Why Would the Forest Near Hogwarts Be

J. K. Rowling’s Forbidden Forest near Hogwarts has all the
qualities one could expect. It is nature run wild, making it the
opposite of civilized places like Hogwarts or the village of
Hogsmeade. Within it live magical creatures older than humankind,
like the unicorn. As well, just as there is knowledge in nature
that humans have always tried to understand—such as the wisdom of
the nature gods worshipped by the Druids—the Forbidden Forest near
Hogwarts is a place where secrets are kept and mysteries can be
unraveled. Most important of all, it’s a general rule in legends
that forests are where one meets the unexpected. Powerful wizards
live there. Lost friends are found there. That’s also true of
Rowling’s Forbidden Forest. Voldemort’s murder of a unicorn in
Stone reveals his presence to Harry. In
Chamber, Harry and Ron follow spiders into
the Forest and meet Aragog, who tells them a little about the
monster in Hogwarts. This won’t be Harry’s last visit to the
Forest, nor his last meeting there.
See also: Centaurs Druids
Hogwarts Unicorns