[1] Whalen, Bitter Wounds, p. 39. <<

[2] Millett y Murray, eds., Military Effectiveness, vol. 1, p. 278; Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, p. 96. <<

[3] Guinard et al., eds., Inventaire, vol. 1, p. 204. <<

[4] Beckett, First World War, p. 399; Dewey, «Military Recruiting», p. 199. <<

[5] Jones, «Imperial Russia», p. 278. <<

[6] Guinard et al., eds., Inventaire, vol. 1, p. 210. <<

[7] Ibíd., p. 204. <<

[8] Smith, Between Mutiny and Obedience, p. 126. <<

[9] Guinard et al., eds., Inventaire, vol. 1, p. 213. <<

[10] Ibíd., p. 206. <<

[11] Horne, «L’Impôt du sang». <<

[12] Michel, «Mythes et réalités du concours colonial», pp. 364-365; Michel, L’Appel à l’Afrique, pp. 404-408. <<

[13] Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, pp. 85, 95. <<

[14] Jones, en Millett y Murray, eds., Military Effectiveness, vol. 1, pp. 279-280. <<

[15] Ibíd., p. 281; Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, p. 98. <<

[16] Stone, Eastern Front, p. 217. <<

[17] Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, p. 99. <<

[18] Stone, Eastern Front, p. 281; Kenez, «Changes in Social Composition», p. 370. <<

[19] Kenez, «Changes in Social Composition», p. 373. <<

[20] Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, p. 100. <<

[21] Kenez, «Changes in Social Composition», p. 369. <<

[22] Robb, British Culture, pp. 16-17, 22-23; Judd, Empire, p. 245; Holland, «British Empire», p. 117. <<

[23] Bourne, «British Working Men», p. 339. <<

[24] Spiers, Haldane, p. 186. <<

[25] Simkins, Kitchener’s Army, pp. 49 y ss. <<

[26] Beckett, Great War, p. 210. <<

[27] Jeffery, Ireland, pp. 7, 35. <<

[28] Dewey, «Military Recruiting». <<

[29] Simkins, Kitchener’s Army, cap. 6; Winter, Death’s Men, pp. 32 y ss. <<

[30] Omissi, Sepoy and the Raj, pp. 38-39; cf. Omissi, ed., Indian Voices. <<

[31] Holland, «British Empire», p. 126. <<

[32] Ibídem; Andrews, Anzac Illusion, p. 45; Winter, Death’s Men, p. 27. <<

[33] Adams y Poirier, Conscription Controversy, caps. 5-8; Simkins, Kitchener’s Army, pp. 138 y ss. Para el caso del ejército, véanse los memorandos de Robertson, 12 de enero y 21 de marzo de 1916, AC 19/1/15a y 19/1/30. <<

[34] Grieves, Politics of Manpower, p. 1. <<

[35] Winter, Death’s Men, p. 29. <<

[36] En general, Rae, Conscience and Politics; Kennedy, «Public Opinion and the Conscientious Objector». <<

[37] Dewey, «Military Recruiting», pp. 214-216. <<

[38] Grieves, Politics of Manpower, p. 35. <<

[39] Simpson, «British Soldier», p. 136. <<

[40] Melograni, Storia politica, p. 238. <<

[41] Memorando del GQG, 1 de diciembre de 1915, LHCMA Robertson MSS 1/9/41a; Grieves, Politics of Manpower, p. 35. <<

[42] French, «Meaning of Attrition», p. 397; cf. Mosier, Myth, pp. 181-182. <<

[43] Zürcher, «Little Mehmet», p. 232. <<

[44] Stone, Eastern Front, pp. 122-127. <<

[45] Herwig, First World War, p. 139. <<

[46] Ibíd., p. 234. <<

[47] Ibíd., p. 168. <<

[48] Whelan, Bitter Wounds, pp. 39-41; Bessell, «Mobilization and Demobilization in Germany», p. 218. <<

[*] Véase el capítulo 9. <<

[49] Guinard et al., eds., Inventaire, vol. 1, pp. 212-213. <<

[50] Liulevicius, War Land, p. 22. <<

[51] Bourke, Intimate History of Killing, p. 6. <<

[52] Ashworth, Trench Warfare, pp. 56 y ss. <<

[53] Whelan, Bitter Wounds, p. 61. <<

[54] Eckart y Gradmann, eds., Die Medizin, p. 355. <<

[55] N. Bosanquet, «Health Systems», p. 462. <<

[56] Harrison, «Fight against Disease in the Mesopotamian Campaign», p. 475. <<

[57] Zürcher, «Little Mehmet». <<

[58] Major, Fatal Partners, p. 253. <<

[59] Gabriel y Metz, History of Military Medicine, vol. 2, p. 244. <<

[60] Eckart y Gradmann, eds., Die Medizin, p. 363. <<

[61] Ibíd., p. 344. <<

[62] Gabriel y Metz, History of Military Medicine, vol. 2, p. 243. <<

[63] Ibíd., p. 243; Bosanquet, «Health Systems», p. 453. <<

[64] Eckart y Gradmann, eds., Die Medizin, p. 363. <<

[65] Harrison, «Fight against Disease in the Mesopotamian Campaign», p. 459. <<

[66] Whelan, Bitter Wounds, p. 40. <<

[67] Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, p. 95. <<

[68] Omissi, Sepoy and the Raj, p. 118. <<

[69] Beckett, First World War, p. 228. <<

[70] Winter, Death’s Men, p. 136. <<

[71] Sobre la neurosis de guerra en la BEF, véanse en general Showalter, Female Malady, cap. 7; Babington, Shell-Shock; Bourke, Dismembering, cap. 2; Bogacz, «War Neurosis». Para las comparaciones internacionales, véanse Eckart «“Most Extensive Experiment”»; números especiales del Journal of Contemporary History (2000) y 14/18. <<

[72] Zürcher, «Little Mehmet», p. 234. <<

[73] Stone, Eastern Front, p. 191. <<

[74] Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, p. 91. <<

[75] Wawro, «Morale in the Austro-Hungarian Army», p. 402. <<

[76] Ferguson, Pity of War, p. 369. <<

[77] Wawro, «Morale in the Austro-Hungarian Army», p. 404. <<

[78] Ferguson, Pity of War, pp. 368-388. <<

[79] Ashworth, Trench Warfare, pp. 204 y ss. <<

[80] Fussell, Great War and Modern Memory, p. 96. <<

[81] Prost, Anciens Combattants, vol. 3, pp. 20-21. <<

[82] Fuller, Troop Morale, cap. 8. <<

[83] Fussell, Great War and Modern Memory, pp. 65-66. <<

[84] Winter, Death’s Men, pp. 164-165. <<

[85] Audouin-Rouzeau, Men at War, cap. 5. <<

[86] Remarque, All Quiet, pp. 113-132. <<

[87] Englander y Osborne, «Jack, Tommy, and Henry Dubb», p. 600. <<

[88] Winter, Death’s Men, pp. 102-103, 147-148. <<

[89] Jünger, Storm of Steel, pp. 2, 3. <<

[90] Prost, In the Wake of War, pp. 3-9. <<

[91] Moran, Anatomy of Courage, p. x. <<

[92] Norton Cru, Du témoignage, pp. 55 y ss. <<

[93] Wette, ed., Krieg des Kleinen Mannes, p. 130. <<

[94] Keegan, Face of Battle, p. 277. <<

[95] Englander y Osborne, «Jack, Tommy, and Henry Dubb», p. 595. <<

[96] Gooch, «Morale and Discipline», p. 438; cf. Monticone, Gli Italiani in uniforme, cap. 6. <<

[97] Englander, en Strachan, ed., Oxford Illustrated History, p. 192. <<

[98] Ullrich y Ziemann, eds., Frontalltag, p. 24. <<

[99] Hynes, Soldier’s Tale, pp. 81-83. <<

[100] Omissi, ed., Indian Voices, p. 12. <<

[101] Prost, Anciens combattants, vol. 3, p. 17. <<

[102] Englander, «French Soldier», p. 55. <<

[103] Sheffield, «Officer-Man Relations», p. 417; Sheffield, Leadership in the Trenches; Keegan, Face of Battle, p. 272. <<

[104] Stone, Eastern Front, pp. 125-126. <<

[105] Kenez, «Changes in Social Composition», p. 369. <<

[106] Gooch, «Morale and Discipline», pp. 436-437. <<

[107] Fussell, Great War and Modern Memory, cap. 4; Winter, Sites of Memory, pp. 64-68. <<

[108] K. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic: Studies in Popular Beliefs in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England (Harmondsworth, 1973), cap. 22. <<

[109] Audouin-Rouzeau, Men at War, pp. 85-90; Fuller, Troop Morale, pp. 156-157. <<

[110] Wawro, «Morale in the Austro-Hungarian Army», p. 400; Stone, Eastern Front, pp. 126-127. <<

[111] Rachamimov, POWs, pp. 31-44. <<

[112] Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, p. 104. <<

[113] Ullrich y Ziemann, eds., Frontalltag, p. 22. <<

[114] Audouin-Rouzeau, Men at War, caps. 5, 6; Cochet, «Les Soldats français». <<

[115] Entrevistas con veteranos turcos, LC TU. 01. <<

[116] Liddle, «British Soldier on the Somme», pp. 9, 17, 21. <<

[117] Fuller, Troop Morale, cap. 3; Winter, Death’s Men, pp. 209-211, 229-233. <<

[118] Wette, ed., Krieg des Kleinen Mannes, pp. 110-125; Leed, No Man’s Land, pp. 80 y ss. <<

[119] Krumeich, «Le Soldat allemand», pp. 368-372. <<

[120] Ashworth, Trench Warfare, p. 55. <<

[121] Algunas de estas cuestiones quedan reflejadas en las memorias de L. Kalepky y K. Lubinski, LC GE. 09 y GE. 13. <<

[122] M. Cornwall, Undermining of Austria-Hungary, cap. 10. <<

[123] Mackenzie, «Morale and the Cause», p. 219. <<

[124] Blunden, Undertones of War, caps. 11-13, recoge el estado de ánimo cambiante. <<

[125] Gooch, «Morale and Discipline», p. 439. <<

[126] Pedroncini, Mutineries, pp. 38-46. <<

[127] Smith, Between Mutiny and Obedience, p. 172. <<

[128] I. Davidian, «Russian Soldier’s Morale». <<

[129] Wildman, End of the Russian Imperial Army, vol. 1, pp. 106-120. <<