I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the following, all of whom took an active role in helping me create this book: Abby Frucht, Mary Domenico, Mary Grimm, Jenni Tsafrir, Joan Leegant, Kathy Jacobi and George Eltman, for reading the manuscript at various stages and providing excellent suggestions; Ayelet Hadar, for sharing her love and knowledge of Vermeer, and a theory all her own; Miriam Wrobel, for immeasurable help with all things concerning ballet, choreography and Denmark; Peter Koeppe in Berlin, the late Lui Beilin in Copenhagen and Terry Goodman Lipman in Jerusalem, for deepening my familiarity with my characters and their milieux; Jill Horowitz, for hospitality and the Sophie Calle exhibit that changed everything; Carolyn Starman Hessel, for ongoing encouragement and advice over excellent food; agents Deborah Harris and Robert Guinsler, for knowing when to say no and when to say yes; Rakesh Satyal, for unparalleled editorial acumen; Vermont College of Fine Arts and the MacDowell Colony, for the space to create; Rosalie Fallenberg, for behind-the-scenes assistance; and, especially, Yariv, Yonina, Micha and Hagai, my four reasons why.