I — wish I was a
as full of wet as a watering-can
to pee in the eye of a policeman —
But my dear fellow, my dear fellow
can it be that you still don’t know
that every man, whether high or low
is a gentleman if he thinks himself so? —
He is an’ all, you bet’e is!
I — bet I am. - You can’old yer phiz
abaht it. - Yes, I’m a gent, an’ Liz
‘ere, she’s a lidy, aren’t yer, old quizz?
Of course, I’m a lidy, what d’yer think?
You mind who yer sayin’ isn’t lidies!
All the Hinglish is gentlemen and
like the King an’ Queen, though they’re up just a wink.
— Of course you are, but let me
I’m American from New Orleans,
and in my country, just over the way,
we are all kings and queens!