I Am Very Seldom Idle
THUS, and in this disposition of mind, I began my
third year; and though I have not given the reader the trouble of
so particular an account of my works this year as the first, yet in
general it may be observed that I was very seldom idle; but having
regularly divided my time, according to the several daily
employments that were before me, such as, first, my duty to God,
and the reading the Scriptures, which I constantly set apart some
time for thrice every day; secondly, the going abroad with my gun
for food, which generally took me up three hours in every morning,
when it did not rain; thirdly, the ordering, curing, preserving and
cooking what I had killed or caught for my supply; these took up
great part of the day; also it is to be considered that the middle
of the day, when the sun was in the zenith, the violence of the
heat was too great to stir out; so that about four hours in the
evening was all the time I could be supposed to work in; with this
exception, that sometimes I changed my hours of hunting and
working, and went to work in the morning and abroad with my gun in
the afternoon.
To this short time allowed for labour, I desire may
be added the exceeding laboriousness of my work, the many hours
which for want of tools, want of help, and want of skill,
everything I did took up out of my time. For example, I was full
two-and-forty days making me a board for a long shelf, which I
wanted in my cave; whereas two sawyers with their tools and a
saw-pit would have cut six of them out of the same tree in half a
My case was this: it was to be a large tree which
was to be cut down, because my board was to be a broad one. This
tree I was three days a-cutting down, and two more cutting off the
boughs, and reducing it to a log, or piece of timber. With
inexpressible hacking and hewing, I reduced both the sides of it
into chips, till it began to be light enough to move; then I turned
it and made one side of it smooth and flat as a board from end to
end; then turning that side downward, cut the other side, till I
brought the plank to be about three inches thick, and smooth on
both sides. Anyone may judge the labour of my hands in such a piece
of work; but labour and patience carried me through that and many
other things. I only observe this in particular, to show the reason
why so much of my time went away with so little work, viz., that
what might be a little to be done with help and tools was a vast
labour and required a prodigious time to do alone and by
But notwithstanding this, with patience and labour
I went through many things; and indeed everything that my
circumstances made necessary to me to do, as will appear by what
I was now, in the months of November and December,
expecting my crop of barley and rice. The ground I had manured or
dug up for them was not great; for as I observed, my seed of each
was not above the quantity of half a peck; for I had lost one whole
crop by sowing in the dry season; but now my crop promised very
well, when on a sudden I found I was in danger of losing it all
again by enemies of several sorts, which it was scarce possible to
keep from it; at first, the goats, and wild creatures which I
called hares, who, tasting the sweetness of the blade, lay in it
night and day, as soon as it came up, and eat it so close that it
could get no time to shoot up into stalk.
This I saw no remedy for, but by making an
enclosure about it with a hedge, which I did with a great deal of
toil; and the more, because it required speed. However, as my
arable land was but small, suited to my crop, I got it totally well
fenced in about three weeks’ time; and shooting some of the
creatures in the daytime, I set my dog to guard it in the night,
tying him up to a stake at the gate, where he would stand and bark
all night long; so in a little time the enemies forsook the place,
and the corn grew very strong and well, and began to ripen
But as the beasts ruined me before, while my corn
was in the blade, so the birds were as likely to ruin me now, when
it was in the ear; for going along by the place to see how it
throve, I saw my little crop surrounded with fowls of I know not
how many sorts, who stood, as it were, watching till I should be
gone. I immediately let fly among them (for I always had my gun
with me). I had no sooner shot, but there rose up a little cloud of
fowls, which I had not seen at all, from among the corn
This touched me sensibly, for I foresaw that in a
few days they would devour all my hopes, that I should be starved,
and never be able to raise a crop at all, and what to do I could
not tell. However, I resolved not to lose my corn, if possible,
though I should watch it night and day. In the first place, I went
among it to see what damage was already done, and found they had
spoiled a good deal of it, but that as it was yet too green for
them, the loss was not so great, but that the remainder was like to
be a good crop if it could be saved.
I stayed by it to load my gun, and then coming away
I could easily see the thieves sitting upon all the trees about me,
as if they only waited till I was gone away, and the event proved
it to be so; for as I walked off as if I was gone, I was no sooner
out of their sight but they dropped down one by one into the corn
again. I was so provoked that I could not have patience to stay
till more came on, knowing that every grain that they ate now was,
as it might be said, a peck-loaf to me in the consequence; but
coming up to the hedge, I fired again, and killed three of them.
This was what I wished for; so I took them up and served them as we
serve notorious thieves in England, viz., hanged them in chains for
a terror to others; it is impossible to imagine, almost, that this
should have such an effect as it had; for the fowls would not only
not come at the corn, but in short, they forsook all that part of
the island, and I could never see a bird near the place as long as
my scarecrows hung there.
This I was very glad of, you may be sure, and about
the latter end of December, which was our second harvest of the
year, I reaped my crop.
I was sadly put to it for a scythe or a sickle to
cut it down, and all I could do was to make one as well as I could
out of one of the broadswords, or cutlasses, which I saved among
the arms out of the ship. However, as my first crop was but small,
I had no great difficulty to cut it down; in short, I reaped it my
way, for I cut nothing off but the ears, and carried it away in a
great basket which I had made, and so rubbed it out with my hands;
and at the end of all my harvesting, I found that out of my half
peck of seed I had near two bushels of rice and above two bushels
and a half of barley, that is to say, by my guess, for I had no
measure at that time.
However, this was a great encouragement to me, and
I foresaw that in time it would please God to supply me with bread.
And yet here I was perplexed again, for I neither knew how to grind
or make meal of my corn, or indeed how to clean it and part it; nor
if made into meal, how to make bread of it; and if how to make it,
yet I knew not how to bake it. These things being added to my
desire of having a good quantity for store, and to secure a
constant supply, I resolved not to taste any of this crop, but to
preserve it all for seed against the next season, and in the
meantime to employ all my study and hours of working to accomplish
this great work of providing myself with corn and bread.
It might be truly said that now I worked for my
bread. ’Tis a little wonderful, and what I believe few people have
thought much upon, viz., the strange multitude of little things
necessary in the providing, producing, curing, dressing, making,
and finishing this one article of bread.
I, that was reduced to a mere state of nature,
found this to my daily discouragement, and was made more and more
sensible of it every hour, even after I had got the first handful
of seed corn, which, as I have said, came up unexpectedly and
indeed to a surprise.
First, I had no plough to turn up the earth, no
spade or shovel to dig it. Well, this I conquered by making a
wooden spade, as I observed before; but this did my work in but a
wooden manner; and though it cost me a great many days to make it,
yet for want of iron it not only wore out the sooner, but made my
work the harder, and made it be performed much worse.
However, this I bore with, and was content to work
it out with patience and bear with the badness of the performance.
When the corn was sowed, I had no harrow but was forced to go over
it myself and drag a great heavy bough of a tree over it, to
scratch it, as it may be called, rather than rake or harrow
When it was growing and grown, I have observed
already how many things I wanted, to fence it, secure it, mow or
reap it, cure and carry it home, thrash, part it from the chaff,
and save it. Then I wanted a mill to grind it, sieves to dress it,
yeast and salt to make it into bread, and an oven to bake it; and
yet all these things I did without, as shall be observed; and yet
the corn was an inestimable comfort and advantage to me too. All
this, as I said, made everything laborious and tedious to me, but
that there was no help for; neither was my time so much loss to me,
because, as I had divided it, a certain part of it was every day
appointed to these works; and as I resolved to use none of the corn
for bread till I had a greater quantity by me, I had the next six
months to apply myself wholly by labour and invention to furnish
myself with utensils proper for the performing all the operations
necessary for the making the corn (when I had it) fit for my
But first I was to prepare more land, for I had now
seed enough to sow above an acre of ground. Before I did this, I
had a week’s work at least to make me a spade, which when it was
done was but a sorry one indeed, and very heavy, and required
double labour to work with it; however, I went through that, and
sowed my seed in two large flat pieces of ground, as near my house
as I could find them to my mind, and fenced them in with a good
hedge, the stakes of which were all cut of that wood which I had
set before, and knew it would grow; so that in one year’s time I
knew I should have a quick or living hedge that would want but
little repair. This work was not so little as to take me up less
than three months, because great part of that time was of the wet
season, when I could not go abroad.
Within doors, that is, when it rained, and I could
not go out, I found employment on the following occasions; always
observing, that all the while I was at work I diverted myself with
talking to my parrot and teaching him to speak, and I quickly
learned him to know his own name and at last to speak it out pretty
loud, ‘‘Poll,’’ which was the first word I ever heard spoken in the
island by any mouth but my own. This therefore was not my work, but
an assistant to my work, for now, as I said, I had a great
employment upon my hands, as follows, viz., I had long studied, by
some means or other, to make myself some earthen vessels, which
indeed I wanted sorely, but knew not where to come at them.
However, considering the heat of the climate, I did not doubt but
if I could find out any such clay, I might botch up some such pot,
as might, being dried in the sun, be hard enough and strong enough
to bear handling, and to hold anything that was dry, and required
to be kept so; and as this was necessary in the preparing corn,
meal, etc., which was the thing I was upon, I resolved to make some
as large as I could, and fit only to stand like jars to hold what
should be put into them.
It would make the reader pity me, or rather laugh
at me, to tell how many awkward ways I took to raise this paste;
what odd, misshapen, ugly things I made; how many of them fell in,
and how many fell out, the clay not being stiff enough to bear its
own weight; how many cracked by the over-violent heat of the sun,
being set out too hastily; and how many fell in pieces with only
removing, as well before as after they were dried; and in a word,
how after having laboured hard to find the clay, to dig it, to
temper it, to bring it home and work it, I could not make above two
large earthen ugly things, I cannot call them jars, in about two
months’ labour.
However, as the sun baked these two very dry and
hard, I lifted them very gently up, and set them down again in two
great wicker baskets, which I had made on purpose for them, that
they might not break; and as between the pot and the basket there
was a little room to spare, I stuffed it full of the rice and
barley straw, and these two pots being to stand always dry, I
thought would hold my dry corn, and perhaps the meal when the corn
was bruised.
Though I miscarried so much in my design for large
pots, yet I made several smaller things with better success; such
as little round pots, flat dishes, pitchers, and pipkins, and
anything my hand turned to, and the heat of the sun baked them
strangely hard.
But all this would not answer my end, which was to
get an earthen pot to hold what was liquid, and bear the fire,
which none of these could do. It happened after some time, making a
pretty large fire for cooking my meat, when I went to put it out
after I had done with it, I found a broken piece of one of my
earthenware vessels in the fire, burnt as hard as a stone, and red
as a tile. I was agreeably surprised to see it, and said to myself
that certainly they might be made to burn whole, if they would burn
This set me to studying how to order my fire, so as
to make it burn me some pots. I had no notion of a kiln such as the
potters burn in, or of glazing them with lead, though I had some
lead to do it with; but I placed three large pipkins and two or
three pots in a pile one upon another and placed my firewood all
round it with a great heap of embers under them; I plied the fire
with fresh fuel round the outside and upon the top, till I saw the
pots in the inside red hot quite through, and observed that they
did not crack at all; when I saw them clear red, I let them stand
in that heat about five or six hours, till I found one of them,
though it did not crack, did melt or run, for the sand which was
mixed with the clay melted by the violence of the heat, and would
have run into glass if I had gone on; so I slacked my fire
gradually, till the pots began to abate of the red colour, and
watching them all night, that I might not let the fire abate too
fast, in the morning I had three very good, I will not say
handsome, pipkins, and two other earthen pots, as hard burnt as
could be desired; and one of them perfectly glazed with the running
of the sand.
After this experiment, I need not say that I wanted
no sort of earthenware for my use; but I must needs say, as to the
shapes of them, they were very indifferent, as anyone may suppose,
when I had no way of making them, but as the children make dirt
pies, or as a woman would make pies that never learned to raise
No joy at a thing of so mean a nature was ever
equal to mine, when I found I had made an earthen pot that would
bear the fire; and I had hardly patience to stay till they were
cold, before I set one upon the fire again, with some water in it,
to boil me some meat, which it did admirably well; and with a piece
of a kid I made some very good broth, though I wanted oatmeal, and
several other ingredients requisite to make it so good as I would
have had it been.
My next concern was to get me a stone mortar to
stamp or beat some corn in; for as to the mill, there was no
thought at arriving to that perfection of art with one pair of
hands. To supply this want I was at a great loss; for of all trades
in the world I was as perfectly unqualified for a stone-cutter as
for any whatever; neither had I any tools to go about it with. I
spent many a day to find out a great stone big enough to cut hollow
and make fit for a mortar, and could find none at all, except what
was in the solid rock, and which I had no way to dig or cut out;
nor indeed were the rocks in the island of hardness sufficient, but
were all of a sandy crumbling stone, which would neither bear the
weight of a heavy pestle or would break the corn without filling it
with sand; so after a great deal of time lost in searching for a
stone, I gave it over, and resolved to look out for a great block
of hard wood, which I found indeed much easier; and getting one as
big as I had strength to stir, I rounded it, and formed it in the
outside with my axe and hatchet, and then with the help of fire,
and infinite labour, made a hollow place in it, as the Indians in
Brazil make their canoes. After this, I made a great heavy pestle
or beater, of the wood called the iron-wood, and this I prepared
and laid by against I had my next crop of corn, when I proposed to
myself to grind, or rather pound, my corn into meal, to make my
My next difficulty was to make a sieve, or searce,
to dress my meal and to part it from the bran and the husk, without
which I did not see it possible I could have any bread. This was a
most difficult thing, so much as but to think on; for to be sure I
had nothing like the necessary thing to make it; I mean fine thin
canvas or stuff, to searce the meal through. And here I was at a
full stop for many months; nor did I really know what to do; linen
I had none left, but what was mere rags; I had goats’ hair, but
neither knew I how to weave it or spin it; and had I known how,
here was no tools to work it with; all the remedy that I found for
this was, that at last I did remember I had among the seamen’s
clothes which were saved out of the ship, some neckcloths of calico
or muslin; and with some pieces of these, I made three small
sieves, but proper enough for the work; and thus I made shift for
some years. How I did afterwards, I shall show in its place.
The baking part was the next thing to be considered
and how I should make bread when I came to have corn; for, first, I
had no yeast; as to that part, as there was no supplying the want,
so I did not concern myself much about it; but for an oven I was
indeed in great pain. At length I found out an experiment for that
also, which was this: I made some earthen vessels very broad, but
not deep; that is to say, about two foot diameter, and not above
nine inches deep; these I burned in the fire, as I had done the
other, and laid them by; and when I wanted to bake, I made a great
fire upon my hearth, which I had paved with some square tiles of my
own making and burning also; but I should not call them
When the firewood was burned pretty much into
embers, or live coals, I drew them forward upon this hearth, so as
to cover it all over, and there I let them lie, till the hearth was
very hot; then sweeping away all the embers, I set down my loaf, or
loaves, and whelming down the earthen pot upon them, drew the
embers all round the outside of the pot, to keep in, and add to the
heat; and thus, as well as in the best oven in the world, I baked
my barley loaves, and became in little time a mere pastry-cook into
the bargain; for I made myself several cakes of the rice and
puddings; indeed I made no pies, neither had I anything to put into
them, supposing I had, except the flesh either of fowls or
It need not be wondered at, if all these things
took me up most part of the third year of my abode here; for it is
to be observed that in the intervals of these things I had my new
harvest and husbandry to manage; for I reaped my corn in its season
and carried it home as well as I could, and laid it up in the ear,
in my large baskets, till I had time to rub it out; for I had no
floor to thrash it on, or instrument to thrash it with.
And now indeed my stock of corn increasing, I
really wanted to build my barns bigger. I wanted a place to lay it
up in; for the increase of the corn now yielded me so much that I
had of the barley about twenty bushels, and of the rice as much or
more; insomuch that now I resolved to begin to use it freely, for
my bread had been quite gone a great while; also I resolved to see
what quantity would be sufficient for me a whole year, and to sow
but once a year.
Upon the whole, I found that the forty bushels of
barley and rice was much more than I could consume in a year; so I
resolved to sow just the same quantity every year that I sowed the
last, in hopes that such a quantity would fully provide me with
bread, etc.
All the while these things were doing, you may be
sure my thoughts ran many times upon the prospect of land which I
had seen from the other side of the island, and I was not without
secret wishes that I were on shore there, fancying that seeing the
mainland, and an inhabited country, I might find some way or other
to convey myself farther, and perhaps at last find some means of
But all this while I made no allowance for the
dangers of such a condition, and how I might fall into the hands of
savages, and perhaps such as I might have reason to think far worse
than the lions and tigers of Africa. That if I once came into their
power, I should run a hazard more than a thousand to one of being
killed and perhaps of being eaten; for I had heard that the people
of the Caribbean coasts were cannibals, or man-eaters, and I knew
by the latitude that I could not be far off from that shore. That
suppose they were not cannibals, yet that they might kill me, as
many Europeans who had fallen into their hands had been served,
even when they had been ten or twenty together; much more I, that
was but one, and could make little or no defence. All these things,
I say, which I ought to have considered well of, and did cast up in
my thoughts afterwards, yet took up none of my apprehensions at
first; but my head ran mightily upon the thought of getting over to
the shore.
Now I wished for my boy Xury, and the longboat with
the shoulder-of-mutton sail with which I sailed above a thousand
miles on the coast of Africa; but this was in vain. Then I thought
I would go and look at our ship’s boat, which, as I have said, was
blown up upon the shore a great way in the storm, when we were
first cast away. She lay almost where she did at first, but not
quite; and was turned by the force of the waves and the winds,
almost bottom upward against a high ridge of beachy rough sand; but
no water about her as before.
If I had had hands to have refitted her and to have
launched her into the water, the boat would have done well enough,
and I might have gone back into Brazil with her easily enough; but
I might have foreseen that I could no more turn her and set her
upright upon her bottom than I could remove the island. However, I
went to the woods and cut levers and rollers, and brought them to
the boat, resolved to try what I could do; suggesting to myself
that if I could but turn her down, I might easily repair the damage
she had received, and she would be a very good boat, and I might go
to sea in her very easily.
I spared no pains, indeed, in this piece of
fruitless toil, and spent, I think, three or four weeks about it;
at last finding it impossible to heave it up with my little
strength, I fell to digging away the sand to undermine it, and so
to make it fall down, setting pieces of wood to thrust and guide it
right in the fall.
But when I had done this, I was unable to stir it
up again, or to get under it, much less to move it forward towards
the water; so I was forced to give it over; and yet, though I gave
over the hopes of the boat, my desire to venture over for the main
increased, rather than decreased, as the means for it seemed