Chapter 41
"That's it, then," Devi said softly. Her eyes moved to the door opening onto the balcony. Through the glass, she could see the city and the two great ships that loomed over the skyline. "It's over."
"I'd hardly say it's 'over,' Sanjay," came Liepsich's voice over the telephone.
Devi shook her head, even though the physicist couldn't see the gesture. "To be sure. But our part in it is over. We were never the solution, you know. Only the ones who could create a soluble problem. Which we did. Isolated the poison into an organ that could be surgically removed, if you will. The surgery itself will be done by others."
There was a barking laugh in the receiver. "Van Klomp bears a lot more resemblance to a battle axe than a scalpel."
"All the better."
"Don't forget that Talbot's still on the loose."
"I'll handle Talbot."
As much as she'd tried, she hadn't been able to keep the steely purpose out of her voice. She could hear Liepsich's sudden intake of breath on the other end.
"What difference does it make, Len?" she asked gently. "I feel quite well, I assure you."
"If you'd stayed back on Earth . . ."
"I wouldn't have been able to help create a new world. Three of them, in fact—don't forget my other children." The last clause was a command, not a reminder. "You can't live forever, anyway."
Silence, for a moment. Then, even more gently than she'd spoken: "I care for you deeply, Sanjay."
"I know. Give my love to John, would you? Add an insult if you can think of a suitable one. And now, good-bye. Killing swine requires a sharp blade."
She hung up the phone, slowly but firmly.