“Can God play a significant game with his own creature? Can any creator, even a limited one, play a significant game with his own creature?”
—NORBERT WIENER, God and Golem, Inc.
“… May there not be superior beings amused with any graceful, though instinctive attitude my mind may fall into, as I am entertained with the alertness of a Stoat or the anxiety of a Deer? Though a quarrel in the streets is a thing to be hated, the energies displayed in it are fine … By a superior being our reasonings may take the same tone—though erroneous they may be fine—This is the very thing in which consists poetry … ”
—JOHN KEATS, in a letter to his brother
“The Imagination may be compared to Adam’s dream—he awoke and found it truth.”
—JOHN KEATS, in a letter to a friend