The Blue Girl | Charles de Lint |
The Blue Sword | Robin McKinley |
Dogsbody | Diana Wynne Jones |
Dragonhaven | Robin McKinley |
Eon | Alison Goodman |
Eona | Alison Goodman |
Fire | Kristin Cashore |
Firebirds: An Anthology of Original Fantasy and Science Fiction |
Sharyn November, ed. |
Firebirds Rising: An Anthology of Original Science Fiction and Fantasy |
Sharyn November, ed. |
The Game | Diana Wynne Jones |
Incarceron | Catherine Fisher |
Magic or Madness | Justine Larbalestier |
The Safe-Keeper’s Secret | Sharon Shinn |
Sapphique | Catherine Fisher |
Singing the Dogstar Blues | Alison Goodman |
Snow White and Rose Red | Patricia C. Wrede |
A Tale of Time City | Diana Wynne Jones |
Tam Lin | Pamela Dean |
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland | Diana Wynne Jones |