Fate is a three-faced witch named Moira. Maid,
mother, and crone, Moira weaves the patterns of humankind’s life
threads so that each intersection seems prescribed from the first
wail of birth. So subtle is she that humankind invokes her name at
moments large and small, sad and joyous, as an answer to or
explanation of events—it was fate, destiny,
kismet—when that is not always the case.
The irony is that Moira is one of the fae, and
therefore has a far more circumscribed existence than any human
being. Her scissors may be sharp, but she hasn’t yet discovered the
power to set them down, as has Shadowman with his
And she is bitter because no matter how
tightly she ties her knots, mortal free will can loose them
The Shadowlands Treatise
The Shadowlands Treatise