I Make Myself a Canoe
THIS at length put me upon thinking whether it was
not possible to make myself a canoe or piragua, such as the natives
of those climates make, even without tools, or, as I might say,
without hands, viz., of the trunk of a great tree. This I not only
thought possible, but easy, and pleased myself extremely with the
thoughts of making it, and with my having much more convenience for
it than any of the Negroes or Indians; but not at all considering
the particular inconveniences which I lay under, more than the
Indians did, viz., want of hands to move it, when it was made, into
the water, a difficulty much harder for me to surmount than all the
consequences of want of tools could be to them; for what was it to
me, that when I had chosen a vast tree in the woods, I might with
great trouble cut it down, if after I might be able with my tools
to hew and dub the outside into the proper shape of a boat, and
burn or cut out the inside to make it hollow, so to make a boat of
it if after all this, I must leave it just there where I found it,
and was not able to launch it into the water?
One would have thought I could not have had the
least reflection upon my mind of my circumstance, while I was
making this boat; but I should have immediately thought how I
should get it into the sea; but my thoughts were so intent upon my
voyage over the sea in it that I never once considered how I should
get it off of the land; and was really in its own nature more easy
for me to guide it over forty-five miles of sea, than about
forty-five fathom of land, where it lay, to set it afloat in the
I went to work upon this boat the most like a fool
that ever man did, who had any of his senses awake. I pleased
myself with the design, without determining whether I was ever able
to undertake it; not but that the difficulty of launching my boat
came often into my head; but I put a stop to my own inquiries into
it, by this foolish answer which I gave myself, ‘‘Let’s first make
it; I’ll warrant I’ll find some way or other to get it along, when
’tis done.’’
This was a most preposterous method; but the
eagerness of my fancy prevailed, and to work I went. I felled a
cedar tree. I question much whether Solomon ever had such a one for
the building of the Temple at Jerusalem. It was five foot ten
inches diameter at the lower part next the stump, and four foot
eleven inches diameter at the end of twenty-two foot, after which
it lessened for a while, and then parted into branches. It was not
without infinite labour that I felled this tree. I was twenty days
hacking and hewing at it at the bottom; I was fourteen more getting
the branches and limbs, and the vast spreading head of it cut off,
which I hacked and hewed through with axe and hatchet, and
inexpressible labour. After this, it cost me a month to shape it
and dub it to a proportion, and to something like the bottom of a
boat, that it might swim upright as it ought to do. It cost me near
three months more to clear the inside, and work it out so as to
make an exact boat of it. This I did indeed without fire, by mere
mallet and chisel, and by the dint of hard labour, till I had
brought it to be a very handsome piragua and big enough to have
carried six and twenty men, and consequently big enough to have
carried me and all my cargo.
When I had gone through this work, I was extremely
delighted with it. The boat was really much bigger than I ever saw
a canoe, or piragua, that was made of one tree, in my life. Many a
weary stroke it had cost, you may be sure; and there remained
nothing but to get it into the water; and had I gotten it into the
water, I make no question but I should have begun the maddest
voyage and the most unlikely to be performed that ever was
But all my devices to get it into the water failed
me; though they cost me infinite labour too. It lay about one
hundred yards from the water, and not more. But the first
inconvenience was, it was uphill towards the creek. Well, to take
away this discouragement, I resolved to dig into the surface of the
earth, and so make a declivity. This I began, and it cost me a
prodigious deal of pains; but who grudges pains, that have their
deliverance in view? But when this was worked through, and this
difficulty managed, it was still much at one; for I could no more
stir the canoe than I could the other boat.
Then I measured the distance of ground, and
resolved to cut a dock, or canal, to bring the water up to the
canoe, seeing I could not bring the canoe down to the water. Well,
I began this work, and when I began to enter into it and calculate
how deep it was to be dug, how broad, how the stuff to be thrown
out, I found that by the number of hands I had, being none but my
own, it must have been ten or twelve years before I should have
gone through with it; but the shore lay high, so that at the upper
end it must have been at least twenty foot deep; so at length,
though with great reluctancy, I gave this attempt over also.
This grieved me heartily, and now I saw, though too
late, the folly of beginning a work before we count the cost, and
before we judge rightly of our own strength to go through with
In the middle of this work I finished my fourth
year in this place, and kept my anniversary with the same devotion
and with as much comfort as ever before; for by a constant study,
and serious application of the Word of God, and by the assistance
of His grace, I gained a different knowledge from what I had
before. I entertained different notions of things. I looked now
upon the world as a thing remote, which I had nothing to do with,
no expectation from, and, indeed, no desires about. In a word, I
had nothing indeed to do with it, nor was ever like to have; so I
thought it looked as we may perhaps look upon it hereafter, viz.,
as a place I had lived in but was come out of it; and well might I
say, as Father Abraham to Dives, ‘‘Between me and thee is a great
gulf fixed.’’
In the first place, I was removed from all the
wickedness of the world here. I had neither the lust of the flesh,
the lust of the eye, or the pride of life. I had nothing to covet;
for I had all that I was now capable of enjoying. I was lord of the
whole manor; or if I pleased, I might call myself king, or emperor
over the whole country which I had possession of. There were no
rivals. I had no competitor, none to dispute sovereignty or command
with me. I might have raised shiploadings of corn; but I had no use
for it; so I let as little grow as I thought enough for my
occasion. I had tortoise or turtles enough; but now and then one
was as much as I could put to any use. I had timber enough to have
built a fleet of ships. I had grapes enough to have made wine, or
to have cured into raisins, to have loaded that fleet, when they
had been built.
But all I could make use of was all that was
valuable. I had enough to eat, and to supply my wants, and what was
all the rest to me? If I killed more flesh than I could eat, the
dog must eat it, or the vermin. If I sowed more corn than I could
eat, it must be spoiled. The trees that I cut down were lying to
rot on the ground. I could make no more use of them than for fuel;
and that I had no occasion for but to dress my food.
In a word, the nature and experience of things
dictated to me upon just reflection that all the good things of
this world are no farther good to us than they are for our use; and
that whatever we may heap up indeed to give others, we enjoy just
as much as we can use, and no more. The most covetous griping miser
in the world would have been cured of the vice of covetousness, if
he had been in my case; for I possessed infinitely more than I knew
what to do with. I had no room for desire, except it was of things
which I had not, and they were but trifles, though indeed of great
use to me. I had, as I hinted before, a parcel of money, as well
gold as silver, about thirty-six pounds sterling. Alas! There the
nasty, sorry, useless stuff lay; I had no manner of business for
it; and I often thought with myself that I would have given a
handful of it for a gross of tobacco pipes or for a hand mill to
grind my corn; nay, I would have given it all for sixpennyworth of
turnip and carrot seed out of England, or for a handful of peas and
beans and a bottle of ink. As it was, I had not the least advantage
by it or benefit from it; but there it lay in a drawer and grew
mouldy with the damp of the cave in the wet season; and if I had
had the drawer full of diamonds, it had been the same case; and
they had been of no manner of value to me because of no use.
I had now brought my state of life to be much
easier in itself than it was at first and much easier to my mind,
as well as to my body. I frequently sat down to my meat with
thankfulness, and admired the hand of God’s providence, which had
thus spread my table in the wilderness. I learned to look more upon
the bright side of my condition and less upon the dark side; and to
consider what I enjoyed rather than what I wanted; and this gave me
sometimes such secret comforts that I cannot express them; and
which I take notice of here, to put those discontented people in
mind of it who cannot enjoy comfortably what God has given them
because they see and covet something that He has not given them.
All our discontents about what we want appeared to me to spring
from the want of thankfulness for what we have.
Another reflection was of great use to me, and
doubtless would be so to anyone that should fall into such distress
as mine was; and this was to compare my present condition with what
I at first expected it should be; nay, with what it would certainly
have been, if the good providence of God had not wonderfully
ordered the ship to be cast up nearer to the shore, where I not
only could come at her but could bring what I got out of her to the
shore for my relief and comfort; without which, I had wanted for
tools to work, weapons for defence, or gunpowder and shot for
getting my food.
I spent whole hours, I may say whole days, in
representing to myself, in the most lively colours, how I must have
acted if I had got nothing out of the ship; how I could not have so
much as got any food, except fish and turtles; and that as it was
long before I found any of them, I must have perished first; that I
should have lived, if I had not perished, like a mere savage; that
if I had killed a goat, or a fowl, by any contrivance, I had no way
to flay or open them, or part the flesh from the skin and the
bowels, or to cut it up, but must gnaw it with my teeth and pull it
with my claws like a beast.
These reflections made me very sensible of the
goodness of Providence to me, and very thankful for my present
condition, with all its hardships and misfortunes. And this part
also I cannot but recommend to the reflection of those who are apt
in their misery to say, ‘‘Is any affliction like mine?’’ Let them
consider how much worse the cases of some people are, and their
case might have been, if Providence had thought fit.
I had another reflection which assisted me also to
comfort my mind with hopes; and this was comparing my present
condition with what I had deserved, and had therefore reason to
expect from the hand of Providence. I had lived a dreadful life,
perfectly destitute of the knowledge and fear of God. I had been
well instructed by father and mother; neither had they been wanting
to me in their early endeavours to infuse a religious awe of God
into my mind, a sense of my duty, and of what the nature and end of
my being required of me. But alas! falling early into the seafaring
life, which of all the lives is the most destitute of the fear of
God, though His terrors are always before them; I say, falling
early into the seafaring life, and into seafaring company, all that
little sense of religion which I had entertained was laughed out of
me by my messmates, by a hardened despising of dangers, and the
views of death, which grew habitual to me, by my long absence from
all manner of opportunities to converse with anything but what was
like myself or to hear anything that was good, or tended towards
So void was I of everything that was good, or of
the least sense of what I was or was to be, that in the greatest
deliverances I enjoyed, such as my escape from Sallee, my being
taken up by the Portuguese master of the ship, my being planted so
well in Brazil, my receiving the cargo from England, and the like,
I never had once the words, ‘‘Thank God,’’ so much as on my mind,
or in my mouth; nor in the greatest distress had I so much as a
thought to pray to Him; or so much as to say, ‘‘Lord, have mercy
upon me’’; no, nor to mention the name of God, unless it was to
swear by and blaspheme it.
I had terrible reflections upon my mind for many
months, as I have already observed, on the account of my wicked and
hardened life past; and when I looked about me and considered what
particular providences had attended me since my coming into this
place, and how God had dealt bountifully with me; had not only
punished me less than my iniquity had deserved, but had so
plentifully provided for me; this gave me great hopes that my
repentance was accepted, and that God had yet mercy in store for
With these reflections I worked my mind up, not
only to resignation to the will of God in the present disposition
of my circumstances, but even to a sincere thankfulness for my
condition; and that I, who was yet a living man, ought not to
complain, seeing I had not the due punishment of my sins; that I
enjoyed so many mercies which I had no reason to have expected in
that place; that I ought never more to repine at my condition, but
to rejoice and to give daily thanks for that daily bread which
nothing but a crowd of wonders could have brought. That I ought to
consider I had been fed even by a miracle, even as great as that of
feeding Elijah by ravens; nay, by a long series of miracles; and
that I could hardly have named a place in the unhabitable part of
the world where I could have been cast more to my advantage. A
place, where as I had no society, which was my affliction on one
hand, so I found no ravenous beasts, no furious wolves or tigers to
threaten my life; no venomous creatures or poisonous which I might
feed on to my hurt, no savages to murder and devour me.
In a word, as my life was a life of sorrow one way,
so it was a life of mercy another; and I wanted nothing to make it
a life of comfort, but to be able to make my sense of God’s
goodness to me, and care over me in this condition, be my daily
consolation; and after I did make a just improvement of these
things, I went away and was no more sad.
I had now been here so long that many things which
I brought on shore for my help were either quite gone, or very much
wasted and near spent.
My ink, as I observed, had been gone for some time,
all but a very little, which I eked out with water a little and a
little, till it was so pale it scarce left any appearance of black
upon the paper. As long as it lasted I made use of it to minute
down the days of the month on which any remarkable thing happened
to me; and first by casting up times past, I remember that there
was a strange concurrence of days in the various providences which
befell me, and which, if I had been superstitiously inclined to
observe days as fatal or fortunate, I might have had reason to have
looked upon with a great deal of curiosity.
First, I had observed that the same day that I
broke away from my father and my friends and ran away to Hull in
order to go to sea, the same day afterwards I was taken by the
Sallee man-of-war and made a slave.
The same day of the year that I escaped out of the
wreck of that ship in Yarmouth Roads, that same day-year afterwards
I made my escape from Sallee in the boat.
The same day of the year I was born on, viz., the
30th of September, that same day I had my life so miraculously
saved twenty-six years after, when I was cast on shore in this
island; so that my wicked life and my solitary life begun both on a
The next thing to my ink’s being wasted was that of
my bread, I mean the biscuit which I brought out of the ship. This
I had husbanded to the last degree, allowing myself but one cake of
bread a day for above a year; and yet I was quite without bread for
near a year before I got any corn of my own; and great reason I had
to be thankful that I had any at all, the getting it being, as has
been already observed, next to miraculous.
My clothes began to decay too mightily. As to
linen, I had none a good while, except some checkered shirts which
I found in the chests of the other seamen, and which I carefully
preserved, because many times I could bear no other clothes on but
a shirt; and it was a very great help to me that I had among all
the men’s clothes of the ship almost three dozen of shirts. There
were also several thick watch coats of the seamen’s, which were
left indeed, but they were too hot to wear; and though it is true
that the weather was so violent hot that there was no need of
clothes, yet I could not go quite naked; no, though I had been
inclined to it, which I was not, nor could abide the thoughts of
it, though I was all alone.
The reason why I could not go quite naked was, I
could not bear the heat of the sun so well when quite naked, as
with some clothes on; nay, the very heat frequently blistered my
skin; whereas with a shirt on, the air itself made some motion, and
whistling under that shirt, was twofold cooler than without it. No
more could I ever bring myself to go out in the heat of the sun
without a cap or a hat; the heat of the sun, beating with such
violence as it does in that place, would give me the headache
presently, by darting so directly on my head, without a cap or hat
on, so that I could not bear it; whereas if I put on my hat, it
would presently go away.
Upon those views I began to consider about putting
the few rags I had, which I called clothes, into some order; I had
worn out all the waistcoats I had, and my business was now to try
if I could not make jackets out of the great watch coats which I
had by me, and with such other materials as I had; so I set to work
a-tailoring, or rather indeed a-botching, for I made most piteous
work of it. However, I made shift to make two or three new
waistcoats, which I hoped would serve me a great while; as for
breeches or drawers, I made but a very sorry shift indeed, till
I have mentioned that I saved the skins of all the
creatures that I killed, I mean four-footed ones, and I had hung
them up stretched out with sticks in the sun, by which means some
of them were so dry and hard that they were fit for little, but
others it seems were very useful. The first thing I made of these
was a great cap for my head, with the hair on the outside, to shoot
off the rain; and this I performed so well, that after this I made
me a suit of clothes wholly of these skins, that is to say, a
waistcoat, and breeches open at knees, and both loose, for they
were rather wanting to keep me cool than to keep me warm. I must
not omit to acknowledge that they were wretchedly made; for if I
was a bad carpenter, I was a worse tailor. However, they were such
as I made very good shift with; and when I was abroad, if it
happened to rain, the hair of my waistcoat and cap being outermost,
I was kept very dry.
After this I spent a great deal of time and pains
to make me an umbrella; I was indeed in great want of one, and had
a great mind to make one; I had seen them made in Brazil, where
they are very useful in the great heats which are there. And I felt
the heats every jot as great here, and greater too, being nearer
the equinox; besides, as I was obliged to be much abroad, it was a
most useful thing to me, as well for the rains as the heats. I took
a world of pains at it, and was a great while before I could make
anything likely to hold; nay, after I thought I had hit the way, I
spoiled two or three before I made one to my mind; but at last I
made one that answered indifferently well. The main difficulty I
found was to make it to let down. I could make it to spread, but if
it did not let down too and draw in, it was not portable for me any
way but just over my head, which would not do. However, at last, as
I said, I made one to answer, and covered it with skins, the hair
upwards, so that it cast off the rains like a penthouse and kept
off the sun so effectually, that I could walk out in the hottest of
the weather with greater advantage than I could before in the
coolest, and when I had no need of it, could close it and carry it
under my arm.
Thus I lived mighty comfortably, my mind being
entirely composed by resigning to the will of God and throwing
myself wholly upon the disposal of His Providence. This made my
life better than sociable; for when I began to regret the want of
conversation, I would ask myself whether thus conversing mutually
with my own thoughts, and as I hope I may say, with even God
Himself, by ejaculations, was not better than the utmost enjoyment
of human society in the world.
I cannot say that after this, for five years, any
extraordinary thing happened to me, but I lived on in the same
course, in the same posture and place, just as before; the chief
thing I was employed in, besides my yearly labour of planting my
barley and rice and curing my raisins, of both which I always kept
up just enough to have sufficient stock of one year’s provisions
beforehand; I say, besides this yearly labour and my daily labour
of going out with my gun, I had one labour, to make me a canoe,
which at last I finished. So that by digging a canal to it of six
foot wide, and four foot deep, I brought it into the creek, almost
half a mile. As for the first, which was so vastly big, as I made
it without considering beforehand, as I ought to do, how I should
be able to launch it; so never being able to bring it to the water,
or bring the water to it, I was obliged to let it lie where it was,
as a memorandum to teach me to be wiser next time. Indeed the next
time, though I could not get a tree proper for it, and in a place
where I could not get the water to it at any less distance than, as
I have said, near half a mile; yet as I saw it was practicable at
last, I never gave it over; and though I was near two years about
it, yet I never grudged my labour, in hopes of having a boat to go
off to sea at last.
However, though my little piragua was finished, yet
the size of it was not at all answerable to the design which I had
in view, when I made the first; I mean, of venturing over to the
terra firma, where it was above forty miles broad; accordingly, the
smallness of my boat assisted to put an end to that design, and now
I thought no more of it. But as I had a boat, my next design was to
make a tour round the island; for as I had been on the other side
in one place, crossing, as I have already described it, over the
land, so the discoveries I made in that little journey made me very
eager to see other parts of the coast; and now I had a boat, I
thought of nothing but sailing round the island.
For this purpose, that I might do everything with
discretion and consideration, I fitted up a little mast to my boat,
and made a sail to it out of some of the pieces of the ship’s sail,
which lay in store, and of which I had a great stock by me.
Having fitted my mast and sail and tried the boat,
I found she would sail very well. Then I made little lockers, or
boxes, at either end of my boat, to put provisions, necessaries and
ammunition, etc., into, to be kept dry, either from rain or the
spray of the sea; and a little long hollow place I cut in the
inside of the boat, where I could lay my gun, making a flap to hang
down over it to keep it dry.
I fixed my umbrella also in a step at the stern,
like a mast, to stand over my head, and keep the heat of the sun
off of me like an awning; and thus I every now and then took a
little voyage upon the sea, but never went far out, nor far from
the little creek; but at last being eager to view the circumference
of my little kingdom, I resolved upon my tour and accordingly I
victualled my ship for the voyage, putting in two dozen of my
loaves (cakes I should rather call them) of barley bread, an
earthen pot full of parched rice, a food I ate a great deal of, a
little bottle of rum, half a goat, and powder and shot for killing
more, and two large watch coats, of those which, as I mentioned
before, I had saved out of the seamen’s chests; these I took, one
to lie upon, and the other to cover me in the night.
It was the 6th of November, in the sixth year of my
reign, or my captivity, which you please, that I set out on this
voyage, and I found it much longer than I expected; for though the
island itself was not very large, yet when I came to the east side
of it, I found a great ledge of rocks lie out about two leagues
into the sea, some above water, some under it; and beyond that, a
shoal of sand lying dry half a league more; so that I was obliged
to go a great way out to sea to double the point.
When first I discovered them, I was going to give
over my enterprise, and come back again, not knowing how far it
might oblige me to go out to sea; and above all, doubting how I
should get back again; so I came to an anchor; for I had made me a
kind of an anchor with a piece of a broken grappling, which I got
out of the ship.
Having secured my boat, I took my gun, and went on
shore, climbing up upon a hill, which seemed to overlook that
point, where I saw the full extent of it, and resolved to
In my viewing the sea from that hill where I stood,
I perceived a strong, and indeed a most furious current, which ran
to the east, and even came close to the point; and I took the more
notice of it, because I saw there might be some danger that when I
came into it, I might be carried out to sea by the strength of it
and not be able to make the island again; and indeed, had I not
gotten first up upon this hill, I believe it would have been so;
for there was the same current on the other side the island, only
that it set off at a farther distance; and I saw there was a strong
eddy under the shore; so I had nothing to do but to get in out of
the first current, and I should presently be in an eddy.
I lay here, however, two days; because the wind,
blowing pretty fresh at east-southeast, and that being just
contrary to the said current, made a great breach of the sea upon
the point; so that it was not safe for me to keep too close to the
shore for the breach, nor to go too far off because of the
The third day in the morning, the wind having
abated overnight, the sea was calm, and I ventured; but I am a
warning piece again to all rash and ignorant pilots; for no sooner
was I come to the point, when even I was not my boat’s length from
the shore, but I found myself in a great depth of water, and a
current like the sluice of a mill. It carried my boat along with it
with such violence that all I could do could not keep her so much
as on the edge of it; but I found it hurried me farther and farther
out from the eddy, which was on my left hand. There was no wind
stirring to help me, and all I could do with my paddles signified
nothing; and now I began to give myself over for lost; for as the
current was on both sides of the island, I knew in a few leagues’
distance they must join again, and then I was irrecoverably gone;
nor did I see any possibility of avoiding it; so that I had no
prospect before me but of perishing; not by the sea, for that was
calm enough, but of starving for hunger. I had indeed found a
tortoise on the shore, as big almost as I could lift, and had
tossed it into the boat; and I had a great jar of fresh water, that
is to say, one of my earthen pots; but what was all this to being
driven into the vast ocean, where, to be sure, there was no shore,
no mainland or island, for a thousand leagues at least?
And now I saw how easy it was for the Providence of
God to make the most miserable condition mankind could be in,
worse. Now I looked back upon my desolate solitary island as the
most pleasant place in the world, and all the happiness my heart
could wish for was to be but there again. I stretched out my hands
to it with eager wishes. "O happy desert!’’ said I, ‘‘I shall never
see thee more! O miserable creature,’’ said I, ‘‘whither am I
going!’’ Then I reproached myself with my unthankful temper, and
how I had repined at my solitary condition; and now what would I
give to be on shore there again! Thus we never see the true state
of our condition till it is illustrated to us by its contraries;
nor know how to value what we enjoy, but by the want of it. It is
scarce possible to imagine the consternation I was now in, being
driven from my beloved island (for so it appeared to me now to be)
into the wide ocean almost two leagues, and in the utmost despair
of ever recovering it again. However, I worked hard till indeed my
strength was almost exhausted, and kept my boat as much to the
northward, that is, towards the side of the current which the eddy
lay on, as possibly I could; when about noon, as the sun passed the
meridian, I thought I felt a little breeze of wind in my face,
springing up from the south-southeast. This cheered my heart a
little, and especially when, in about half an hour more, it blew a
pretty small gentle gale. By this time I was gotten at a frightful
distance from the island, and had the least cloud or hazy weather
intervened, I had been undone another way too; for I had no compass
on board, and should never have known how to have steered towards
the island, if I had but once lost sight of it; but the weather
continuing clear, I applied myself to get up my mast again and
spread my sail, standing away to the north as much as possible, to
get out of the current.
Just as I had set my mast and sail, and the boat
began to stretch away, I saw even by the clearness of the water
some alteration of the current was near; for where the current was
so strong, the water was foul; but perceiving the water clear, I
found the current abate, and presently I found to the east, at
about half a mile, a breach of the sea upon some rocks; these rocks
I found caused the current to part again, and as the main stress of
it ran away more southerly, leaving the rocks to the northeast, so
the other returned by the repulse of the rocks and made a strong
eddy, which ran back again to the northwest with a very sharp
They who know what it is to have a reprieve brought
to them upon the ladder or to be rescued from thieves just going to
murder them, or who have been in such like extremities, may guess
what my present surprise of joy was, and how gladly I put my boat
into the stream of this eddy, and the wind also freshening, how
gladly I spread my sail to it, running cheerfully before the wind,
and with a strong tide or eddy under foot.
This eddy carried me about a league in my way back
again directly towards the island, but about two leagues more to
the northward than the current which carried me away at first; so
that when I came near the island, I found myself open to the
northern shore of it, that is to say, the other end of the island,
opposite to that which I went out from.
When I had made something more than a league of way
by the help of this current or eddy, I found it was spent and
served me no further. However, I found that being between the two
great currents, viz., that on the south side, which had hurried me
away, and that on the north, which lay about a league on the other
side: I say, between these two, in the wake of the island, I found
the water at least still and running no way, and having still a
breeze of wind fair for me, I kept on steering directly for the
island, though not making such fresh way as I did before.
About four o’clock in the evening, being then
within about a league of the island, I found the point of the rocks
which occasioned this disaster, stretching out, as is described
before, to the southward, and casting off the current more
southwardly, had of course made another eddy to the north, and this
I found very strong, but not directly setting the way my course
lay, which was due west, but almost full north. However, having a
fresh gale, I stretched across this eddy, slanting northwest, and
in about an hour came within about a mile of the shore, where, it
being smooth water, I soon got to land.
When I was on shore, I fell on my knees, and gave
God thanks for my deliverance, resolving to lay aside all thoughts
of my deliverance by my boat; and refreshing myself with such
things as I had, I brought my boat close to the shore in a little
cove that I had spied under some trees, and laid me down to sleep,
being quite spent with the labour and fatigue of the voyage.
I was now at a great loss which way to get home
with my boat. I had run so much hazard, and knew too much the case,
to think of attempting it by the way I went out; and what might be
at the other side (I mean the west side) I knew not, nor had I any
mind to run any more ventures; so I only resolved in the morning to
make my way westward along the shore and to see if there was no
creek where I might lay up my frigate in safety, so as to have her
again if I wanted her. In about three miles, or thereabouts,
coasting the shore, I came to a very good inlet, or bay, about a
mile over, which narrowed till it came to a very little rivulet or
brook, where I found a very convenient harbour for my boat, and
where she lay as if she had been in a little dock made on purpose
for her. Here I put in, and having stowed my boat very safe, I went
on shore to look about me and see where I was.
I soon found I had but a little passed by the place
where I had been before, when I travelled on foot to that shore; so
taking nothing out of my boat but my gun and my umbrella, for it
was exceeding hot, I began my march. The way was comfortable enough
after such a voyage as I had been upon, and I reached my old bower
in the evening, where I found everything standing as I left it; for
I always kept it in good order, being, as I said before, my country
I got over the fence and laid me down in the shade
to rest my limbs, for I was very weary, and fell asleep. But judge
you, if you can, that read my story, what a surprise I must be in,
when I was waked out of my sleep by a voice calling me by my name
several times, ‘‘Robin, Robin, Robin Crusoe, poor Robin Crusoe!
Where are you, Robin Crusoe? Where are you? Where have you
I was so dead asleep at first, being fatigued with
rowing, or paddling, as it is called, the first part of the day and
with walking the latter part, that I did not wake thoroughly; but
dozing between sleeping and waking, thought I dreamed that somebody
spoke to me. But as the voice continued to repeat ‘‘Robin Crusoe,
Robin Crusoe,’’ at last I began to wake more perfectly, and was at
first dreadfully frighted and started up in the utmost
consternation. But no sooner were my eyes open, but I saw my Poll
sitting on the top of the hedge; and immediately knew that it was
he that spoke to me; for just in such bemoaning language I had used
to talk to him, and teach him; and he had learned it so perfectly
that he would sit upon my finger and lay his bill close to my face,
and cry, ‘‘Poor Robin Crusoe! Where are you? Where have you been?
How come you here?’’ and such things as I had taught him.
However, even though I knew it was the parrot, and
that indeed it could be nobody else, it was a good while before I
could compose myself. First, I was amazed how the creature got
thither, and then how he should just keep about the place and
nowhere else. But as I was well satisfied it could be nobody but
honest Poll, I got it over; and holding out my hand, and calling
him by his name, ‘‘Poll,’’ the sociable creature came to me, and
sat upon my thumb, as he used to do, and continued talking to me,
‘‘Poor Robin Crusoe!’’ and how did I come here? and where had I
been? just as if he had been overjoyed to see me again; and so I
carried him home along with me.