The Blue Sword Robin McKinley
The Coyote Road: Trickster Tales Ellen Datlow and
Terri Windling, eds.
Dragonhaven Robin McKinley
Eon Alison Goodman
Eona Alison Goodman
Fire Kristin Cashore
Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits Robin McKinley and
Peter Dickinson
Fire and Hemlock Diana Wynne Jones
  An Anthology of Original
  Fantasy and Science Fiction
Sharyn November, ed.
Firebirds Rising:
  An Anthology of Original
  Science Fiction and Fantasy
Sharyn November, ed.
The Game Diana Wynne Jones
The Hero and the Crown Robin McKinley
Incarceron Catherine Fisher
Sapphique Catherine Fisher
The Seven Towers Patricia C. Wrede
Snow White and Rose Red Patricia C. Wrede
A Tale of Time City Diana Wynne Jones
Tam Lin Pamela Dean
The Tough Guide to Fantasyland Diana Wynne Jones