
This was no place for something so grim. Not out here at this peaceful lake. We squatted next to each other there in the damp sand, looking with morbid curiosity at the small skull. Light yellow stains colored the base. At the back, like a bull’s-eye, was that round hole the size of a nickel. Dolly moved so she could see the front of the skull and pointed to another neat round hole, an almost perfect bull’s-eye between the empty sockets. Awful thing. The skull looked pierced, as if for hanging. Somebody’s idea of a weird trophy.

I couldn’t help thinking that if it hadn’t been turned up the way it was, maybe by an animal; if it had been face down in the sand, I wouldn’t have given it a second thought: just an unimportant glacial rock uncovered by receding waters. All the Great Lakes suffered from lowering levels. Some said St. Clair River dredging was leaching our water out through the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Atlantic Ocean. Some said it was the water bottlers, stealing our groundwater. Some said relax—it’s the big wheel turning. Part of a natural cycle. We’ll have our water back one day and complain then of flooding.

Sandy Lake was down from what I remembered. The shore was much wider. Up fifteen feet in back of us, the old shoreline cut a deep ridge into the sand.

Water lapped gently at my feet, turning my sandals from brown to black. I stepped in farther to get a look as Dolly pointed beyond the skull, out to where the water got darker, murkier, deeper, out to where yellow pollens floated gracefully over more bones: humped rib bones, maybe an arm bone, other scattered bones. And nearby, next to the deeper bones, submerged planks—some kid’s attempt at a raft a long time ago.

“Poor thing,” I said, feeling protective of the bare bones. “Somebody must’ve drowned when the water was high. You should have called the state police right away.” I kept my voice respectfully low despite, or because of, the wind-slurred silence around us.

Dolly shot me a sideways, disgusted look. “You don’t see that hole?”

“Hmm,” I said and winced.

Dolly’s big shoes dug deeper into the sand. She shifted her gun around to her back and put a hand out to steady herself, fingers digging a deep hold beside her. She lowered her head and looked down as if to talk to the skull. She had that kind of face on, mouth a little open, eyes filled with sadness.

“I was supposed to call the state police. I couldn’t call anybody.” Her voice broke as she stood up. “I think I know who she was.”

“Dolly …,” I whispered. There was something deep and ominous around us. We had walked a long way to where the bones lay, off where people who knew the lake never came. There were a few rows of fresh footprints. Two of the rows must’ve been the mushroomers approaching and leaving fast. The others were Dolly’s—when she came out to investigate then ran to get me. Then ours. Like footprints over a hill in the middle of the desert, even these prints seemed out of place here, where everything else was undisturbed.

Three huge crows passed overhead. A shudder moved across Dolly’s wide back as echoes of their cawing died away. She pulled her hat off and rested it against her leg as her lips moved and her eyes closed. Dolly was praying.

“Dolly,” I said after a few uncomfortable minutes.

Another high-flying crow cawed a reverberating caw. A red-winged blackbird flew slowly overhead, watching what we did. Along the shore around us were the toed footprints of many birds. I recognized the signature print of a raccoon. Nothing bigger. No bears here pawing at the bones. No murderer’s footsteps loping away. But there wouldn’t be. Too many years … something happened out here I didn’t want to think about.

Sandy Lake wasn’t a place many people knew about, and I’d been told it was best to stay away. Before I’d gotten strange feelings out here, I came to watch a mother swan and her cygnets. That was my first spring in northern Michigan. I was lonely then, before I learned to live alone. I didn’t yet know my neighbors—Crazy Harry Mockerman; Simon, my helpful mailman. I hadn’t yet made friends with people in town like Eugenia Fuller of Fuller’s EATS, a genealogy-crazed woman with a proud heritage of ancestral outlaws.

I didn’t string at the newspaper in Traverse City where I now knew and respected the editor, Bill Corcoran. And, of course, that was before I knew Deputy Dolly Wakowski, who was bent on making a reporter out of me, or at least a writer of something useful, if it killed her. I had thought this place healing—the silence, the deep, unmoving sand. Maybe, I’d thought then, it was my “road less taken.” A place where my muse resided, like visiting the Oracle in Greece. I imagined this a healing spot where ideas for new novels would spring directly from the waters into my brain. Still, even back three years ago I’d felt too exposed, too breathless, too afraid of emptiness out here.

I stopped coming.

Now human bones lay at my feet and the small lake was changed again. Fear. Death. A pile of bones. Dolly’s painful voice: I think I know who she was.


Dolly nodded.

“There’s no telling from …” I gave a half wave toward the skeleton.

“Mushroom hunters thought it was some kind of Indian burial they’d come on,” Dolly said finally, voice low though there was no one but the three of us, or rather the two of us, and whoever the bones had been, to hear. “I think they called the tribe.”

“They’re probably right,” I said. Picked-clean bones like these could have been anyone.

I wrapped my arms around my body, holding myself tight, as much to be reminded I was alive and had nothing to do with a bare skull, as for warmth.

“Nope,” she said. “Don’t think so. I only saw her the once but … I know what that is.”

She pointed one pudgy finger toward the water, beyond where the skull lay.

I hunched forward and followed to where the finger pointed. Something out there. A small mound of corroded metal with a red bit sticking out.

“What is it?” I asked her, still whispering.

Dolly took a long, deep breath, reached into the water, and, with one finger, dug out a chain with metal dangling from it. And something red. She turned to me, eyes lost in the shadow of the brimmed hat she’d settled back on her head. “I think … it might be my wedding present.” She looked me straight in the eye. She let the metal chain play between her hands, running it lovingly across her fingers.

That last part didn’t sink in at first. I was too upset at what she was doing.

“You know better … No evidence tampering. I’m not going to be a party to …” I thought a minute. “What the heck do you mean, ‘my wedding present’?”

She settled the chain with oblong tags gently into her open hand. All I knew about Dolly’s husband was that he’d left her a long time ago. Just gone, she’d said and shrugged. I never thought any more about it.

“Chet gave me his dog tags when we got married. All he had. See this?” She prodded the rusty chain, exposing a small red charm that looked like a beer stein. “He was in the army. Motor pool in Germany before we met. Got this charm over there and was proud of serving his country. Talked a lot about being in Germany. About the girls. But …” She stopped, reading my eyes. “I’d better get you home. No sense you being in on … well … I just wanted you to see I didn’t do anything else. I’m not covering up for anybody. Not Chet. I wouldn’t do that.”

“You mean, you think the bones belong to your ex … or whatever he still is … husband?”

“No. Not his,” she said, vehemently shaking her head. “Last time I saw these dog tags they was on a real young woman. She was with Chet at The Skunk Saloon in town. I went in there one afternoon, just looking around to make sure nothing was going on. Saw her with these. My wedding present, can you imagine? I hardly looked at the woman, just kept staring at the dog tags around her neck. Walked out of there and Chet came running, trying to tell me she was nobody and why didn’t I ever believe him. But he didn’t follow me home. Next thing he was gone, and so was she—I guess.”

“This is the woman?”

Dolly shrugged and threaded the dog tags into her breast pocket. “If it is, Chet could be in big trouble. If the bones turn out to be male then I’ll tell what I know. It would have to be him. If they’re hers … well … I’ve gotta find him, talk to him before I say anything to anybody. Not that I’d let ’im get away but … I guess I owe my family that much. Benefit of the doubt.”

“What the hell’s going on, Dolly? Unless you’ve gone completely out of your mind, I can’t protect you. Not after what you just did. Put those dog tags back. You’re interfering with an investigation. My God, Dolly, you’re hiding evidence. That’s everything you would never do. And you know you don’t have any fam—”

She shook her head, stopping me as she stood and brushed sand from her trousers. “I’ll take you home, call the Gaylord post on the way. Then you’re out of it. The mushroomers are staying at the cabins on US131, too upset, they said, to hang around. Nobody but you knows anything so far.” She set off ahead of me up the beach.

I wanted to protest. I didn’t know what I had witnessed, and didn’t feel right about any of it. Dolly had pulled me into something I didn’t want to be a part of. I felt a chill like the chills that come just before the weather turns; the kind of feeling you get when you know you’re in for it but there’s no place to run.

I followed along with my head down until Dolly stopped dead beside me. She stood still, not even a breath. Her eyes turned up toward the tree line. The expression on her face, as her eyes stayed fixed on a place among the trees, told me something more was going on.

A dark figure stood there, just before the darkness of the woods. A man watched us from up among the quaking aspen, the new spring leaves making shivering shadows over him as they danced on a strange breeze that didn’t reach us. The man was tall, with long, straight black hair blowing around his head and face. He was broad shouldered. I couldn’t see his face, only the outline of him as he stood motionless, watching.

“One of the Indians,” Dolly whispered. “Mushroomers called ’em after all.”

“He saw you,” I whispered, not taking my eyes off the man. “He must’ve been watching when you took those dog tags.”

“Naw,” she said, but shuffled her feet and squinted hard at the ground.

The man didn’t move. I wanted to wave or call out. Anything to break the silence. But even as we watched, he disappeared. As if he’d only been a shadow, he was gone.

“See,” Dolly said, but with a catch in her voice. “He didn’t see a thing.”

“Oh, Dolly,” I moaned. I wanted to go home. I wanted to stick my head under a pillow and come out when whatever was going to happen was over.

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” I said.