He just wanted to know how things stood.
The angel smiled. “Oh, I can, but it is against the credo of The Order to hamper the free will of humankind.” His eyes lit. “Though on occasion some nudging is necessary.”
“You don’t interfere?” Cam was relieved to hear it.
“We rarely interfere,” the angel answered. “And almost never between humans. Otherwise, we might as well govern the world ourselves. Govern individual independence, too. But what is self-determination, if someone else manages it?”
“Then what are you good for?” Cam asked to goad him.
The angel didn’t look irritated. “Somehow we keep busy. And in these momentous days, even more so. Ellie’s case may be unique, but the need for our intervention is not. If it hadn’t been Adam Thorne requesting our aid, she would’ve had to wait.” His eyelids lowered, as if he were deep in thought. “And I don’t think she could’ve waited much longer. In fact, I think Ellie Russo is just in time. Both her selves know she is at the brink.”
Cam was afraid of that. The shadow was unmanageable. And if that hungry-for-life part of Ellie could touch at will, if she were as strong as Ellie claimed last night, as unruly as her behavior demonstrated, then yes, this was a very big problem. “And if she refuses your help?”
The angel met Cam at the door. “If she refuses, then nothing. I’ll leave her be. Eventually, though, and especially if the shadow proves dangerous, someone will have to take matters into their own hands.”
Cam flashed cold.
“Someone will have to take responsibility,” Laurence repeated, heavy with meaning.
Someone, huh? Why didn’t he just say you? Because Cam knew he was the only human who understood Ellie. And he was the one who’d agreed just an hour ago to stand by her, no matter what.
The angel was one tricky son of a bitch.
“And you will stop her, since you know how.” The angel leaned in, his blue gaze boring into Cam’s. “And how will you stop her? How will you end the shadow’s threat and Ellie’s torment?”
Cam looked away. This felt like one of Laurence’s aforementioned nudges.
“Say it, please,” said the angel, “so that I know we have a perfect understanding.”
“I have free will, too,” Cam bit out. Seemed like the angel needed reminding.
“And is it your will to allow her shadow to act with impunity?”
It didn’t have to be like that. Maybe they could reach the shadow somehow, like with the painting and even with the connection growing between Ellie and himself. Maybe they could find some way to really communicate with her.
The angel sighed. “You’re making a conscious effort to muddle your own mind, when the course is clear. Say it.”
Oh God, poor Ellie. She had to make the right choice, or he’d eventually have to make a worse one. He felt like shit. He was a shit, to agree to betray her.
“It’s not betrayal. Say it. What will you do, if and when it becomes necessary?”
Cam put his hands over his face for the privacy of dark to make a promise. He would do everything else first before taking this too-easy way out. Absolutely everything else first, but this.
“It’s hard, I know. But say it.”
Son of a bitch angel. This was not what he signed up for. Not what he came to Segue for. What the hell was wrong with the world that he, of all people, would be asked this?
“Now, please.”
Fine. Only if absolutely necessary. “I’ll kill her.”
Ellie saw movement in the crack beneath the kitchen door. Someone was coming to try to get her to change her decision. Of course they were. She got off the floor for a little dignity, but her decision was already made.
There was a knock.
She briskly answered it, finding Cam on the other side.
“How are you holding up?” he asked. He looked unhappy. She was too.
“I’m fine now, thanks.” Now that she had her control back. “And I want to thank you for everything you’ve done. You and Segue and Laurence. I was looking for a solution, and I clearly came to the right place.”
“But it’s not the solution you want.” He stepped inside, closing the door behind him.
“No, I’m afraid not.” It was the solution she had feared. Still, she was glad she had tried. At least she had an answer.
“I’m guessing you already know my argument against your decision.”
“Yep. I know all sides.” All the good, the passions that her shadow promised, and all the bad of her wildness, her shamelessness. Ellie took a deep breath, as deep as she could. “Which is why I’ve decided to go back home. It’s best if my shadow isn’t around other people.” She didn’t elaborate why. He could figure it out. Her shadow was stronger than she, and though her dark half hadn’t yet demonstrated violence, Ellie knew she was capable. Ellie had firsthand knowledge of what her shadow could do. She couldn’t very well allow that madness to possess her. Laurence was naïve to even offer.
“So you’re giving up.”
She stuck out her chin. “I’m being smart.”
“You know it can’t end well, right?” His voice lowered.
“It can’t end well no matter what I do, so I prefer to keep that thing outside of me.”
He nodded, though his expression showed he clearly did not agree. “There’s nothing I can say to change your mind?”
“No. I’m sorry.” She didn’t know why she added the last bit, except that she was disappointing him. And she liked him and didn’t want him thinking badly of her, even though it was inevitable.
“What about the danger—”
“I’m fully aware, thanks,” Ellie interrupted.
“Okay,” he said.
He moved so fast that her lips parted in a swift intake of breath. His arms went around her, one at her waist, one high at her shoulders, a hand to the back of her head. And his mouth came down on hers, hot, the texture all male. His body was tense, the length and strength of him evident in the hard planes of his muscle, the expert balance of their weight . . . but not like she’d seen or read in books. Especially the hot ones.
Her first kiss, only kiss. And she wanted to lose herself in it. In Cam, who was wonderful.
His mouth stroked hers, a tease for a response, and she tried to give back, holding on to him, and pressing with all her might. She molded her body to his, but the kiss was still . . . not . . . quite . . .
Ellie saw her shadow step out of the wall, a gleam of mine! in her eyes. Ellie squeezed her own eyes shut to deny her presence so that she could have this one moment to herself. One chance to kiss and be kissed. One chance before they went home.
But her shadow would not be denied. In a burn of fury, Ellie felt her shadow occupy the same space as her flesh and blood body. Felt the dark want of her self engage in the kiss, and with it a scorching passion that made the kiss delicious, the feel of his body a torment of not-quite bliss against her. His tongue rubbed hers, and she and her shadow responded with a slide of her own.
A tight place, low down, beat with need and her body changed in his hold from a clutch to a melding that begged for sex. Sex, she got it now. Cam growled from somewhere deep in his chest, tightening his arms.
Ellie wanted him.
The fever leaped, her vision blanking, her body tensing with a primal knowledge, loosening in preparation. Ready.
Too much! Ellie drew back, gasping for air and blinking hard. She fought her way out of Cam’s grasp and stumbled backward, hitting her head on a cupboard. Stars pricked into her vision, but not so many that she didn’t see her shadow still kissing Cam.
“Stop it!” Ellie yelled, though she didn’t know if she was yelling at herself or at him.
Cam’s eyes opened, flicked to her, a pace from his position. He shoved her shadow away from him, stuttering, “I . . . um . . .” while keeping her shadow at arm’s length.
It wasn’t fair. That feeling. That indescribable feeling. Her shadow got the best of everything. Absolutely everything.
“Ellie—” Cam said.
She cut him off. “Just don’t.” She shook her head, trying to get rid of the drugging feel of his kiss. She pulled her thoughts back together. The kiss had felt magnificent, but her shadow was just too damn strong. “That was a really good try—”
“Better than good,” Cam corrected.
“But you have to see how it won’t work, how she takes over.” Just look how dark, how real, her shadow had become.
Ellie turned abruptly and fumbled for a drink of water. Anything to occupy herself.
“But together—
She pushed the faucet lever full blast. “Together I won’t be me.”
Cam left Ellie to her drink, exiting the kitchen. She’d think it through and maybe come to another decision. The stunt her shadow had pulled had unnerved him too, and Ellie had had a lifetime of it. The kiss was an impulse. If discussion wasn’t going to change her mind, maybe a little demonstration would. Had it worked? Outlook, doubtful. Maybe he was rusty.
No. He’d done a damn fine job. And so had she.
He closed the door behind him, doubting her shadow would follow into the room occupied by the angel. After what had happened in the bedroom, Cam was pretty sure Ellie’s shadow hated the angel.
“Valiant effort,” Laurence said from his stance at the window, a sardonic curl to his mouth.
“Well, I try,” Cam answered back. The commentary was unnecessary.
What to do now? If she took the angel up on his offer, then she’d be cured. She might need counseling, but the threat the shadow posed would be over. If she opted against, then what? Would she be permitted to leave Segue? Who got to decide? Marshall? The angel? Adam Thorne?
“Or maybe you?” Laurence suggested.
“The mind reading thing is annoying,” Cam said. “Can you cut it out?”
“Yes, but I won’t. Not until matters are resolved.” The angel closed his eyes. “Which I think will be very soon.”
He had to be reading Ellie’s mind. “What’s she thinking? Is she going to do it?”
“I’m not in Ellie Russo’s mind, just now.” Laurence said. “I’m marveling at the audacity of the man intending to steal Kathleen O’Brien’s painting.”
Cam had been about to sit, but straightened in alarm instead. “What? Who?”
“The window into the Shadowlands, of course,” Laurence said. “And the thief would be your team leader, Dr. Leonard Joseph Shelstad.”
The Shadowlands. Shelstad? Yeah, he was prick enough when he wanted to be. Cam remembered the trees, the lushness of the growth. The thick magic in the dark spaces, and the species that existed within. Stealing that painting was beyond criminal—it was corrupt. Someone had to stop him.
“It’s an excellent opportunity, don’t you think?” Laurence opened his eyes. “Wouldn’t you be tempted? You’re a lot alike, after all. Both pledging your intellects to the study of magic.”
Where was security? Where were all the soldiers that were supposed to protect Segue?
“The soldiers were ordered away from this part of the building for my visit,” Laurence said. “The cameras are offline to protect the existence of my kind, the knowledge of which is worth more than any painting. Even that one.”
Angels. “Well, can’t you do something?”
“I can, but I won’t. It is against the credo—”
“Yeah yeah, I heard that part already,” Cam interrupted. The human interference thing. For pete’s sake, it was ridiculous. The angel would just stand by and do nothing. All right, God damn it, if the angel wouldn’t stop Lenny, Cam would. This whole business was a mess.
“Oh, dear,” Laurence said. “It seems Lenny has annoyed someone else with his intent as well. Can you guess who?”
Well, anybody who’d ever seen the painting.
Laurence flicked his gaze to the closed kitchen door. “Ellie’s shadow felt strongly about it last night, didn’t she?”
“Her shadow is in the kitchen.” But horror bloomed in Cam’s mind. Her shadow didn’t stay anywhere for long.
Laurence pressed his lips together and shook his head slightly. “She’s not there anymore.”
Ellie was just about to open the door—she was steady now and ready to face them—when it flew open before her.
She startled back a step, but Cam grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into the living room. “You’re in trouble. Somebody’s trying to steal that painting, and your shadow is attempting to stop them.”
“What?” But her attention caught on the man at the window. Laurence. His piercing regard made her squirm, but she wasn’t going to do what he asked, so he could just go ahead and look the other way.
“If the blade at Lenny’s throat is any indication,” Laurence said, his gaze never wavering, “you’d best hurry.”
Cam yanked Ellie’s arm. “Are you listening?” he demanded, dragging her toward the door. “Your shadow has got a knife to my boss’s throat.”
Her attention snapped to Cam.
A knife? Her shadow? Ellie shook her head to deny it. Couldn’t be. Not yet. Ellie had hoped to get away from this place, away from her farm even, far away from people, before she had to face this. It was too soon.
Cam jogged her down the hall, letting her arm go when she followed, with Laurence at the rear. She really wanted to run the other way. The hallway to the stairs was too short, the stairwell halved by the skipped steps on the way down. Cam foundered on the main level, not sure where to go. Laurence tilted his head in a direction, and they were off again, Cam bitterly mumbling nudge, which Ellie didn’t understand at all.
“We’ll be too late,” Cam said over his shoulder as he rushed through connecting rooms. “She’ll kill him before we can get there.”
“We’ll be just in time,” said Laurence, who was not out of breath at all. “I will make certain that what happens is not a factor of a few steps.”
Ellie knew he was bent on making her responsible.
The door to the last room was open, strange, grunting sounds coming from within.
Cam made to enter, but Laurence touched his shoulder, stopping him. Both looked at Ellie.
Ellie didn’t want to go in there. She didn’t want to face the worst in herself—that she was violent, maybe even a killer. For a second she thought to turn her back on the scene, but that would be silly and futile. Part of her was already inside. If she was going to do this thing, damn herself in front of Cam and Laurence and probably her Gran, who’d promised to watch over them, then all of her would be present.
Ellie entered first. The painting of the magical world leaned against the wall, one corner of its canvas cut from the frame and hanging forward in a curl. Nevertheless, the forest was once again alive with gorgeous promise. A man, the one with the long chin, lay on the floor at the painting’s base, his head craning toward the door as he gasped, “Help!” And her naked shadow, opaque and glossy in her solid state, straddled him. Her expression was ugly as she held a box cutter to his throat.
“You hurt the painting,” her shadow snarled.
Cam and Laurence entered and both circled around to view the damage and her shadow monster. Cam held a hand behind his back, as if he concealed something. He stood straight, almost rigid, like one of the soldiers. His skin had gone pasty pale, but he didn’t watch her shadow. Cam kept his eyes on Ellie.
“Now is as good a time as any, Ellie,” Laurence said. “I won’t hold her any longer.”
Any moment her shadow could draw the blade across the man’s throat.
Ellie shook her head. “I’m not strong enough for her anymore.” Years ago maybe, but even then . . .
“Please, Ellie,” Cam begged. He looked ill.
The man on the floor snorted through tears and snot. His face was flushed, sweat glistening. “Help me!” he screamed, though the movement sent a trickle of blood down his neck.
Gran would be so sad, so disappointed that it had come to this.
Ellie lifted her gaze to Laurence. “I’m not nearly strong enough, but I’ll try.”
Cam swayed on his feet, breathing relief. He must really care. His arm dropped to his side, and Ellie saw that he held a gun.
A shiver swept her as the reason for it popped into her mind. She hadn’t considered that he might have been planning to stop her shadow in the only way possible. By stopping her.
Laurence opened his palm toward the couple struggling on the floor in an invitation. “Quickly.”
Ellie knew what he meant. She had an idea from Cam’s kiss about how this would work. There was no way she could be passive about this merging. She had to take control herself.
She walked toward her panting shadow, whose eyes were wide and wild. With a gulp, Ellie lowered her body, crawling into the same crouch as her dark self. Her knees found the same bend, her thighs the same grip on the man’s trunk. Her hand on the blade.
Rage filled her, a tornado of it filling her mind. The painting. The beauty of forever. Pure seduction. Pure bliss. Freedom.
And this man was going to take it from her? He would die.
Ellie tried to pull the blade away, but it was her shadow that gripped it. Ellie’s flesh and blood hand came away clenched, but empty. Her shadow didn’t even signify her presence in the struggle. Ellie was nothing to her. Anger was paramount.
Ellie looked up at Laurence. If he was going to do something, he’d better get on with it.
Laurence’s hand was outstretched toward her, his lips moving as if casting a spell, concentration in the flex of his features.
A wave of warm air hit Ellie. Her vision blurred as the room warped. Her heart had been beating in fear, but the tempo doubled, layered with overwhelming emotion, a sea of it that drowned her mind. All she knew was the fury that ruled her shadow and a pricking of her flesh. The pricks became a fierce itch, the same intense tingling as sleeping limbs waking, then a burn sizzled her skin, blood, and bones. Something fusing within her.
The pain grew until Ellie screamed, contracting her limbs to curl into a fetal ball. No relief. She threw her head back, the force of it rolling her from the man’s body. The man scrambled back, wiping at his face and nose, cursing and spitting.
And that’s when Ellie knew that she and her shadow were one.
She clambered up, dazed at what had occurred. The forever painting was safe, thank God, the horrible man alive. She shook with raging emotion—still raw, still powerful, could kill him, but it seemed she had mastered her shadow after all.
She was in charge.
With a huge sigh of relief, and an uncertain smile thrown toward Cam, Ellie relaxed.
Everything was going to be okay. Finally. And really, it hadn’t been so very hard.
Her shadow wrenched free of her, taking the blade, and launched itself into the air toward the man on the floor.
Ellie lunged after—No!—reaching to restrain her dark self, who halted in the middle of her strike.
A loud pop, gunshot, almost made Ellie lose her hold. She looked in the direction of the noise, at Cam, who held a smoking gun pointed at her.
Ellie held her shadow aloft as Laurence had earlier, her shadow clawing toward her target. Ellie dropped to her knees as her shadow dimmed.
At the edge of her vision, the blade clattered to the floor.
And the floor rushed up to smack her into oblivion.