OH, in the world of the flesh of man
iron gives the deadly
and the wheel
starts the principle of all evil.
Oh, in the world of things
the wheel is the first
principle of evil.
But in the world of the soul of man
there, and there alone lies the pivot of pure
only in the
soul of man, when it pivots upon the ego.
When the mind makes a wheel which turns on the hub of
the ego
and the
will, the living dynamo, gives the motion and the speed
and the wheel of the conscious
self spins on in absolution, absolute
absolute, absolved from the sun and the earth
and the moon,
absolute consciousness, absolved from strife and kisses
absolute self-awareness,
absolved from the meddling of creation
absolute freedom, absolved from the great
necessities of being
then we see evil, pure evil
and we see it only in man
and in his