Chapter 35
It felt like hours before the car slowed to a stop. I’m sure I fell asleep several times, but never for long. Any little sound outside the car would alert my consciousness and startle me awake.
The deep wound on my forehead had finally stopped seeping blood and had coagulated into a dry and crusty patch. If I scrunched up my face in any way, the dried blood pinched at my skin like a mud mask at a spa that had set and was ready to come off.
With the car now parked, I breathed a sigh of relief. I heard Keanu get out of the driver’s side, close his door and walk to the back of the car.
The trunk lid clicked open, a sound that literally brought tears to my eyes. Whatever phobia of coffins I had up until this point was either cured or going to become vastly worse after this whole experience.
Pushing the lid open with my hand, a flood of sunshine streamed into the darkness of the trunk. Though the rays of light were a welcoming sight, the pain in my eyes from adjusting to the brightness was brutal. My eyes watered relentlessly but I didn’t mind, I was free.
A large shadow suddenly blocked the sun from assaulting my eyes further. Shielding my eyes with one hand, I looked up and was ecstatic to see Keanu standing there.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry!” Examining my bloodied and swollen forehead, he took my hands and assisted me gently out of the trunk.
Fumbling as I climbed out, my legs wobbled as my equilibrium adjusted itself. After being tossed around and pressing my limbs against the walls of the trunk, I felt like a newborn baby giraffe trying to accustom myself to my new surroundings.
“I’m okay.” I mumbled as I put my hand to my forehead, cringing at the copious amount of dried blood that had accumulated there.
Glancing around with concern clouding his handsome face, Keanu then led me to the passenger side. “They might still be following us.” Closing my door, he strode quickly around the front of the car to the driver’s side.
Checking over his shoulder for oncoming traffic, he then signaled and sped off down the highway. Watching the world fly passed the window, my eyes brimmed with tears.
While there was very little snow on the ground, the trees glistened and glinted in the sunshine courtesy of the hundreds of snowflakes resting on their limbs. Acres of pasture spread out beside me like a royal carpet covered with white satin blankets. The sky smiled down upon me with its deep shade of blue, clear with the exception of the occasional puff of white cloud.
The sun.
Something I’d never once appreciated as much as I did in this moment. The glorious and loyal star that spread its warmth and rays of gold each and every day, never once bitter for the lack of appreciation.
How I loved and appreciated it now.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Keanu asked quietly, reaching for my hand and taking it into his own. I’m sure I looked positively broken with my face battered and bloody, but if he could only feel the elation bursting from within my soul.
Nodding enthusiastically, I smiled brightly and turned my attention back to the scenery.
Nothing mattered to me right now. Only the delicious feast my eyes were devouring at the moment. The sensory deprivation I’d endured was more drastic than I thought.
Even though I wasn’t technically considered ‘human’, my needs were apparently the same. I craved human companionship. I needed visual stimulation and change. I loved and desired love. My sanity depended on my freedom.
How sad it must be for criminals. Sure, they did the crime, they have to do the time…but I had learned to empathize with their situation.
I had only been kept from humanity for a brief time; I couldn’t imagine how excruciating it would be to spend years locked away from life.
“We need to find a motel.” Keanu muttered under his breath as he read a sign indicating we were only a few miles from a town. “I just don’t know if it’s safe to stop yet.”
“What happened after the guard inspected the trunk?” I asked as I watched a couple horses trot gracefully through their field.
“I’m not exactly sure, but I’d guess that they discovered the guard in the showers and began a search for you immediately.” His hands clenched the steering wheel tightly as he spoke. “I…panicked when I heard the alarm.” He sighed and shook his head angrily, obviously annoyed with himself. “I just got in the car and took off. I guess they realized I had you and chased me. I’m…sorry Cassia, I screwed everything up.” His eyes lowered in shame as he spoke.
“No, Keanu, it will be okay. You’ll see, it will all work out.” I didn’t know if the thrills of freedom were playing with my senses, but I felt elated and ready to take on the world.
Shaking his head and turning his face toward mine, his eyes filled with fear and his voice wavered. “No Cassia. It won’t be alright. You have no idea what they’re capable of…or what they’ll do if they find us.”