Chip: A vat-grown conscript. A thing of rags and tatters.
Ginny: A damsel of high degree-o.
Fitz: The very model of a modern Major.
Van Klomp: A large parachute officer.
Sanjay Devi: Hecate.
John Needford: A schemer, well-dressed.
Len Liepsich: A schemer, hitching up his pants.
Mike Capra: A legal beagle.
Ogata: A legal eagle.
Talbot Cartup: A villain in the first degree.
General Cartup-Kreutzler: His brother-in-law; and accomplice.
Tana Gainor: the original asp in Cleopatra's bosom; with bosom.
Fal: Great of stomach and small of martial vigor.
Doll: A rattess of considerably negotiable virtue.
Melene: A rat damsel of acumen and a very attractive tail.
Pistol: One-eyed rat-at-arms.
Nym: A veritable giant among rats; with a mechanical bent.
Doc: Rat philosopher and medic.
Ariel: A rattess of fell repute; and always with Fitz.
Pooh-Bah: A rat of many parts.
Bronstein: She-bat who must be obeyed.
O'Niel: A somewhat plump bat, fond of drink.
Eamon: A large and dangerous bat.
Et Alia
Fluff: Alias Kong
Yetteth: Jampad; a prisoner on the Korozhet ship.
Darleth: Jampad; head of the Ratafia
Various Korozhet villains.
And a large supporting cast, numbering in millions for the greatest production off Earth!