Chapter 39
A rainbow of colors danced in front of my eyes. Circling around me, it was like a blanket of northern lights swirling around me, embracing me. I realized quickly that I was completely naked, but for some reason, I didn’t care. I had no concern whatsoever for my exposure.
As the palette of shades waltzed in a circular rhythm around me, I noticed a figure approaching me outside the peaceful tornado. Immediately drawn to the being, I opened my arms to offer an embrace. I knew this person, this creature. I instinctively knew her to be my mother even though I’d never seen her before.
Light. She was made of light. Her body, inside and out, was comprised totally of energy. White energy.
Stepping out of the confines of the rainbow whirlwind, I sensed her smile at me. She spoke to me, not with a voice, but with a thought. Tears welled in my eyes as I heard her tell me she was proud of me.
Raising her right hand, she placed it on the center of my belly. An exchange occurred between her and the baby. An exchange of light. Inside of me, the baby squirmed with excitement, somehow knowing her ancestor was nearby.
For just a moment, I felt like an outsider. An intruder. I didn’t understand what was happening to me. I needed to know why this fate had been placed upon me.
Why was I left on the Earth? Was I alone here? Why had my people abandoned me?
Part of me began to recall my true nature, my real identity, but the knowledge was just barely out of reach and the closer I got to it, the faster it moved from me.
“What am I? Who am I?” I yelled into the oblivion.
I tried to communicate with my mother but her essence only smiled at me and began to move away. Attempting to run after her, I realized I couldn’t travel forward. Crying, I called for her over and over again.
Just before she faded out of view, however, she turned around one last time. Her luminescence shifted and became more solid. With her features shifting to human, I recognized her face…it was mine.
Within seconds of the realization that she wore my face, it appeared to melt away like a wax mannequin. Flesh and blood bled away from her…my…face leaving only patches of white bone peering through.
I opened my mouth to scream but I suddenly had no voice. Raising my hand to my mouth, I realized that my own skin was mirroring hers…and mine was liquefying and sliding off my face as well.
A faceless monster, I flung myself upon the ground and tore at the chunks of skin falling off of me. Holding what remained of my face in my hands, I suddenly began to shake.
Then it all ended.
“Cassia! Wake up!” Sweat beaded on my forehead and chest as Keanu shook me by the shoulder. “It’s just a dream Cassia!”
My eyes fluttered open as I tried to focus on my surroundings. The amnesia of waking after a dream faded as I realized where I was. Keanu watched me with concern as he kept his hand on my shoulder.
“Are you okay? You were screaming.” He asked after he was certain I had regained my composure.
“Yes. It…was a weird one.” I took in deep breaths and tried to exhale slowly in order to slow my racing heart.
“Jesus, you were shrieking. It sounded awful.” Looking a little shaken, he reached to push the button for the radio.
The real nightmare began shortly after.