Chapter 21
Jak was waiting at the head of the path when Leadless appeared to escort him into the forest. After the gnome left, no one spoke to Jak until Tamisin arrived with her fairy escort, who stayed long enough to circle Jak as if to remind him that he’d better mind his manners.
Jak took one look at Tamisin’s expression and said, “Isn’t she willing to help? I thought she might let you stay here until she gets it straightened out with the goblins.”
“Oh, I’ll be staying here, all right. Tell me, Jak, did you know she was my mother? Was I the only one who had no clue that—”
“Titania is your mother? You’re joking, right?” When Tamisin shook her head, Jak’s legs went weak and he had to sit down on the hollow log behind him. It made sense that the fairy queen was her mother. After all, they both could control the weather. He couldn’t believe that he’d been traveling with Titania’s daughter. Of course, he’d intended to kidnap Tamisin, and he would have if it hadn’t turned into a rescue. He was in so much trouble …
“I look just like her,” Tamisin was saying when Jak began to pay attention again. “Titania is the one those people were talking about at the inn. Tobi knew about it. He had to. Did you know that he’s one of Titania’s spies? He had given her his latest report just before I got there. He didn’t want me to know about it and was awfully nervous when he saw me. Titania as much as admitted it, although I don’t think she intended to.”
Jak buried his face in his hands. “I had no idea she was your mother,” he said. “I’ve never been to court before, or seen the queen during any of her travels. How was I supposed to know that you looked like her? And if Tobi’s a spy … How did he … I mean, when—”
“You can ask him yourself when you see him. He’s here somewhere.”
“That would explain why he always knew so much about what was going on. He came and told me things … I thought he’d learned them from my uncle, but if he was really working for Titania … And to think that I trusted him!”
“He’s still your friend, Jak. I don’t think Tobi would do anything to hurt you.”
“Not intentionally, maybe,” Jak said, rubbing the scar on his forehead where the broken pottery shard had hit him in the Pit.
When he felt Tamisin sit down beside him, Jak glanced at her and said, “Was Titania happy to see you?”
“She said she was, but then she told me how all her problems are my fault.”
“Why would she say that?”
“She didn’t say it in so many words, but she did say that because I came to see her, the goblins know that she had a half-human child and that they’re going to use the knowledge against her. Oberon is away and so is half her army, so she’s got a real problem. So do I. She said I can’t go home. I have to stay in her forest or the goblins will kill me, or worse, whatever that means.”
“Do you want to go home?” asked Jak.
“I don’t know what I want, but I do know that I don’t want to stay here forever. I fit in here even less than I did in the human world. Have you seen how delicate these fairies are? Even the big ones look fragile. I feel like an elephant in a room full of baby chicks. One false move and I’ll crush the lot of them.”
“From what I’ve heard, I’d say that fairies aren’t as fragile as they look. And I don’t think you’re being fair to yourself. You might like it here after a few days. I’ve seen worse places to live.”
“I’ve been trying to remember why I ever wanted to meet my mother. I guess I expected too much. I was hoping she’d be this wonderful woman who loved me and missed me and couldn’t wait to meet me and we’d ask each other all sorts of questions. Did you know that when I met Titania today, the only thing she wanted to know about me was how I’d learned that I was a fairy? I didn’t really get to ask her much. I wanted to ask about my father. She did tell me that he’s dead.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” said Jak.
“She also said that the goblins would be even more stirred up if they knew that my father was a human who’d been made to look like a goblin, as if being human was a horrible thing and even worse if they thought he was mocking the oh-so-wonderful goblins. Then she said that everything she was trying to prevent is going to happen because I came here.”
“You’ve forgotten that the goblins were looking for you even in the human world. I wonder if Titania knows how long they’ve been after you. Oh, yeah,” he said, shaking his head. “Forget I said that. If Tobi knew, I’m sure she did, too.”
“Was that goblin telling the truth when he said that you went to the human world to kidnap me?”
“I wouldn’t put it that way, exactly,” Jak said, choosing his words carefully. “I went to find you and persuade you to come back with me, but I had no idea who you were. All I knew was that you had seen goblins when no one else could and that you were a danger to goblin-kind, especially since you could throw lightning bolts as easily as most humans throw Frisbees.”
“That’s ridiculous!” said Tamisin.
“I had a feeling you didn’t know you had the talent. You never seemed to do it on purpose. Haven’t you noticed that there’s thunder and lightning whenever you’re upset?”
Tamisin shook her head. “No, there isn’t!”
“Really?” said Jak. “What about my Halloween party?”
“That was a coincidence! How could lightning have anything to do with me?”
“That’s what I wondered,” said Jak, “although it makes sense now that we know about your mother. I had no clue, but I wonder if anybody else did. My uncle was awfully interested in you. I couldn’t figure out why he would care so much that you could see goblins, or control lightning, for that matter, but if he had already made the connection and figured out who you were …”
“What do you suppose he wanted with me?” Tamisin asked.
Jak shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe he wanted to hold you hostage to get something from your mother, or maybe, if your mother was right, he wanted to use you as evidence for what she had done. I don’t think he would have hurt you. He’s an honorable goblin, not at all like Nihlo.”
“Thank you, Jak, for not taking me to your uncle when I asked you to bring me here instead. I’ve probably gotten you in trouble—”
“A lot less trouble than you would have been in if we’d gone to see him!”
“But you didn’t ask for any of this,” said Tamisin.
“Neither did you,” said Jak.
“Pardon me, but would you mind moving?” A three-headed troll had come up beside them and was pointing at their boulder. “I have to take this to the ring for extra seating. The older fairies like to sit down after the first dance or two.”
Tamisin sighed and gave Jak a tremulous smile before telling the troll, “We’ll get out of your way in just a second.” Turning back to Jak, she added, “I think we should look around. I want to see more of my new home, and I want you to go with me.”
They explored the forest after that, watching the fairies who washed the flowers with dew, snipped the spent flowers off their stems, and polished the rocks until they gleamed. They saw goblin women baking bread in ovens made of clay and fairies mixing juice in a hollowed-out log. Nymphs stepped out of their trees to pick baskets of nuts and fruit while a troll woman made dainty pastries with her big, beefy hands.
An old wooden door had been placed atop two stumps, creating a table to hold the food. After filling plates made from tightly woven grasses, Jak and Tamisin wandered until they reached the ring where the fairies would dance that night. They chose a boulder set just outside the ring and sat side by side to watch the fairies trim the grass and decorate the surrounding trees with flowers.
“So what do you intend to do next?” Tamisin asked Jak between bites.
“I think I’d like to go back to your town,” said Jak. “The people are friendlier there and they accept each other for who they are. Humans aren’t very well liked here, and I’m tired of being told that I have ‘tainted’ blood.”
“Not everybody is accepting in my world,” said Tamisin.
Jak shrugged. “Of course, even if we could get there, you know we wouldn’t be left alone. The goblins would come looking for you and probably me as well. Don’t worry,” he added. “I’ll think of something. We’ll both be going back there. Just wait and see.”
“They told me I could find ya here,” said a voice, and they looked up to find Tobi with a peach in his hand.
“Where did you go?” Jak asked. “The last time I saw you, Nihlo was trying to separate me from my hide.”
“Ya looked like ya could handle yerself, so I took off. I didn’t want to get in yer way.”
Jak shook his head. “More likely you went to report to the fairy queen. We know you’re her spy, Tobi. You don’t need to pretend that you aren’t.”
“What? Me? I never …,” Tobi began, but then he shrugged when he saw the expressions on their faces. “’Twasn’t like it was my idea. She made me do it after she heard that a human girl had seen me. She wanted to know what ya looked like, Tamisin. When I told her that the girl looked just like her, she made me promise to tell her anything more I heard about ya. I didn’t have anything to tell her until Targin wanted me to help Jak find ya. Now she wants me to tell her every little thing! She’d said I couldn’t tell ya about her bein’ yer mother, but when I heard that those goblins tried to kill ya …”
“Your Highness!” called a full-sized fairy from the other side of the ring. Her arms were cradling something blue and frothy that sparkled in the sunlight. Ignoring the outraged cries of the fairies who’d been meticulously grooming the center of the circle, she traipsed across it, scowling at Jak and Tamisin. “You should have told someone where you were going. I’ve wasted a lot of time looking for you. The queen says that you must wear this to the dance.” The fairy handed Tamisin the blue dress she’d been carrying, then stepped back and shrank to the size of a dragonfly.
“Wait!” shouted Tamisin. “I’d like to talk to my mother.”
The little fairy turned big again in a shower of sparkling lights. “Her Highness is busy with important matters and can’t be bothered now,” she said, looking annoyed.
“When can I talk to her again?” asked Tamisin.
“When she wants to talk to you,” said the fairy. This time when she shrank, she darted away before Tamisin could say another word.
“What is it?” Jak asked, but Tamisin was already shaking out the fabric and holding it up at arm’s length. A pair of shoes that had been wrapped inside the fabric fell to the ground, the light reflecting off pale blue crystals.
“Ohh!” she breathed. “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!” It was a sleeveless dress made of fabric the same shade of blue as the summer sky on a cloudless day. Slender green vines twined across the bodice and over the shoulder straps, then encircled the back that had been cut low enough for wings. Tiny crystals matching those on the shoes were scattered across the dress, making it shimmer at the slightest movement.
“Very nice,” said Jak.
“It’s glorious!” she said. “But what about you? She didn’t send anything for you to wear.”
“I doubt they expect me to dance,” said Jak.
“I’ll dance!” said Tobi. “I’m real light on my toes.”
“But you’ll go, won’t you?” Tamisin asked, reaching for Jak’s hand. “I don’t want to go unless you go with me.”
“I will if you want me to,” said Jak.
“I do!” Tamisin said, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “I have got to go try this on! Do you mind?”
“Go right ahead,” he said.
Tamisin left and Tobi disappeared to find more food, leaving Jak staring blankly at the ground in front of him. Although Tamisin didn’t want to stay with the fairies, Jak knew that at least for the time being it was the right place for her. Unfortunately, as far as he could see he had no place to go. As a goblin, he couldn’t stay with the fairies much longer. He was sure that the only reason he had been allowed in their forest at all was because he had escorted Tamisin. His welcome was bound to run out soon, and when it did, he’d have to find somewhere to live. He would have gone back to his uncle’s, but he doubted that Targin would want to see him after he’d messed up his plans, whatever they had been. And although he would have liked to return to Tamisin’s school, it wouldn’t be the same unless she was there.
He was still thinking about what he would do next when a voice called, “Psst! Hey, Jak!” It was Bruno, calling to him from a group of holly trees set back from the fairy ring.
“Bruno! How are you doing? Are you off duty now?”
“Shh!” Bruno whispered so loudly that the fairies trimming the far side of the ring turned to look. Waving his paw in the air, the bear goblin gestured for Jak to join him. Curious, Jak followed Bruno deeper into the woods, away from the ring and the watching eyes of the fairies. They didn’t stop walking until they’d left the last of the fairies behind and come to a part of the forest that wasn’t nearly as well tended as the rest.
“Why are you being so secretive?” Jak asked when Bruno finally turned to face him.
“Because he’s here.” Bruno stepped aside so Jak could see Barth. “He came to see you,” said Bruno, “but I had to sneak him in. He’s not supposed to be here, and frankly, I’m not either. Make this fast. I have to be back at my station in a few minutes.”
Barth nodded. “I won’t be long. I had to come warn you, Jak. Word is out that your cousin is planning to kidnap that girl during some dance.”
“The dance is tonight, but what can Nihlo do? There are guards at the entrances, and I’m sure they won’t let any goblins get near Tamisin.”
“Nihlo is tricky,” said Barth. “I don’t know the details, but I heard from a friend who has a friend who knows Nihlo, who said that there’s a Gate to a Gate. I was hoping that you would know what that meant, because I sure don’t.”
Jak shook his head. “I don’t either. Maybe your friend heard it wrong.”
“Maybe,” said Barth. “Anyway, I thought you should know.”
“Thanks,” said Jak. “I appreciate it.”
“Come on, Barth, I don’t know how I’m going to sneak you past Leadless a second time, but I’m going to try. See ya, Jak.”
“Yeah,” said Jak, whose mind was already somewhere else. Although Jak didn’t know exactly what Barth might have meant by Gate to a Gate, something was nagging at him. It had happened the Halloween that he went to the city with his class, but he just couldn’t… And then he remembered the Gates. He had arrived through one and left through another. Although the Gates at the school had been fairly close together, the Gates in the city had been miles apart. What if the reverse was also true if only one could find it? What if there was a Gate in the world of the fey that could take one to a Gate in the human world close to another Gate that would take them somewhere very different in the world of the fey? And what if that other Gate was within an enemy’s territory, somewhere no one would expect it to be? “Gate to a Gate,” Jak said out loud. “That has to be it!”
“Good for you!” said a voice only a few feet away. Jak spun around, but he already knew it was too late. Bruno and Barth were gone, and he was alone in the forest with Nihlo and the boar goblin, the last people he wanted to see. The guards had taken away his knife before he was allowed to enter the fairies’ forest, so Jak no longer had a weapon with which to defend himself or the time to make one. “I knew you would figure it out,” said Nihlo. “Tobi was right. You are smart, for a human that is.”
“Bruno and Barth aren’t—”
“In on this? No, I used those two berry brains to get you here, that’s all. It was easy to let Barth learn just enough of my plan that he would think he was really on to something.”
“But why …” Jak turned his head as the boar goblin plunged a slim knife into his back. The poison worked faster this time, perhaps because it was closer to his heart. His cousin was waiting to catch him when his legs collapsed, then a hooded figure stepped out of the shadows behind Nihlo and turned toward the light shimmering between two trees. Remembering what it had been like the last time he’d been poisoned, Jak closed his eyes so they wouldn’t dry out. Unable to see or move, all Jak could do was listen as they dragged him to the Gate.
Tamisin loved the dress. It fit her as if it had been made for her, which she thought was probably true. She loved the silky feel of it on her skin. She loved the way it rustled when she walked. But most of all she loved the way it looked when she saw her reflection in a small pond. The nymph who lived in the pond had been kind enough to still the water so Tamisin could see herself. At first Tamisin had thought it was a trick and that she wasn’t looking at herself at all, but when she moved her hand and the reflection did, too, she began to see that maybe she was the beautiful creature looking back at her. If only my mother could see me, she thought, but it wasn’t Titania she had in mind.
Tamisin was still admiring the image in the pond when a fairy in a fluffy pink dress and matching cap stopped by to fix her hair. The fairy brushed it with a nettle brush, shaking her head and clucking her tongue at the snarls. When she was finished, she looked pleased with her creation and even more pleased when Tamisin said how much she liked it. Tamisin’s long blond hair was still loose around her shoulders, but now she had a dusting of mica specks to make it sparkle and sprigs of forget-me-nots tucked among the locks.
By the time Tamisin went to look for Jak, the entire forest was alive with creatures big and small hustling and bustling as they prepared for the dance. Fairy and goblin handmaidens hurried back and forth on errands for the queen. Some of the goblins ran on four feet and some on two, while some of the fairies flew and others walked. Tamisin had to keep watch in all directions so she didn’t bump into anyone or get in their way. Their excitement was contagious and she found herself looking forward to the dance, if only she could find Jak—she couldn’t find him anywhere.
Feeling lonesome and a little bit lost, she decided to go see Titania, regardless of what the fairy who had brought the dress had said. After finding a familiar part of the forest, Tamisin retraced her steps to where she thought she might find the mossy glade. She found what she thought were the same rhododendrons, but instead of a clearing behind them there were only more shrubs and trees. Confused, she stopped the next big fairy she saw. “I’d like to speak to the queen,” she said. “Can you tell me how to find her?”
The fairy seemed irritated at first, but then she took a good look at Tamisin, her eyes opened wide, and she gasped, “It’s you! You’re the one who released me when that awful boy had me trapped in a cup. I never thought I’d get the chance to thank you.”
Tamisin smiled. “I’m glad I was able to help. Do you think you could help me now, though? I was sure the queen’s throne was around here somewhere.”
The fairy shook her mop of pale blue curls. “No one can find Titania unless she wants to be found, unless of course you’re one of her guards or handmaidens. And don’t ask one of them to take you because they won’t unless she tells them to.”
“But I was just talking to her a few hours ago, and her throne was right there,” said Tamisin, pointing at the shrubs.
“It’s not there now, is it?” said the fairy, not bothering to turn around. “I wouldn’t keep looking for it if I were you. It would just be a waste of time. Speaking of time, I still have so much to do. Thanks again for helping me!” With a wave of her hand, the fairy scurried off.
Tamisin felt lonelier than ever. Whenever she got ready for a dance at home, her mother fussed over her. Although she’d found it irritating, she missed it now and wished she were home where people cared about her. Trying not to think about all the people she might never see again, she started back to where she had last seen Jak. She passed the spot where they’d eaten their lunch, but the boulder they’d sat on had been moved, and any sign that they had dawdled there had been swept away. Preparations were almost finished around the fairy ring. Trolls were rearranging the boulders, which pixies draped with cloths in bright flower colors. Fairies placed bowls of fruit and nuts on the cloths while lady gnomes lugged out pot after pot of nectar, honey, and fresh cream.
When the sun began to set, fireflies lined up wing to wing on the branches of the neighboring trees, shedding a fanciful, flickering light. Tamisin thought the dance was about to begin when a pompous-looking gnome strutted into the center of the ring, but he was there to measure the height of the grass. When he found some that was too tall, he motioned for the fairies who had spent the day trimming it to trim it some more. While other gnomes inspected the flowers strung from branch to branch, and the mushrooms edging the ring, Tamisin walked around the entire circumference, trying to find Jak.
As the night grew darker and the fairies and their friends assembled for the dance, Tamisin felt more and more anxious.
“How ya doin’, Princess?” said Tobi, suddenly appearing in front of her.
“Have you seen Jak? I can’t find him anywhere.”
“Not since ya went to change yer clothes. That’s a mighty nice dress ya got there. Is it as soft as it looks?”
Seeing that Tobi was about to touch her dress with his sticky fingers, Tamisin twitched the fabric out of the way. “Don’t you dare touch it until you’ve washed your hands!”
Tobi frowned as he examined his fingers. “What’s wrong with ’em? Here, is this better?” he asked and licked them.
Tamisin shuddered. “No, it’s not. If you’ll excuse me, I have to find Jak.”
“Why?” said Tobi. “He’s prolly hiding so he don’t hafta dance!”
“Jak wouldn’t do that,” she replied, her throat tight with anger. “He promised he’d come. Despite what you might think, Jak has never lied to me. He didn’t take me anywhere I didn’t want to go, regardless of what Nihlo said. And he wasn’t spying on me to report to my mother like you were—and probably still are. I’d appreciate it if you’d stay away from me, Tobi! I have enough things to worry about without you reporting everything I say or do!”
Tobi looked stunned. “But I didn’t… I wasn’t … I wouldn’t…”
Lightning flashed overhead as Tamisin turned her back and stalked away, leaving the little goblin sputtering.
Tamisin was furious—at Tobi for talking about Jak that way, at Jak if he really had stood her up. She was debating whether or not she should continue looking for him when Titania arrived with her handmaidens and everyone began to line up behind them. A goblin girl with a plumed tail like a squirrel’s took Tamisin’s hand in her own and led her to the front of the line, just behind Titania. The fairy queen was dressed in a shimmery silver gown that seemed to flow over her body like liquid silver. Covered with precious gems, it caught the light at a thousand points, making Tamisin’s gown look dull in comparison. Titania smiled graciously at Tamisin, then proceeded to walk through the forest, leading the line that grew progressively longer as more of the fey joined in. Wherever they walked, Tamisin looked for Jak, hoping she might yet see him, but he seemed to have vanished entirely.
It was midnight when the dance began, and the moon shone down on the revelers, adding its light to that of the fireflies. Titania was the first to step into the ring, and then Tamisin and the handmaidens followed while the rest of the fairies stood outside and watched. With so many eyes on her, Tamisin felt close to panicking.
And then the music began and Tamisin no longer had time to think. Titania took a dozen steps, her movements so graceful that she seemed to float above the grass. Then the handmaidens followed her, copying her movements like shadows in a brightly lit room. When they turned to Tamisin, she knew that they expected her to do the same. She tried her best. Following Titania’s lead, they danced across the ring, the others as light as butterflies while Tamisin was always one step behind. It wasn’t until they reached a patch of moonlight that her dancing began to change. It was a full moon that night, and it affected her just as it had back in the human world. A few more steps and she’d lost herself to the dance, imagining herself in a world that was neither fey nor human, a world that reflected both, as well as much that was uniquely hers. She was so caught up in the dance that she never noticed the handmaidens leaving the ring, nor when Titania left a moment later.
Tamisin danced as she had for so many nights, only this time something different happened. She twirled, and as she twirled, her wings opened behind her like buds unfurling into beautiful flowers. No longer wet or limp when they emerged, her wings were glorious from the moment the air touched them. And here in the land of the fey where magic was as common as moonlight, Tamisin’s wings truly blossomed. Where her wings had seemed large in her human home, here they were twice as big. Their color was more brilliant as well, the blues more vivid and the violets richer. Unlike normal fairy wings that never changed hue from the day the fairy was born, Tamisin’s wings shimmered as she moved, the colors rippling across them in silver-edged sparkles. As graceful and as fluid as the dance itself, her wings moved with her, enhancing her dance and enthralling her audience.
Tamisin would have danced all night if a cloud hadn’t passed in front of the moon. As the light in the ring dimmed, she paused and for the first time realized that she had been dancing by herself. She glanced up, suddenly self-conscious, only to see the wonder in the fairies’ eyes. The faces blurred together as she looked from one to the next, hoping to see Jak. He wasn’t there, but at least now she felt as if the fairies might actually like her, even if it was just for a moment.
“Well done!” said Titania, and at that all the fairies cheered, a rousing sound that made Tamisin smile.
As the music struck up a lighter chord, the fairies outside the ring began to enter, some to congratulate her, others to dance the next dance. She saw Tobi looking sad as he kept his distance, but still no Jak. Although she hadn’t felt tired while she was dancing, Tamisin was exhausted now and wanted nothing more than to find a seat and something cool to drink. Even so, she couldn’t help but look through the crowd as she left the ring, wondering why Jak hadn’t come to the dance. It wasn’t like him to break a promise. Tobi couldn’t be right, but if he wasn’t, where was Jak? She couldn’t imagine what might have happened to him. She was about to ask one of the guards to help her look for him when a goblin woman approached her.
“Your Highness,” said the woman. “Might I have a word with you? It’s of a personal nature.” Glancing from Tamisin to the shadowy forest beyond the ring, the woman hinted at the need for privacy.
Tamisin hesitated, but only for a moment. The woman had a sweet face with the green eyes of a cat and the soft white hair of a grandmother. Dressed in the pastels of Titania’s handmaidens, she looked like the kind of person Tamisin could trust. Although she didn’t recall having seen the woman before, so much had been going on over the short time that she and Jak had been there that she was sure she had seen only a fraction of her mother’s attendants. With a wave of her hand, Tamisin told the guard that she was all right and followed the woman into the woods.
“It’s about Jak,” the woman said once they were alone. “He’s gone back to see his uncle.”
“Why would he go without telling me?” asked Tamisin.
“He didn’t want to, but he was called away. His uncle is furious with him because the boy defied him by coming here.”
“But it wasn’t his fault,” Tamisin said. “He came only because I asked him to.” She felt awful now. Not only had she been angry with Jak for something he didn’t do, but he was in trouble for something she’d asked him to do.
“I’m sure you’re right, Princess, but Jak’s uncle, Targin, is awfully stubborn. The goblin is known for his temper, so there’s no saying what he might do to Jak unless …”
“Unless what?”
“Unless someone intercedes with his uncle. It would have to be someone who cares about Jak enough to travel to his uncle’s den and talk some sense into the goblin. I would do it myself, only I doubt Targin would listen to me.”
“I could go,” said Tamisin, “but Titania thinks that the goblins want to use me against her. Wouldn’t I be putting myself in their hands so they could do just that?”
“Your mother has been misinformed,” the woman said. “Someone would have to be terribly foolish to do something that would incur her wrath. Targin may be many things, but no one has ever called him foolish. They say that humans are capable of great loyalty and compassion. However, if you’d rather stay here where you feel safe …”
“No,” said Tamisin. “I’m not going to let Jak bear the consequences for something I made him do. Can you tell me how to get there?”
“I’ll do better than that. I’ll take you myself. I know a shortcut that will get you there safely in no time at all. We can leave right now if you’d like.”
“Why do you care so much about Jak?” Tamisin asked, still not sure if she should trust the woman.
“Because I’m his great-aunt, Lurinda. His grandmother is my sister. Surely the dear boy has mentioned me to you?”
“He didn’t tell me much,” Tamisin said, trying to remember if he’d mentioned his aunt’s name at all. She glanced down at her delicate gown and slippers. “Shouldn’t I change my clothes before we go?”
“There isn’t time,” said the woman. “If we don’t get there soon, it may be too late.”
“But my mother…”
“If we take the shortcut we can be there and back before anyone knows you’re gone. Trust me, this is the best way.”
At first the light of the moon was enough to let them pick a route through the forest, but when they reached an older, less-cared-for section where the trees met overhead, preventing the light from reaching the ground, the woman took a handful of dust from her bag and blew on it. Light flared, allowing Tamisin to see the roots that would have tripped her and the branches that would have blocked her way.
“Where are we going?” she asked.
“We’re almost there,” the woman said.
Tamisin was beginning to have doubts when they stepped between two trees and a pale light shimmered around her. A chill caused goose bumps to prickle her arms, then suddenly they were in full daylight with the summer sun warming her skin. Tamisin squeezed her eyes shut as the bright light made her eyes tear. “What just happened?” she asked. Peeking through her lashes, she turned to look behind her. The fairy forest was gone, replaced by a meadow awash with wildflowers. Tamisin glanced up at the sound of a jet flying high overhead. Somewhere a radio was playing music with a lively beat. It was obvious that they were no longer in the land of the fey. It took her a moment before she recognized the field where she had picked flowers the day she went on a picnic with Jak.
“It’s the shortcut,” the woman said. “Follow me.”
They passed the waterfall where Tamisin and Jak had had their picnic, then hiked through the woods, forsaking the path that ran alongside the stream. Cutting through a backyard, they reached a street lined with sycamore trees. A woman glanced up from weeding her garden while a little girl playing hopscotch on the sidewalk pointed at Tamisin and said, “Look! It’s Cinderella!”
“How can it be summer here?” Tamisin asked Lurinda as they crossed another street. “Jak and I have been gone only a few days and it was autumn when we left.”
“Didn’t Jak tell you that time passes differently here than it does in the land of the fey? It never passes at the same rate from one day to the next, which is why we have to hurry. Who knows how long we’ll have been gone while Targin decides Jak’s fate?”
“Where are we going now?” asked Tamisin.
The street was vaguely familiar with its meticulously maintained older homes. A truck belonging to a lawn service was parked in front of one of the houses, and the men unloading the mowers stopped to stare as Tamisin and Lurinda passed by. “Must be a party,” said one of the older men.
“This way,” said the woman, leading Tamisin behind the only run-down house on the street.
Tamisin had the feeling that they were being watched as they walked through the yard. It wasn’t until she glanced at the porch that she recognized the house. “This is where Jak lives!” she said. “I came here for a party.”
A face appeared at one of the windows, but was gone before Tamisin was able to get a good look. “I wonder if that’s his grandmother,” she said. “Maybe I should stop in and tell her about Jak.”
Lurinda frowned and hustled Tamisin past the house. “There’s no time for that now. Whoever is in that house wouldn’t be able to do Jak a bit of good. Here we go, right between these two trees.”
“This is the Gate Jak and I fell through the night of his party. We didn’t end up anywhere near where he thought we would.”
“That was a fluke,” said her companion. “The Gate wasn’t working right because of a storm. It corrected itself the very next day. I came through it just a few hours ago in fey time.”
Herding Tamisin in front of her, the woman took her to the hazy patch of air that marked the Gate.
“I don’t understand,” Tamisin said. “Did my mother send you here?”
“Don’t worry, my dear,” said Lurinda as they stepped from one world to the next. “It will all become clear very soon.”