About the Author
A paranormal enthusiast, Danielle loves to collect ghost stories and explore the realms of the unknown. After living in two haunted houses, she quickly developed an insatiable thirst for supernatural knowledge.
Embarking on the occasional ghost hunt, she strives to collect indisputable evidence of the afterlife.
With writing as a lifelong passion, she hopes to uplift humanity in her own way by contributing spiritually-based prose to the world.
Happily married with two children, she lives in Alberta, Canada.
Check out her other works on Amazon.com!
For more information, look up Danielle’s website.
Sites to Check Out!
The Spirit Bear Movie
This is the power of one: united as one voice.
The Spirit Bear is an opportunity to find a new way to inspire, to challenge, and to engage tomorrow's leaders today - not only on this issue but on any issue they believe in, for there are no insignificant endeavors. Most importantly, we can do so in a way that meets the economic bottom line by blurring it with the social bottom line.
The journey began with a leap of faith in the belief of what we can accomplish by everyone working together - business and non-profits, young people and adults. There is no precedent for our current endeavor, but we hope that each of you will join us on the next step of what has thus far been a humbling and remarkable journey - into the land of the spirit bear and into the imagination of our collective dreams.
The Spirit Bear Youth Coalition
Surgical Heights
Paul E. Hardy
Base on real surgical cases, this novel follows Dr. Jim Smythe through the most tumultuous six months of his career thus far. At forty-four, the general surgeon is at the top of his game. Yet with doubts about his health, he finds himself under escalating pressure from the Medical Licensing Authority and his own hospital administration over a series of complaints. The situation reaches breaking point in the emergency room, leading to a showdown where everything is on the line. Surgical Heights offers readers a fascinating inside view into the stress, risks and humour in the life of a top-notch surgeon.
Look for it on Amazon.com and Kindle now!
Excerpt from:
Darkness had descended on the city hours ago, leaving only the streetlights to illuminate the black fabric of universe that hung overhead. An occasional honk or barking dog can be heard, but otherwise, a hush of eerie silence drifts over the community like a dark fog.
Moving through the lonely streets, left abandoned by the endless activities of the day, an impromptu ghost town is born by the setting of the sun.
While most of the population had closed their eyes and succumbed to the call of slumber hours before, one particular bedroom window remains brightly lit.
Entering the tiny apartment, it looks like any other messy bachelor pad.
A second-hand couch stares blankly across the living room at an extra large television while a mystery plant dies of dehydration in the corner. Tonight’s dirty supper dishes, along with yesterdays, lie abandoned on a rectangular coffee table.
Stacks of unopened mail are left strewn upon the matted beige carpet which is in desperate need of vacuuming.
The bathroom is littered with the remnants of the weeks’ laundry and the hallway devoid of any pictures except for one that clings precariously to the corner of the tilted frame.
From the outside, it was a home like any other…except for the bedroom.
Approaching the plain white door, a glaring light escapes from the small crack at the bottom. On the other side of the door, only a light whispering can be heard penetrating the silence of the apartment.
Several dead bolts decorate the inside of the door even though he’d learned long ago that no amount of locks can keep the entities out.
Plugged into every outlet within the little room, nightlights and lamps of all shapes and sizes enlighten each dark corner.
Strategically built wooden boards form a barrier around the base of the queen-sized bed. It was simply too frightening to climb in and out of the bed with the dark space underneath threatening to grab his ankles at any moment.
A lone dresser sits unrecognizable at the far end of the room. Beaded rosaries drape over the semi-open drawers while a tiny statue of Buddha grins from his perch atop the dresser. A miniature nativity scene, depicting the birth of Jesus with his human and animal onlookers, occupies most of the space on the left side of the dresser. A lovely bust of the Virgin Mary wears a Mona Lisa smile next to a large silver menorah, all its candles lit and flickering with every breath of air that nears it.
A crucifix hangs beside a large amulet of the Star of David; both seem to be overlooking the young man as he reads from various bibles and religious scriptures. The words of King James, the Kabala and the Quran are amongst the rows of sacred literature decorating the bedroom floor.
Kneeling before the shrine in the corner of his bedroom, the young man shivers as psalms and verses pour rapidly from his trembling lips.
His forehead beading with sweat, he glances around himself every few seconds. Palms pressed together, he ignores the pain of the fresh bruises on his wrists and ankles and rocks back and forth as he prays feverishly to any deity that will hear him…and protect him.