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BLANCHARD, K., JOHNSON, S., Who Moved my Cheese? Putnam Adult, 1998. BUZAN, T., Use your head. BBC Active, 2003.

BUZAN, T., (2007) Mindmappen. Pearson Education Benelux.

BYTTEBIER, I., Creativiteit. Hoe? Zo! Lannoo, 2009.

COMMISSIE MONARD, Visienota secundair onderwijs: kwaliteit en kansen voor elke leerling. 2009.

DE BONO, E., Zes denkende hoofddeksels. Business bibliotheek, 2008.

FRIEDMAN, T., The World is Flat. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2005.

GARDNER, H., Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. Basic Books, New York, 1993.

GELB, M. J., Denken als Leonardo Da Vinci. De kern, 2007.

HEATH, D. & C., De plakfactor – Made to Stick. Pearson Education, 2007.

KELLY, T., The Ten Faces of Innovation. Currency Doubleday, 2005.

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MAEDA, J., The Laws of Simplicity. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2006.

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McDONOUGH, W., BRAUNGART, M., Cradle to Cradle. Remaking the Way We Make Things. North Point Press, 2002.

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PIJPERS, G, Information overload’, Wiley US, 2010

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ROBINSON, K., Het element. Spectrum, 2009.

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TALEB, N., The Black Swan. The Impact of the Highly Improbable. Penguin, 2007.

TOBIN, D. R., All Learning is Self-Directed. How Organisations Can Support and Encourage Independent Learning. ASTD Press, Alexandria, VA, 2000.

VERMEIREN, J., Let’s Connect. Pearson Education, 2007.

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WENGER, E., Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning and Identity. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1998.