Author’s Preface
1 (p. 3)
concealed: Defoe is referring to secret histories, a popular
genre of writing in the eighteenth century in which well-known
people and events were masked in remote and allegorical plots.
Often, keys were published separately to reveal true names, places,
and events.
2 (p. 3)
Newgate: This London prison was notorious for the hardened
criminal offenders incarcerated there and the harsh conditions in
which they were held. Defoe often writes in what he calls a “warm”
manner on Newgate because he spent five months there himself in
1703 for writing a seditious pamphlet. He thinks of the place as
the veritable nadir of human experience, and Moll compares Newgate
to “an emblem of hell itself, and a kind of an entrance into it”
(p. 249).
3 (p. 6)
transported: To reduce overcrowding in England’s prisons,
convicted felons (usually facing a sentence of execution) were
sometimes offered the choice of transport abroad to the colonies,
where they went into indentured servitude for a period of five to
seven years.
Volume I
4 (p. 11)
Moll Flanders: “Moll” is often used to denote a woman who is
a criminal or consorts with gangsters or, in some circumstances, is
a prostitute. Flanders is a kind of fine lace from the Netherlands
that, at the time of the novel, was often under restrictive tariff
in England to protect local manufacturers.
5 (p. 12)
parish: Under a series of comprehensive “poor laws” in
England, individual parishes throughout the country bore
responsibility for the care of orphans and indigents within their
precincts. Newgate Prison was not under parish auspices, so no
public institution was responsible for caring for the infant
6 (p. 22)
Mrs. Betty: At the time of the novel “Mrs.” was a generic
address for a woman, whether married or unmarried, and “Betty” was
a generic name for a chambermaid.
7 (p. 31)
bred to law: The laws of primogeniture in England passed
estates in their entirety to firstborn sons, so the younger sons of
families often took to the law and other professions. In this case,
the younger brother assumes that though his family would prefer
that he marry a woman who would bring him a substantial sum as a
dowry, there is less concern about his choice of a wife than there
is for the choice his older brother will make.
8 (p. 35)
all along told me I was his wife: Parties who agreed that
they were married had legal marital status until the mid-eighteenth
century, when new laws mandated official legal and religious
sanction for marriage.
9 (p. 39)
I entreated him ... pull bis sword out and kill me: In
protesting her lover’s approval of her marriage to his younger
brother, Moll is nearly as histrionic as the character Dido, queen
of Carthage, when she speaks of her implied marriage to the warrior
Aeneas in the epic poem Aeneid, by first-century B.C. Roman
poet Virgil.
10 (p.
50) “Answer, and answer not, says Solomon”: The reference is
to the Bible, Proverbs 26:4-5: “Answer not a fool according to his
folly, lest thou also be like unto him. / Answer a fool according
to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit” (King James
11 (p.
57) We saw all the rarities at Oxford: Defoe is referring to
the many antiquarian objects housed in the college
12 (p.
58) sponging-house: This is a kind of holding cell for
potential inhabitants of debtor’s prison, usually run by the local
bailiff or officer of a parish court.
13 (p.
58) caused the rest of his goods to be removed into the
Mint: The reference is to a section in the London district of
Southwark that was an established, legal sanctuary for debtors and
bankrupts; originally it was the site in London for the minting of
English coin.
14 (p.
60) Lord Rochester’s mistress ... to have the scandal of a whore
without the joy: Defoe had an unusual predilection for the
poems of that most notorious of Restoration rakes, John Wilmot,
second earl of Rochester (1647-1680), many of whose poems were of a
lascivious nature. These lines are from his “Song to Phillis”: “Dye
with the scandal of a Whore, / and never know the joy.”
15 (p.
67) “A woman ne‘er so ruined... her undoer, man”: Moll
slightly misquotes “Letter from Artemiza in the Country to Chloe in
the Town,” by the poet John Wilmot, second earl of Rochester: “A
Woman’s ne’r so wretched but she can / Be still revenged on her
undoer, man.” (See also endnote 14.)
16 (p.
80) There are more thieves and rogues made by... Newgate:
Defoe felt, as have many after him, that miserable conditions in
prisons bred more crime than the threat of prison sentences
17 (p.
88) for my mother’s opinion was, bury the whole thing
entirely: Moll’s mother here takes a position very similar to
that of Jocasta in Oedipus Tyrannos, by fifth-century B.C.
Greek playwright Sophocles. When Jocasta realizes that her husband
is also her son, she claims that since we actually dream of such
things, we can learn to endure them. Obviously Freud had recourse
to Jocasta’s words for his theory of the Oedipus complex. He might
well have had recourse to the words of Moll’s mother as well.
18 (p.
101) “Are the Virginia ships taken by the French?”: Moll is
voicing a timely concern. This sequence of the novel is set during
the English Civil Wars, when French privateers were a persistent
threat to English merchant vessels sailing the trading lanes of the
Atlantic and the Mediterranean.
19 (p.
115) indifferent monitor: Moll is saying that she is not a
responsible judge of her own moral values. This phrase generated a
brilliant essay on the psychology of Defoe’s novel by Maximillian
Novak (“‘Unweary’d Traveller’ and ‘Indifferent Monitor’: Openness
and Complexity in Moll Flanders,” in Realism, Myth, and
History in Defoe’s Fiction; see “For Further Reading”).
20 (p.
116) goldsmith ... broke: Goldsmiths were
moneylenders and money changers who functioned as unregulated
bankers. By “broke” Moll means he went bankrupt.
(p. 129) the family were all Roman Catholics: After Henry
VIII broke off from Rome, the English were never sympathetic to the
Catholic religion and were especially antagonistic during the years
of the Revolution and the Protectorate, in which Moll’s story is
for the most part set. The law forbade open Catholic worship in
England or the holding of state offices by Catholics. On the whole,
Defoe’s own views were tolerant on the religious side of the
question but leery when Catholicism, as it so often did, moved into
open or covert political support for the reimposition of a Catholic
monarchy in England.
(p. 130) married by a priest. Though it was illegal to
practice Catholicism during this time, a marriage performed by a
Roman Catholic priest would be recognized as legal.
(p. 144) a much brighter history ... than any I ever saw
in print: Defoe planned sequels to Moll Flanders in which he
would elaborate on the stories of Jemmy and Moll’s governess in
crime, Mother Midnight. But he produced neither; nor did he produce
a promised sequel to his novel Roxana, which ends in the
midst of a vicious crime.
(p. 147) “to prevent the parish impertinences”: The parish
bears responsibility for orphans and indigents, and “impertinences”
in this case refers to Moll’s fear that the parish will wrest the
child from her because of the unseemly circumstances of her
(p. 148) “I have given security to the parish...
under my roof”: That is, Mother Midnight has made
arrangements to satisfy the parish officers about any and all
activities in her house, including the birth of newborns.
(p. 165) consent of friends should be wanted: If a young
lady was to be married underage, she needed the consent of a family
member or a guardian for the ceremony.
(p. 166) “we are not tied by the canons to marry nowhere but in
the church”: The church usually set the hours and places for
marriages, though the upper classes could have the rules bent for
them with the timely exercise of influence and funds.
Volume II
28 (p.
184) Moll Cutpurse: Mary Frith (a.k.a. Moll Cutpurse;
1584?-1659) was one of the most infamous thieves of
seventeenth-century England. Thomas Middleton and Thomas Dekker
depict her life in their play The Roaring Girle, Or Moll
Cut-Purse (1611). Pickpockets of the period worked by severing
the belt or strap that held a purse near the body and were often
called “cutpurses.”
29 (p.
187) They both pleaded their bellies... quick with child.
The women are claiming to be pregnant, because a pregnant woman’s
sentence was stayed up to and beyond her delivery. This was the
case with Moll’s mother at the beginning of the novel.
30 (p.
196) to dress me up in men’s clothes: Mary Frith, the thief
also known as Moll Cutpurse, often dressed as a man. Mother
Midnight here suggests that Moll Flanders do the same, to avoid
31 (p.
199) Lord Mayor. The Lord Mayor of London holds a largely
ceremonial office with some judicial and regulatory power.
32 (p.
205) a merry time of the year, and Bartholomew Fair was
begun: This boisterous London fair, which began annually on
August 24, had its start in the twelfth century.
33 (p.
219) Bluecoat Hospital: Christ’s Hospital, a charity school,
was also known as “Bluecoat Hospital” because the students there
wore long blue gowns. Moll’s route here puts her in the same
unsavory neighborhoods she has long wandered as a criminal.
34 (p.
222) “are you a justice of peace or a constable?”: The
question refers to the fact that a constable does not determine
guilt or innocence but merely detains the suspect upon request of
the victim. If the charges are plausible, the justice of the peace
then holds the criminal or arranges bails.
35 (p.
242) French pistoles... ducatoons, orrix-dollars: French
pistoles are gold coins worth nearly a pound sterling; Dutch
ducatoons are silver coins worth six shillings or so; Dutch
rix-dollars are silver coins worth between two and four
36 (p.
246) alderman of the city: An alderman is a legislative
member of the City of London borough council, serving as peace
officer for local disputes. There was, at the time of the novel, no
citywide police force or court system serving the whole of London.
Each borough or parish handled its own criminal and civic
37 (p.
250) score: Prisoners were charged for board and for perks, and
those with sufficient funds could purchase what they needed, bribe
those useful to them, and live in some style while
38 (p.
252) forfeit his recognizance: The linen merchant is
concerned that if he were to show compassion toward Moll he would
be contradicting his original statements against her (his
39 (p.
255) Hounslow Heath: Highwaymen reconnoitered at this
notorious spot, which at the time of the novel was about 10 miles
outside the city, and plied their trade on the road.
40 (p.
255) press-yard: This part of the Newgate complex was
originally used for torture but eventually became desirable, since
it contained better living quarters that prisoners could attain by
paying fees to prison officials. John Gay’s wonderful comic
extravaganza for the stage, The Beggar’s Opera (1728), set
in Newgate, reveals just how the prison system of bribery and
corruption worked in early-eighteenth-century London.
41 (p.
256) Hind, or Whitney, or the Golden Farmer: These men were
legendarily notorious thieves. James Hind, a highwayman, was
brutally executed in 1652 during the Protectorate; James Whitney,
also a highwayman, was executed in 1694; and William Davis, a
former farmer known for paying his debts with gold coin (hence,
“the Golden Farmer”), was executed in 1689.
42 (p.
261) I know not how to express them: Defoe often has his
characters claim that they do not have the power to record the deep
impression that experiences, usually of a spiritual or frightful
nature, make upon them. Robinson Crusoe has something of the same
reaction on his island after his fever-induced nightmare of the
avenging angel: He claims not to have the words to explain the
impression made on him by the vision.
43 (p.
262) extort confessions from prisoners: The chaplain
alludes, in part, to what were known as Newgate biographies,
confessions sold for religious purposes as the last words of those
about to be executed.
44 (p.
266) petition for transportation: Transportation (removal to
the colonies as an indentured servant) was not an automatic option,
especially for capital crimes. But given the crowding of prisons
and the need for indentured service in the colonies, transportation
was likely for first-time offenders.
45 (p.
277) term: The term in Jemmy’s case appears to be life, and
though he will not become an indentured servant, he apparently
gives up any option of returning to England “as long as he lived”
(p. 281).
46 (p.
281) However... a little strange: This paragraph seems to be
an amended version of the text that Defoe delivered to his printer
as a substitution for the two paragraphs beginning “Then I told
her...” and “She soon agreed...” (p. 281). Unfortunately, the
printer did not delete the two paragraphs as Defoe requested; he
simply kept them and added the new material. We have included it
all, and the reader is welcome to work out the logic to his or her
(p. 290) can’t see well enough: Moll’s brother/husband seems
to be almost blind, reminiscent of the blindness that Oedipus
inflicts upon himself for the unnatural crimes of killing his
father and marrying his mother in Oedipus Tyrannos, by
fifth-century B.C. Greek playwright Sophocles.
(p. 290) my very bowels moved: In the psychology of the day, still
medieval in origin, the bowels were considered to be the seat of
the emotions, a holdover echoed in the cliché “gut feeling.”
(p. 293) Providence... makes use here of the same natural causes
to produce those extraordinary effects: Defoe is always more
comfortable dealing with the manifestation of God’s providence in
the world if he can attribute the effects to causes that are also
natural or psychological. The experiences of Robinson Crusoe on his
island are instances of Defoe’s thinking in this vein: There are
natural causes on the island for every event Crusoe describes as
(p. 294) thief-catchers: The reference is to informers who
identify thieves to the authorities after having taken part in the
crime themselves.
(p. 294) restore for a reward what they had stolen the
evening before: The network of crime in London included so-called
“fences” who would return them to the theft victim for a price.
Moll’s governess, Mother Midnight, does this in the episode
involving the baronet (see p. 214).