For my good friends at Coldwell Banker Schmidt in Kalkaska: Julie Vance for her kindness and endless help, Bob Murray for his wonderful stories, Chad Anderson for his patience, Marti Wilson for sharing the bottom of the totem pole with me, Jeff Fitch for his many “Beautiful Day!” pronouncements and constant good humor, Phyllis Hermes for her laughter, and Jim Williams for his innate goodness.

For my good friends at the Kalkaska Public Library: Kate Mosher, Deb Bull, Shirley Hill, Margaret Beebe, Barbara Joabar, Bonnie Reed, and Janith Ottgen. Also my many thanks to the Kalkaska Library Book Club and the Friends of the Kalkaska County Library for all their support.

And most especially for Greg Hughes. While his technical assistance and his love of mysteries save me from big mistakes in police procedure, any errors found are solely mine.